Hey, I’m a 14 year old athlete who’s recently taken up lifting in the hopes of getting faster, strong and able to jump higher.
Today was my first day on the WS4SB III as written by Joe Defranco.
My main goals are are a 36" vertical leap and a one arm pull up
Stats: Height 5’5" Weight 55kg ish 9.3% body fat (caliper test)
These are all 1RM
Bench: 40kg
OHP: 30kg
Deadlift: 72.5kg
Squat: 65kg
Chin up: BW+18kg (73kg)
My bench is pretty terrible compared to my pull up, need to work on that, but seeing as my current goal is the OAP my first 3 weeks of WS4SB my ME upper exercise will be chin ups. I’ll alternate with Bench next cycle (week 4-6).
ME upper
Chin ups work up to max set of 3
Max 14KGx3 (PR)
DB 2xFailure (15-20 reps)
14kg Dumbbells x 17, 15
Lat/rear delt Superset x 3
DB row 20kg x 12,10,10
Seated DB Clean 6kg x 10,9,8
Dumbbell Shrugs
16kg x 14,12,12,10
Reverse Curl
8kg x 8,6
Dumbbell Curl
10kg x 8,7
My long term plan is to go through a 6 or 10 week cycle on WS4SB, I’ll stay on for the whole 10 weeks if I get good gains/if my gym allows squatting again/when I get my power rack at home.
Dynamic Effort Lower Day, fun fun fun
Broad Jump 12x3
average about 7’6"
Bulgarian split squat with front leg elevated for added ROM
12kg dumbbells 3x 9,7,7 per leg
DB Romanian Deadlift
25kg dumbbells 3x 9,7,6
Hanging leg raise
4x 12,10,10,8
Hamstrings/Glutes are completely fried from todays workout, haven’t had to hobble around like this for a while
Woke up and weighed myself today, 58.2kg and as lean as I’ve been, yay.
Major DOMS in my glutes and hams today, can’t wait for tomorrow’s session, hoping to set some PRs on the pull ups
Today’s workout was good, but I tweaked my shoulder :(.
Dumbbell bench press
18kg each x3x7,4,5
Pull up
13.125kgx4x3 these were supposed to be the whole pull up workout but I felt good and went for a pr
20kgx1 PR over 1/3 my bodyweight, yay
barbell overhead press
20kgx4x12,8,10,6 MY SHOULDERS ARE WEAK
seated dumbbell clean
my shoulder tweaked so I left them
DB shrug
16kg dumbbellx3x12,10,10
supersetted with
BB curl
Yesterdays Workout went well, I deadlifted for the first time at it went pretty well
3x80kg 3RM
1x85kg tried for this, probably could have gotten 3 on 82.5kg but I skipped it. Next week I’m going Snatch grip deads
Bulgarian Split Squat
14kg dumbbells (28kg total)
weird numbers but fun and painful none the less
Romanian Deadlift
I felt like chinning today, I set some crazy PRs
Pull ups
2x3+10kg easy, warm up
Chin ups
2x3+12kg easy, warm up
Chin ups
1x27.5kg (7.25kg/16ish pound pr)
.5x30kg got this to 90 degrees
I held the 90 degree position on all of these for 5-10 seconds, fun fun fun. I’m gonna get 30kg on monday, that will be half my bodyweight attached to me.