Blast Portable Blender by Ninja

Blast Portable Blender

Finally, a cordless blender that works! This personal-size blender is rechargeable and blasts through ice and frozen foods. It’s great for making creamy protein shakes when you’re travelling, in the office, or even in the car.

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My wife got me one of these and I’m a big fan! Great for making some frosty Metabolic Drive shakes in the summer.


Definitely works better than the Thunder Mixer! Come on, who else had one? It worked about half as well as a spoon! :grinning:

Glad to see Ninja making a real one!


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Your issue was that you weren’t use the FULL system.

You needed to use the Thunder Mixer to blend up the Pasta Mania


Which you would eat after crushing the workout in the Hulkamania kit!

EDIT: Oh my goodness I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole here. I just found this as well
