BLD's Training Log

I have been a long time reader of logs and articles on this site. Finally decided to put a log up again and maintain some consistency with it, I hope. I have largely follow 531 based programs over the past few years.

Currently I am looking to add some muscle mass via increasing training volume, and therefore I am currently running a BBB based program, 4 days a week.

My main lifts are superset with a jump or a throw, supplemental work is performed in a circuit fashion via a version of 531 where an exercise is performed on the minute every minute.

This is the first week following a reset of my training maxes and the start of a new leader phase.

Here is what this weeks worth of training looks like so far.

Oct 12
Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 270 x 5, 310 x 5, 355 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB Squat x 10 reps - 270lb
Dips x 10 reps - 50lb
Inc Curls x 10 reps - 25’s

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps/bw

Stair Stepper
10 “sprints” x 15s
15 mins total

Oct 13
Weight Vest Walk 100lb x 4km
Stretch x 10 mins

Oct 14
Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Inclines - 150 x 5, 175 x 5, 195 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
CG Inclines x 10 reps
DB Split Squats x 6 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 5 reps - 50lb

Pushdowns/Pull-aparts - 4 sets x 25 reps each

Run x 15 mins
3.5km total

Oct 15
Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 300 x 5, 345 x 5, 390 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 300lb
Decline Push-ups x 10 reps - green band
Inverted Rows x 15 reps - bw

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps - bw

Stair Stepper x 15 mins total
10 “sprints” x 15s throughout

Oct 16
Stair Stepper x 30 mins
Stretch x 10 mins

Oct 17
Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Trap Bar Press - 90 x 5, 100 x 5, 115 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TB Press x 10 reps - 90lb
KB Swings x 10 reps - 88lb
BB Rows x 10 reps - 155lb

Laterals/Face Pulls - 4 sets x 15 reps each

Run x 15 mins
3.6km total

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Got in another weight vest walk yesterday afternoon, slowly increasing the distance with these, the traps and upper back definitely feel it by the time I am done.

Oct 17
Weight Vest Walk x 4.25km/100lb

Oct 18
Weight Vest Walk x 4km/100lb
Stretch x 10 mins

Oct 19

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 290 x 5, 330 x 5, 375 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB Squat x 10 reps - 290lb
Dips x 11 reps - 50lb
Inc Curls x 11 reps - 25’s

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps/bw

Stair Stepper x 15 mins total
10 “sprints” x 15s

Working on adding a rep a round to the assistance work throughout the squat day circuit. The last round of SSB squats was the best set overall, really trying to focus on maintaining a solid brace throughout.

Oct 20

Weight Vest Walk x 4km/100lb

Oct 21

Warm-up - Skip/bw work/Jumps

Inclines - 160 x 5, 185 x 5, 205 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
Inclines x 10 reps - 160lb
DB Split Squats x 6 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 6 reps - 50lb

Pushdowns/Pull-aparts x 100 reps each

Run x 15 mins total

Top set did not move as well as I would have liked, and the first half of the run was slow going. Likely need to increase calories further, but I will gauge based on how the rest of the week plays out.

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Oct 22

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 320 x 5, 375 x 5, 415 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 320lb
Decline Push-ups x 11 reps - green band
Inverted Rows x 11 reps - bw

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps - bw

Stair Stepper x 15 mins total
10 “sprints” x 15s

It looks like next week I will be getting into some heavier weights (for me) for supplemental work/volume on the SSB and TBDL, looking forward to getting it done.

Oct 23
Stepper x 30 mins

Oct 24

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Trap Bar Press - 95 x 5, 110 x 5, 120 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TB Press x 10 reps - 95lb
KB Swings x 11 reps - 88lb
BB Rows x 11 reps - 155lb

Laterals/Face Pulls - 3 sets x 15 reps

Run x 10 mins

Last set of trap bar press on the supplemental work was a bit of a grind, but happy with my brace through the first 3 sets.

Cut total run time down to 10 minutes at a moderate pace. In the past I have found I am able to maintain a decent running base for what I want with about 10 minutes worth of consistent work 2-4/times a week. Since pushing supplemental volume is the current goal, running will continue to be consistency based for 10 mins give or take.

Oct 25

Weight Vest Walk
4.4km x 100lb

Oct 26

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 310 x 5, 355 x 5 , 395 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB x 10 reps - 310lb
Dips x 12 reps - 50lb
Inc Curls x 12 reps - 25’s

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps - bw

Stepper x 15 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

The supplemental work was definitely a grind towards the end, but with the SSB thats to be expected. The circuit is performed with an exercise on the minute every minute and therefore 5 rounds takes 15 minutes. Today I took an extra minute break after each round, taking 20 minutes total. Still a decent amount of volume within a 20 minute session.

Oct 27

Weight Vest Walk
4.4km x 100lb

Oct 28

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Inclines - 175 x 5, 195 x 5, 220 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
Inclines x 10 reps - 175lb
DB Split Squats x 6 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 7 reps - 50lb

Pushdowns/Pull-aparts x 100 reps

Run x 10 mins

Top set seemed slow yet again but found a good groove through the supplemental work.

Oct 29

Warm-up - Skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 345 x 5, 390 x 5, 435 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 345lb
Decline Push-ups x 12 reps - green band
Inverted Rows x 12 reps - bw

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 17 reps - bw

Stepper x 15 mins total
10 “sprints” x 15s

Everything seemed to move surprisingly well today, taking the extra minute in between rounds of the circuit is beneficial as far as focus and form goes with the heavier supplemental work. Adding an extra minute between rounds does reduce the conditioning aspect of the circuit, but I suppose that is alright since that is not the current goal.

