Bloodwork Results with Some Concerns

Hey everyone, new to the trt forum and trt for that matter, for this blood test I was on 200 mg of test enanthate per week, injecting 2 times per week. I had discontinued my ai (adex) 2 weeks prior to the test to see if it was even necessary. But it turns out my doc didn’t even test for estrogen levels which really sucks but oh well I’ll definitely be getting them next time. Was also taking d-bol 1 day prior to lab test. Won’t do that again in the future.

My main concerns, and hopefully more experienced people can help me on this, are obviously my cholesterol levels are out of wack, hopefully the d-bol was a contributor to this, only time will tell.

Do you think my blood levels are elevated too much and I need to donate blood? (HCT 50.5)

The CK and myoglobin concern me also, especially the CK, not too familiar with it but seems really high, could this be due to lifting hard the day before the blood work was drawn? and or supplementing creatine 5g a day?

Prolactin is also pretty high. I’d like to get that down and hopefully it is due to estrogen being high? Again, only time will tell.

Anything else that stands out please don’t hesitate to bring to my attention, any help is greatly greatly appreciated, truth is, i trust some of the respected posters on here more than i do my doc!

WBC 9.8 (3.8-10.8)
RBC 5.79
HGB 16.4
HCT 50.5
MCV 87.2
MCH 28.2
MCHC 32.4
PLT 224
MPV 9.1

Sodium 137
potassium 4.5
chloride 102
carbon dioxide 27
glucose 87
bun 35 HIGH
creatinine 1.30
BUN/creat 26 HIGH (0.6-1.35)
calcium 9.8
protein,total 7.0
albumin 4.3
globulin 2.7
alb/glob 1.6
bill/total 0.9
alk/phos 59
ALT 65 HIGH (9-60)
AST 112 HIGH (10-40)
anion gap 13
eGFR >60

trigliceride 196 HIGH
cholesterol 248 HIGH
all of these lipids are obviously high, I had stopped taking d-bol two days prior to bloodwork so hopefully the d-bol was contributing to this…

CK 6,319 HIGH - this concerns me, what would raise it this much? (44-196)
myoglobin 518.4 (<50mcg/l)

DHEAS 423.2

TSH 3rd gen 4.447
t4 free 1.6
t3 free 4.81 HIGH - what does this mean? (2.3-4.2)
FSH <.03 LOW
prolactin 17.7 borderline high- could this be due to high estrogen levels?
testosterone total 1036 ng/dl

I don’t know much about the effects of D-bol. Add the lab ranges.

WBC is somewhat elevated meaning you might have been fighting a bug or had some low grade infection like UTI.

Your renal function does not look good, again I don’t know how d-bol contributed.

Liver values are high, could also be from sore muscles after lifting intensely + d-bol.

Cholesterol is best between 180-200 this is too high as you already know.

Thyroid is bad. T3 high could mean your body is trying hard to compensate. Not to sure though. Get a full thyroid panel.

What’s your iodine intake like? You need to use iodized salt and avoid soy.

thanks for the reply tunapancake, I posted the ranges that I could fine online, quest labs doesn’t print the ranges next to the results or atleast not on mine. T3 is elevated by .6 or so, is that pretty significant? As far as iodine goes, i eat a lot of meat, shrimp, tuna, eggs, etc.

Do you have any input on the CK values being so high? thats whats really freaking me out the most right now. I know people that weight train have higher than normal levels but could that cause them to go this high?

just remembered i did have a protein shake right before the blood test, wondering if that could have any effect on any of these out of range labs? Dying for some answers right now!!! Thanks

Liver markers are not liver specific. You need to retest everything after you’ve been off the juice for a few weeks.

Thyorid however should be retested soon. High T3 should lower TSH. You need a full thyroid panel, antibodies for hashimoto, thyoglobulin serum, and an ultrasound. You especially need an ultrasound to make sure you don’t have any cancerous cysts or nodles secreting hormones.

I’ve never heard of E2 raising prolactin in men. Where you primary or secondary hypogonad?

Generally prolactinomas throw prolactin way over the range, but an MRI to be on the safe side wont hurt.

0.5 mg of cabergoline a week would lower prolactin.

will talk to my doc about a thyroid test for sure. And for the reason I am on trt is because I was a jackass when I was 18 and ran really hard compounds as a first cycle that consisted of test, tren, and i think masteron, for 3 months. can’t even remember, really dumb i know, listened to the wrong people.

Any input on the CK?

Read the stickies, and the advice for new guys sticky that covers thyroid issues and body temperature.

E2 does not increase prolactin.

“In addition, as with other 17α-alkylated steroids, the use of methandrostenolone over extended periods of time can result in liver damage without appropriate care.”

