This is a question for any docs or doc wanna bes out there. I had my blood chemistry profile done recently at a health fair for work and don’t know whether I should be concerned or not. Here are my stats: 36 years old, 5’7", 183 pounds, about 12-13% bodyfat, been lifting about 9 years. Here are some of my profile results:
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 6.8,
HDL 38,
LDL 200,
Total Cholesterol 260 ,
Triclycerides 109.
My resting heart rate was 60 bpm and my blood pressure was 126/75. I do 30 minutes of light cardio after each workout. Both of my parents are on medication for high cholesterol. Any thoughts?
Sure, I have thoughts. You have high cholesterol. There, that was easy. Now tell us a little about how you eat and what you eat so we can see what the problem might be or how we can help.
Sorry,tried to keep it short. I eat very clean, little to no saturated fats, lots of chicken breasts, lean hamburger, steaks, rice, beans, fruit, some vegetables, very little cheese, some dairy on weekends, maybe a couple of whole eggs a week, take flax oil, vitamin C, E, Vitex, calicum, glucosamine/chondroitan, use a protein supplement and creatine, some sweets ( I have a 12 year old).
I am not recomending this, as I am no doctor or scientist, and this may not be a reliable study, but I found this research to be interesting;
South Med J 1988 Jan;81(1):61-3 Reducing the serum cholesterol level with a diet high in animal fat. Newbold HL.
Multiple food allergies required a group of seven patients with elevated serum cholesterol levels to follow a diet in which most of the calories came from beef fat. Their diets contained no sucrose, milk, or grains. They were given nutritional supplements. This is the only group of people in recent times to follow such a diet. During the study, the patients' triglyceride levels decreased from an average of 113 mg/dl to an average of 74 mg/dl; at the same time, their serum cholesterol levels fell from an average of 263 mg/dl to an average of 189 mg/dl. At the beginning of the study, six of the patients had an average high-density lipoprotein percentage of 21%. At the end of the study, the average had risen to 32%. These findings raise an interesting question: are elevated serum cholesterol levels caused in part not by eating animal fat (an extremely "old food"), but by some factor in grains, sucrose, or milk ("new foods") that interferes with cholesterol metabolism?
Seeing as you eat fairly ‘clean’ already, I would suggest lowering your carbs a bit, or getting them more from natural sources (less grains, more vegetables). I tend to think that carbs and high insulin are more responsible for elevated cholesterol than most animal fats (though studies have shown saturated fat to raise cholesterol). If you aren’t already I would suggest supplementing with Flaxseed Oil. Of course, like I’ve mentioned before, this is no professional expertise speaking, just stuff I’ve found during independent research.
Oops, sorry, If I had been more attentive I would have noticed you already supplement with flax oil. Well, anyways, to reiterate my suggestion, keep protein high, fats (monos & omega 3’s) fairly moderate, and lower most carbs.
My doctor said at my latest physical that the latest research indicates that the harbinger of future heart disease is a low hdl/ldl ratio (under 5) and high triglycerides. You have neither. My personal experience has been that total C can be controlled by taking Udo’s Oil regularly, which has Omega 3, 6 and 9 in it, and a dose of 100mg of Niacin.
Hi Chris. I too had recent problems - a total cholesterol of 350mg/dl. Twelve weeks on a paleo style diet - plenty of meat, olive oil, flax oil, fish oil, nuts, a few eggs and a little fruit and berries, reduced it to 220mg/dl and it’s still dropping.
I got most of my dieting info from ‘The protein power life plan’ by Drs’ Eades. It contains loads of good info and is probably the most read of my many books. I urge you (and anyone interested in long term health) to buy a copy.
Finally, your numbers aren’t too bad. A few dietery modifications will have you back in ‘healthy’ range in a matter of weeks.
Thanks for the replies. AvoidsRoids, that’s the kind of info I was hoping for. I’ve heard that heavy lifting can cause an increase in Total cholesterol and that, combined with my genetics is probably causing my numbers. I feel great all the time and have a good aerobic capacity. Its just that the standard medical community gives out info to make you think twice when you see those numbers despite what you look like or are capable of.