Blacks & Sweet Pototoes

I’m white and I can’t stand Mayo… It gives me the heebie geebies

And I love sweet potatoes, while I was on vacation last year I stopped by a diner that made sweet potato fries and I loved them too. Now and again when I need a fried food fix I’ll make some up. They’re tasty.

Sweet Potatoes, not just the orange stuff you put under marshmallows anymore!

[quote]sMorri wrote:
I never got the whole white people loving mayo thing…I rarely use it. I mean, being an Italian, pretty much anything that mayo would be used for I use EV Olive Oil. Am I missing something here?[/quote]

It’s more of a southern thing than a white thing. Mayo sandwiches are rather popular with lower class southern folks (yes I am from the south)

Ever hear Chris Rocks “black people -vs- #iggers” skit. He references it there.


[quote]Professor X wrote:
BostonBarrister wrote:

Again, not a great question, and very naive in terms of nutritional knowledge, as well as many simplistic assumptions, but no need for name calling – especially with racist names.

It would seem that almost no one took this post seriously. Besides, BB…I would have thought you could have pulled out at least 3 references from your ass to back this up.[/quote]

I was mostly responding to the “you stupid mongoloid fuck” line.

Sweet potatoes, watermelon and fried chicken are not the reasons why American blacks dominate sports. Its because only American blacks are smart enough to figure out that if you mix the lemon kool-aid with the red kool-aid, it makes the red taste better. I think it causes some kind of dual-stage carb release or something. White folks are wasteful and dumb. They either throw away all the lemon packets or gag it down without mixing it with another flavor.

However, the combination of sweet potatoes and pork does enhance performance. After all, Okinawans eat a lot of sweet potatoes and pork. And, as evidenced in “The Karate Kid” and “Kill Bill Vol. 1”, the combination causes Okinawans to know secret karate techniques and makes them really good at making samurai swords.

Aww, isn’t that cute, a Republican defending racism.

[quote]downintucson wrote:
Sweet potatoes, watermelon and fried chicken are not the reasons why American blacks dominate sports. Its because only American blacks are smart enough to figure out that if you mix the lemon kool-aid with the red kool-aid, it makes the red taste better. I think it causes some kind of dual-stage carb release or something.

LMFAO. Thats one of the funniest things I have ever read.

  1. Dual Stage carb release… FUCK you learned our secret.

2)(The above) So Stop Hatin…

[quote]Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I have noticed that when I eat watermelons and fried chicken, I can lift televisions a lot easier.

How odd. I find that after I play hockey, my vertical leap in basketball decreases by 2 feet.[/quote]

Goddamn I can’t stop laughing!

Hey Prof. X,
If you can skate there might be an opening in the N.H.L. real soon. You’d be damn good on defense. Skate around and check the crap out of people for a few million a year. Not a bad deal!

I like sweet potatoes too, maybe that’s why my weener is so big!

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Hey Prof. X,
If you can skate there might be an opening in the N.H.L. real soon. You’d be damn good on defense. Skate around and check the crap out of people for a few million a year. Not a bad deal![/quote]

Are you implying that an American black in the NHL would not bother to develop the puck-handling skills of a Wayne Gretzky, but would only skate around trying to…oh wait, Ced the Entertainer already explained that in “The Kings of Comedy.”
Never mind.

Sorry, I didn’t mean “The Kings”, I meant “The Kangs.” Filmed in Shawlit, not Charlotte.

It is my belief/theory that African Amercians (in general) have a higher ration of fast twitch muscle fibers as well as higher testosterone leveles than other races.

This makes them naturally superior in explosive events/sports.

Anyone have take on this?

I chalk up my massive strength gains and vertical leap ability to my taste for Ribs!

Prof X on skates might get me watching the NHL again…whenever they start playing that is.

[quote]fedorov91 wrote:
It is my belief/theory that African Amercians (in general) have a higher ration of fast twitch muscle fibers as well as higher testosterone leveles than other races.

This makes them naturally superior in explosive events/sports.

Anyone have take on this?[/quote]

No, man - I think it’s because whitey has one less muscle in their hammies. And i think blacks have an extra rib, or something, too.

This is OBVIOUSLY an experiment to prove that the dumbest questions get the most responses. I for one, will not give in!

P.S. your all acting like idiots. Stop wasting so much time.

[quote]mertdawg wrote:
This is OBVIOUSLY an experiment to prove that the dumbest questions get the most responses. I for one, will not give in![/quote]

C’mon mertdawg - you know you have at least one stereo-type floating around in your head that you want to post.

just let it go, man. let it go.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
C’mon mertdawg - you know you have at least one stereo-type floating around in your head that you want to post.

just let it go, man. let it go.


Whos you talkin 'bout Rainjack?

I’m from Vancouver (no black population to speak of), and my family is Finnish, so I grew up never having any idea what “soul food” was.

Then I lived in the US for a couple of years and checked it out.

All I know is that mac’n’cheese, fried chicken, collards, BBQ, and sweet potato pie is Y-U-M-M-Y! Shit, it’s all so delicious that if I grew up with this stuff on my plate on a regular basis I probably would have wound up looking like the white Fat Albert.

Some thoughts on stereotypes…

True story…my Mom was a waitress all her life…she said her white customers ordered FAR more watermelon, fried chicken and collards than her black customers…!

DAMN, Prof!

You mean the the Biochem and Anatomy classes you and I went through would have been a lot easier just by slappin’ some MAYO on our watermelon???

(I’m PISSED!!!)
