Every time I’m injecting and then pull the pin out, theres always a little blood that ‘leaks’ out of the injection site. Sometimes its a teeny weeny bit, but sometimes its a fair-sized glob of blood that I have to wipe away. Maybe its to do with me not holding the syringe steady while I inject (Im using 25’s, so it takes a long time).
I was wondering, and maybe im paranoid, but does anybody have any idea if I would be loosing actual steroid from the bleeding at the injection site?
possible…very unlikely. make sure your’re aspirating. try holding the pin in the site for 5 seconds or so after pushing the oil in and removing the needle very quickly and applying alcohol swab on top directly after.
What are the length of your pins and what site are you injecting into
I read an article of Cy Willson’s about this, and he said yes, you will lose a very small amount of the steroid when you bleed.
The solution for this is when you are pulling out the needle, pull the skin to the side so it forms a seal over the hole. As long as you didn’t hit any vessels or veins there will be no bleeding.
This happens with some frequency to me, I usually engage in ED injecting cycles, so I feel its somewhat inevitable. I have never had a problem, just like Game said make sure you aspirate.
If you don’t see oil drops in the blood coming out then no steroid is being lost.
I don’t know whether the body changes in how it responds or whether it’s runs of luck. Sometimes I’ll frequently have a few drops of blood even from insulin needles, while at other times go weeks between that happening.
[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
What about Z tracking? Does anyone do that? I’ve tried it once, messed up, and decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
How did you mess up?[/quote]
I slid the skin over (way too much apparently) stuck the pin in and when I let go of my skin it moved back into place and took the needle with it. The needle was on a 45 degree angle to my leg.
I didn’t think it was a good idea to finish the injection like that so I took it out and did it normally. Nothing bad happened and I now know to only move move the skin slightly.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
What about Z tracking? Does anyone do that? I’ve tried it once, messed up, and decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
How did you mess up?
I slid the skin over (way too much apparently) stuck the pin in and when I let go of my skin it moved back into place and took the needle with it. The needle was on a 45 degree angle to my leg.
I didn’t think it was a good idea to finish the injection like that so I took it out and did it normally. Nothing bad happened and I now know to only move move the skin slightly. [/quote]
Hey, I’m not the only one that screwed that one up! same injection sight too.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Willith wrote:
GGlife wrote:
Guess I don’t have to lose any sleep worrying that my hard-won test is all going to waste then lol
Game-over: I’m using 1’ 25s (my pharmacy was out of 1.5’ at the time), injecting ventroglute
Just curious what your bf% is. I’m planning on using 1" 25g on ventroglute as well, but didn’t know if that’d be long enough.
My bf% right now is around 14-15%.
Regardless of what you bodyfat is you should be using 1.5" pins in glutes and quads. You will in fact know it when you havent injected deep enough.
Good thing I’m not injecting into my glute then…it’s my VENTROglute
is it just me or does the amount of pain felt while sliding the needle into the muscle reflects if you’re hitting a vein? its happened a few times for me where i try to inject, but the pain gets too much to handle so i pull out and sure enough, it bleeds like mad from the spot. at other times its painless and nothing more than a small drop or two comes out after pinning. i’ve only done quad shots so far by the way.
Just go nice and slow, it’s easier if you use your delts. Because you can stand up and see what you are doing in the mirror. Have a kleenex or alcohol pad ready to wipe.
Delts are easy to see alright, but you can only use one hand to aspirate and inject often causing more trauma to the site for those that don’t yet have the knack.
I love quad injections they are very nice to me, and Bones my actual bro does the whole Z sliding thing and he swears by it, but I believe your suppose to keep the skin pulled over until you pull the pin out but I might be remembering wrong.