Blood Clots and TRT, cut and paste info, along with multiple edits and you too can be an eloquent internet Scientist/Researcher. In all fairness you had a medical emergency that scared you and you want an answer as to what caused it. That is understandable, but Im with the Hematologist who is not ready to give you a real diagnosis. The tests simply dont point towards your warning. Even you know that being hydrated is key to lowering HCT throughout the day. So Im sorry you were in the hospital, I just dont believe TRT is what caused it. Did you get the J&J shot out of curiosity?

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Haha. Good one. So if that’s all it takes then what’s your excuse?

In reality, to be a good Internet Scientist/Researcher it doesn’t hurt to actually be a real scientist/researcher. Don’t be so lazy, pick up your game since according to your hypothesis all you need is the tools you mention above and some initiative!

I realize I’m not going to win on here with some of you even though I try to spend the time to get my facts straight. But of course that’s not why I spend the time. I’ll leave it to you to keep trying to look cool like the guy who wanted me to write his essay in high school. You can’t even agree with me when I specifically stated above I agree with you. Peace out and loving kindness back at you.

No worries, I’m not here to impress you. Hey, hold on, you edited your post. You can’t do that! :slight_smile:

This is one and done cool school freestyle, right?

Glad I am having an impact.

I decided to remove my post. Its going to be a back and forth thing. Not worth it. Keep doing your thing playboy.

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Thanks for agreeing to agree. I agree, let’s not clog up this very serious topic. You sure are into namecalling and labeling.

I rest my case. You’re definitely a child with a thesaurus. If you had used College instead of High School as an example then perhaps Id be more inclined to believe that you are as intelligent as you pretend to be. I
Dont care if we agree. Pretentious people irk me no matter what. That’s my fault.

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College, who went to college? I’m actually an AI trying to get my anabolic machine learning up to speed. Clearly I need to work on my human interface as I’m not convincing you too well. Thanks for the feedback.

Seriously though, best wishes and loving kindness to you and all others on their journey. I’m sure we will get there eventually.