Blackberry - Tech Help

This is a pretty specific question, but I figure this site draws people from all over. I have been looking at the Blackberry for wireless email and was curious if anyone was using it. If so, do you have to have MS Exchange or can you use it with POP3 email. Do you need a Blackberry server?

Like I said, a little technical, but worth the 15 seconds to type the question. Thanks.

hey maverick,
u can use a pop3. you don’t need a server. everything filters via the blackberry web client. i think the rim is an awesome device for email.

Only got to play with a blackberry once at a tradeshow I was presenting in… computer nerds normally go to any technical booth to show off toys, and I was helping the owner out by setting up wireless throughout the system… Anyways, definitely a nice little device though. Encrypted through the roof, so secure as can be.

That’s not much help on your question though, is it?