Just saw it. I liked the abundant webslinging and the inclusion of the Green Goblin in action. Very good stuff indeed. This movie shows a lot of promise. What did you think?
Oops, I meant what did you think, Patricia?
Just watched the brand new Spider-Man trailer online. And all I have to say is: OH MY GOD!!! May 2nd, cannot get here fast enough.
Demo: did you catch it yet?
My last two posts in this thread should speak for themselves. I hope this movie CRUSHES it’s competition.
I think my last response anwered your question! Hey, we might go see LoTR:FoTR again this weekend - want to catch that li’l montage of the The Two Towers at the end. AND the DVD of LoTR:FoTR will be released this August (a two disk set) and the SE version to be released in November (4-disk set, includes extra footage, bringing the movie up to 3.5 hours!). Just a li’l FYI. I personally loved the movie.
Oh and the SE DVD of Legend will be released this MAY! Ridley Scott finally got it together! I've pre-ordered our copy.
Tim Curry’s make-up job was stunning, even for today. Absolutely stunning. Do you know if that was a Rick Baker creation? Seems like he was the most likely guy when it was filmed.
On Legend: I’ll have to check that when I get home. I think you’re right. Yeah, the make up was spectacular. I really like Legend. Even though it’s not Ridley’s best.
Speaking of Rick Baker, we got the An American Werewolf in London DVD. THAT'S special stuff. Next werewolf movie: The Howling in DVD. We got the video, but man, I want the DVD! (Best line: "I wanna give you a piece of my mind...." proceeds to pull bullet out of his head...and yes, I know who the actor is....the former Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager).
Demo: ooops, it wasn’t Rick Baker who did the makeup FX in Legend. But Rob Bottin. He also did Total Recall. Which I like very much, too. Hmmm, that’d be a cool one to watch tonight as I’m falling asleep…
Legend is one of my favorite movies of all time. Is it just me or was the soundtrack for the movie absolutely perfect? Just had to put my two cents in.
Here’s what I could figure out about Blade 2’s plot.
Wesley Snipes was Blade. And man, was he PISSED!!
Kris Kristofferson played a great grumpy old man too.
It was silver. i just downloaded it and watched it. yous was right.
Ummmmm actually Iron doc was right. So that makes you wrong again. Braahahahaha. Just kidding man.
Patricia, I was reading the info for Blade 2 off of imdb and the summary did not seem to fit the movie. But the summary given does seem to fit the description that you gave for Blade 3. Check out imdb if you have any free time and tell us what you think. Thanks.
Ryan: checked it out. And indeed, the synopsis provided for Blade 2 is the current plot for Blade 3. Wierd. I wonder why they did that? But once you hit the “more” link, the full plot of Blade 2 is the correct one. Equally wierd.
Spider-Man update: Some cool stuff indeed "down-under" for a Spider-Man Press Party. The entire cast and Sam Raimi was present. Sam Raimi announced he has signed on for a sequel. Ooooh, good days ahead for us movie-geeks. Yippeeee!
Blade 2 rocked… but I actually thought Brotherhood of the Wolf was better. That’s one of my favorite movies now, and I didn’t think many people on here had a chance to see it, since it was only playing in selected theatres.
The bomb had silver nitrate in it, in the first Blade, the mace was made with garlic AND silver nitrate.
I was impressed with Kris Kristoffersen’s performance in the movie. It’s a mystery how a country singer who wrote songs for Elvis, Janis Joplin, and Jonnie Cash would wind up in a movie where he hunts vapires. Pretty cool!