Blood Results Back, Thinking 400mg Test C

These are my results back from Optimale, as i felt both my free T and Total T are below the lower range, explains a lot of how ive been feeling for at least a year or more, pretty all low test symptoms i have.

What are the other readings? SHBG is a sex hormone? Lower is better?

So obviously im now lookking to kickstart on Test cypinate 400mg per week, coupled with Arimidex alongside it.

That’ll do to start with?

Have you attempted to do anything to fix those numbers? Improve your sleep, improve your diet, improve your training, reduce stress, etc.? I would do that before committing to pinning for life.

That’s a decent first cycle dosage, or a cruise for an IFBB pro lol. It will not kickstart your natural testosterone production, if that’s what you are asking. It will also put you well above the top of the range for both free and total T in all likelihood. If that is your goal then send it. If you just want “normal” numbers, then start with something like 100mg per week. Your SHBG is low, so I THINK that means more frequent injections will be better, but I will defer to more knowledgeable users there.

You also did not mention PCT, so I assume you are going to stay on forever? If so then lowering the dosage might be a prudent thing to do.

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I do sleep ok, not 8hrs unless a weekend, work isnt stressful nor home life, i train 7 days a week, 5 weights, 2 active recovery. My diet is spot on no junk, no alcohol at all, losing weight atm slowly.

My thoughts was not only due to symptoms but also to go on test etc, long term, ive trained over 10 years now naturally, although past 2 years sporadically due to covid etc, but solid again last 5 months.

I wanted to go the next step and create a really good strong physique, so in a way the low results are only spurring me on.

A blast n cruise is where my heads thinking, not interested in PCT cycles. My understanding is if i want my balls/sperm to remain i can use HCG.

That’ll do for what? TRT? No. A cycle? Sure, see no issue there.

Do you do 150mins of cardio at 140-150HR a week?

I currently do 2x week conditioning work for 20min each, and daily 45min liss at roughly 120bpm

Ok so bacially none.
Id start with that.

I notice very huge decline in libido and energy when i start to skip cardio.

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You need more comprehensive labwork. Repeat the labs with FSH/LH and E2 to ascertain your baseline and determine if your secondary or primary hypo. Your SHBG is fine, its best to be mid range IMO when administering external test.

Absolutely not. Tell us more about yourself with age etc. IMO you should seek out TRT and spend the first 6 months dialing yourself in. Once dialed in, reap the benefits for a full year minimum.

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