Bloodwork after 12 weeks cycle ( would like to extend to 20 weeks

Hello everyone , iam French and i will do my best to write in english. Since 12 weeks i began a test enanthate only cycle at 250 mg / week .
I am 43 years old , 110 kilos for 193 cm .
I lost fat and gained leaned muscle tissue so far .

But but but

My balls schrinked a bit
Hdl went down ( good cholestorol )
Ferritine dropped to from 160 ug / L to 50 ug / L.

I wonder if i should go on ( my plan was 20 weeks initially )

Have some Hcg and nolva but want to keep it for pct

Why do you think my hdl / ferritine droped that much ?thanks gentleman

just extend it, no harm done, i have been on 12 weeks on 800test/750deca +4week cruise(test about 400 and some deca) + fourth week now continuing 800/750 now, 12 weeks to go LEAST… combined cycle lenght is minimum of 28 week… 32 if i add mont cruise in it, and after that i continue 400mg test about 3 months, and whole thing starts again.
and i am 47 year old, bloods was good 6 weeks ago, i use abana and liv52ds to combat sides, works very well.
been doing this for years now.

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Thanks a lot for your reply ! Its my first cycle ever and i want to do things right ! Will it be though to pct after a 20 weeks cycle ? What do you think aboit my hdl values ? I started taking fish oil ! Thanks a lot ! Very inspiring ! So i guess you are blast and cruising mate ?

weird, hdl very low, and YES, start fish oil, doubledose! i have 1.9 hdl and 0,9 non hdl, doctor said that he have never seen that kind of values. all bloods good, only little elevated upper bp ~150

Great values for you mate ! I think about to reduce my test dosage to 200 mg per week , double my fish oil and do another bloodwork in 4 weeks

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Your taking test, of course your numbers are gonna be messed up. As long as things get back in line once you come off you are fine. We are not talking about years of elevated numbers here.

Don’t take HCG during PCT. Take it when your done if you really think you need it. Your 43YO, who cares if balls shrink a bit. As long as they don’t hurt i wouldn’t bother with HCG.

Thanks a lot man ! Yeah i will keep it to 20 weeks and i will do pct but i am quite disapointed with my bloodwork because i would like to go on trt one day and my dosage are not crazy ( 250 mg per week is not a lot )

Typical trt is gonna be in the 120-180mg range.

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I dropped to 125 mg test every 5 days .
Libido crashed a bit ( no morning wood anymore )
Any suggestion ?

You need time for your body to adjust. It could take a few months for your body to reach homeostasis after you make a change.

Yes i am still looking for my sweet spot ! Felt good at the beginning at 250 mg / week ( 1 injection ) but libido decreased at week 6 so i gone up to 500 / week for 2 weeks ( but i didnt felt good , to much for me i guess ) …
Trying 125 mg every 5 days ( monday /saturday ) and respect my diet ( 2800 calories ) and supp my self with fish oil / multivitamin and iron.
Feel good so far , a bit less energy but its ok .

You kind of need to pick a dose and stick with it. Your not going to know in a week how you will feel in a month.
If it were me i would do 125mg on monday and 125mg on thursday. It’s much easier to remember the same days every week then trying to remember what day was 5 days ago when you did your shot. Just my 2c.

Yes absolutely i will do 100 mg monday and 100 mg thursday for extended period ( already 12 weeks in but i can go to 24 weeks for ex ) and do my bloodwork every month . If bad values , pct and stop.