Bloodwork Before 3rd Cycle

Got bloodwork as plan on 12 week Test E 400mg and Anavar 30mg cycle starting this month however I have some elevated markers. Last cycle was 2 years ago and Test E only 500mg/week. My first cycle was test prop only 10 weeks @ 400mg

GGT 69 U/L
Globulin 37 g/L

Any thoughts on dropping the oral and just run test? Wait till/if it lowers?

6’ 1”
10 years lifting
15 percent bf


do you pct or cruise?

no thoughts on dropping the oral and running test. it’s not my place to advise you about your health. only you can make those decisions.

PCT although considering a cruise after this one. Getting on…

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were you running anything for organ protection during your cycle? nac, milk thistle, tudca…

Nah, I never did orals in previous cycles. Never thought injectables impacted liver until now. Been a while since last cycle too. Not sure if it’s even related. GGT don’t seem super high but higher than ideal?