Hello. This is my first post though I’ve been frequenting this site for about a year now.
I’m a 30 year old male and recently had some bloodwork done due to low libido, low energy, feeling depressed, and loss of strength. The main things that jump out to me are the red blood cell figures and obviously low testosterone. I’ve had an mri of the pituitary to check for a tumor and it came back normal. I’ve also had a stool sample test to look for blood in the feces and it came back negative for blood. A urine sample revealed a trace of blood in my urine, however. For the past year I’ve experienced itchy hives that randomly appear on arms, chest, and back and then are gone by the next morning.
The endo I’m seeing wants me to start 6 weeks of Androgel and reassess bloodwork. She says my problems may be stress-related. Here are some numbers from my bloodtests:
WBC 4.5 (4.0-10.5)
RBC 3.77 (4.10-5.60)
Hemoglobin 12.3 (12.5-17.0)
Hematocrit 36.8 (36.0-50.0)
Platelets 197 (140-415)
Total Iron 60 (45-170)
Iron Binding Capacity 331 (250-425)
%Saturation 18 (20-50)
Vit B12 1045 (200-1100)
DHEA-S 209 (110-370)
SHBG 34 (8-48)
Total Test 142 (250-1100)
Free Test % 1.3 (1.5-2.2)
Free Test 18.5 (35-155)
LH 1.3 (1.7-11.2)
Prolactin 14.8 (3.6-16.3)
FSH 5.2 (2.1-18.6)
Cortisol 22.5 (taken at 9:00am)
Glucose 84 (65-99)
BUN 30 (5-26)
Creatinine 1.13 (0.76-1.27)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 27 (8-27)
Albumin 5.1 (3.5-5.5)
Globulin 2.0 (1.5-4.5)
A/G Ratio 2.6 (1.1-2.5)
AST 32 (0-40)
ALT 34 (0-55)
Total Cholesterol 135 ( 100-199)
Triglycerides 55 (0-149)
HDL 67 (>39)
VLDL 11 (5-40)
LDL 57 (0-99)
TSH 3.38 (0.45-4.5)
FT4 0.77 (0.56-1.61)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies <10 (<35)
Arginine Vasopressin 1.3 (1.0-13.3)
ACTH 20(7-50)
I also wake to pee frequently (every 1-1.5 hours) and pee alot during the day. Pulse is always very low, blood pressure usually is around 90/50. Frequently I’ll feel cold mid-day and temperature will read 93 degrees.
I’m in very good shape cardiovascularly, as I’ve been doing interval training for 10+ years. Have lost alot of muscle recently, most likely a function of diet. I should note for the past few months I’ve been doing a CKD type diet with only protein, fats, and veggies during the week and a carb-up on weekends. My setpoint for many years was 220 pounds and now I weigh 200 at 6-4 tall.
My calorie decrease from a regular 4000 to approx 2000 per weekday probably has something to do with this. Any other opinions are welcomed and much appreciated. Also, should I begin Androgel for a 6-week period as per the endo instructions? I’m really worried about the blood in urine, high BUN, iron measures, as well as testosterone.