“Dianabol has effects on the Cardiovascular system on serum cholesterol. This includes a tendency to reduce HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Garbage! You need to research what you are putting into your body!

Get recovered from d-bol and do labs later on.

Gear without AI? Whistling in the dark.

I don’t know about CK, but here is what I found Cardiac Marker Tests - procedure, blood, pain, complications, infection, heart, risk, Definition You really need to talk to a good cardiologist and clean your system of dbol.

Thyroid I can tell you some doctors will give you a hard time and argue everything is normal and not want to run more tests. If they give you a hard time about the test I mentioned, stretch it a bit tell them you have a family history of thyroid cancer. Sometimes the only way they check you is if they are scared to get sued.

Bro I just looked up Dbol and found out is an oral steroid. I don’t know crap about roids, but nobody that researches uses oral anymore. That is a recipe for liver damage. KS is right, your E2 is probably above ideal. Don’t cycle anymore your damaging your body, let yourself heal.

guys thanks for the advice, pertaning to the dbol, I wasn’t noticing any results from it, so I tapered down on my ai because dbol works because of water retention, I was only using it for 2 weeks, it started giving me crazy headaches so i discontinued. Other than the first stupid ass cycle i’ve run and the dbol those are the only things i’ve done besides testosterone. Definitely gonna get all this sorted out before doing anything else, i’m sticking to trt only for a while.
My doctor of course doesn’t know much about anastrozle or hcg. I have a feeling the anastrozle I have right now may be no good. I also need to get some hcg soon before i’m sterile… Thanks for the help so far guys.

edit: as far as body temperature goes I seem to not get cold as easily as other people and enjoy the cold weather? not sure if that has anything to do with anything but I’ll go read the sticky now.

anyone have any good credible links they can post about understanding the thyroid/bloodwork?

[quote]Tunapancake wrote:
Liver markers are not liver specific. You need to retest everything after you’ve been off the juice for a few weeks.

Thyorid however should be retested soon. High T3 should lower TSH. You need a full thyroid panel, antibodies for hashimoto, thyoglobulin serum, and an ultrasound. You especially need an ultrasound to make sure you don’t have any cancerous cysts or nodles secreting hormones.[/quote]

how soon do you think I should get it tested? I’ve read up on thyroid and it is weird that my t3 and tsh are high, contradicting eachother, so what would happen if i got retested and they both came back high again, I would have hyper and hypothyroidism??? my doctor seemed concerned about it but said we will re test in 6 weeks, kinda want to do it sooner now that i know whats up

ok so here’s the tests I will be getting done in 6 weeks, let me know of any you think i’m missing or should be added

mainly concerned about getting the right thyroid tests done, thanks

Test Reverse T3. If Reverse T3 is high then your fT3 will be rendered useless and you will be hypothyroid. This usually happens with adrenal fatigue, which makes 8am Cortisol a useful test.

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:

edit: as far as body temperature goes I seem to not get cold as easily as other people and enjoy the cold weather? not sure if that has anything to do with anything but I’ll go read the sticky now.[/quote]

Measure your temperature when you wake and mid afternoon. Use an oral thermometer. Do not be talking, drinking, eating or training before.

[quote]KSman wrote:

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:

edit: as far as body temperature goes I seem to not get cold as easily as other people and enjoy the cold weather? not sure if that has anything to do with anything but I’ll go read the sticky now.[/quote]

Measure your temperature when you wake and mid afternoon. Use an oral thermometer. Do not be talking, drinking, eating or training before.[/quote]

Thanks for the reply, and I will do that as soon as i buy a thermometer. Any generic thermometer will do?

[quote]Ptownmike wrote:
Test Reverse T3. If Reverse T3 is high then your fT3 will be rendered useless and you will be hypothyroid. This usually happens with adrenal fatigue, which makes 8am Cortisol a useful test.[/quote]

Thanks for the reply mike. I have the lab papers my doctor gave me with the ones he circled. I’ve just been circling other ones so i can get those tests done too, don’t see reverse t3 on here but am cortisol is. I’ll just circle it, hope he doesn’t get too upset about a few extra tests lol

Sometimes you have to write in RT3 on the slip. A little online research would give you the proper code for the test depending on which lab you use.

[quote]Ptownmike wrote:
Sometimes you have to write in RT3 on the slip. A little online research would give you the proper code for the test depending on which lab you use. [/quote]

just found the code online, thanks man, so what your saying in your other post is, if my rt3 is high it will make my t3 useless and that would mean I’m hypothyroid? Can you explain a little more? I’m new to this thyroid stuff, thanks