Oct 30

Warm-up - Skip/bw work/Jumps

Trap Bar Press - 100 x 5, 115 x 5, 130 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TB Press x 10 reps - 100lb
KB Swings x 12 reps - 88lb
BB Rows x 12 reps - 155lb

Laterals/Face Pull - 3 sets x 15 reps

Airdyne x 10 mins
3.65 miles

Oct 31

Weight Vest Walk
5km x 100lb

Nov 1
Run x 10 mins - 2.5km
Walk x 20 mins - 1.5km

Cycle 2

Week 4

Nov 2

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 275 x 5, 320 x 5, 360 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB x 10 reps - 275lb
Dips x 13 reps - 50lb
Inc Curls x 13 reps - 25’s

Rollouts - 3 sets x 18 reps - bw
HLR - 3 sets x 10 reps - bw

Stepper x 15 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

Dropped the minute of extra rest after the circuit today with regrouping back to lighter supplemental weights.

Nov 3

Weight Vest Walk
5km x 100lb

Nov 4

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Inclines - 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 200 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
Inclines x 10 reps - 155lb
DB Split Squats x 8 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 8,8,8,8,5 - 50lb

Pushdowns/Pull-aparts - 3 sets each

Run x 10 mins

Nov 5

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 305 x 5, 355 x 5, 400 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 305lb
Decline Pusb-ups x 13 reps - green band
Inverted Rows x 13 reps - bw

HLR - 3 sets x 10 reps
Rollouts - 3 sets x 18 reps

Stepper x 15 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

Nov 6

Stepper x 30 mins
Airdyne x 5 mins

Nov 7

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Trap Bar Press - 90 x 5, 105 x 5, 120 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TB Press x 10 reps - 90lb
KB Swings x 13 reps - 88lb
BB Rows x 10 reps - 165lb

Laterals/Face Pulls - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

Run x 10 mins
2.42 km

Doing alright overall, TBDL’s feel good with the higher volume supplemental work, another few weeks left of this leader.

Nov 8

Weight Vest Walk
3 miles x 100lb

Week 5

Nov 9

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 300 x 5, 340 x 5, 385 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB x 10 reps - 300lb
Dips x 20 reps - bw
Inc Curls x 15 reps - 25’s

HLR - 3 sets x 10 reps - bw
Rollouts - 3 sets x 18 reps - bw

Stepper x 15 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

Nov 10

Weight Vest Walk
3 miles x 100lb

Trying to figure out the best way forward for my anchor over the next few weeks. The last few anchors have been similar and have worked well, and a very basic. Maybe it’s time to change things up, but it always comes back to “if it’s not broken don’t fix it”. If I do make changes, they should be small changes, which ends up for not much of a change. Anyways I can’t complain things are going well.

Nov 11

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Inclines - 165 x 5, 190 x 5, 210 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
Inclines x 10 reps - 165lb
DB Split Squats x 8 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 12 reps - bw

Pushdowns/Pull-aparts x 100 reps

Stepper x 10 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

Nov 12

Warm-up skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 330 x 5, 375 x 5, 425 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 330lb
Decline Push-ups x 14 reps - gb
Inverted Rows x 14 reps - bw

HLR - 3 sets x 10 reps
Rollouts - 3 sets x 18 reps

Run x 2.7km/12 mins
Airdyne x 5 mins

Nov 13

Stepper x 20 mins
Airdyne x 10 mins

Nov 14

Warm-up - skip/bw work/jumps

Trap Bar Press - 100 x 5, 110 x 5, 125 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TB Press x 10 reps - 100lb
KB Swings x 14 reps - 88lb
BB Rows x 11 reps - 165lb

Laterals/Face Pulls x 50/75 reps each

Run x 10 mins

Nov 15

Airdyne x 30 mins
Skip x 5 mins

Week 6

Nov 16

Warm-up - skip/bw work/throws

Squat - 320 x 5, 360 x 5, 405 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
SSB x 10 reps - 320lb
Dips x 20 reps - bw
Inc Curls x 12 reps - 25’s

HLR - 3 sets x 10 reps
Rollouts - 3 sets x 18 reps

Stepper x 15 mins
10 “sprints” x 15s

Everything felt slow and heavy today, but got all the work in that was required. Still trying to decide on my next anchor, should keep it simple and stick to the plan, since it has worked in the past.

Nov 17

Weight Vest Walk
4.4km x 100lb

Nov 18

Warm-up - Skip/bw work/jumps

Inclines - 175 x 5, 200 x 5, 225 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
Inclines x 10 reps - 175lb
DB Split Squats x 8 reps - 45’s
Pull-ups x 12 reps - bw

Pull-aparts/Pushdowns - 5 sets x 20 reps each

Run x 2.7km
13:00 mins

Nov 19

Weight Vest Walk
4.4km x 100lb

Nov 20

Warm-up - Skip/bw work/throws

TBDL - 355 x 5, 400 x 5, 445 x 5
Circuit x 5 rounds
TBDL x 10 reps - 355lb
Decline Push-ups x 10 reps - gb
Inverted Rows x 10 reps - bw

HLR/Rollouts - 3 sets x 10/18 reps - bw

Airdyne x 15 mins
5 miles

Form got a little sloppy towards the end of this, pulled back on the assistance during the circuit, and to make sure I got the goal of the 5 x 10 with FSL completed. One more session to go for this second leader cycle.