"Maybe we can replace the word black with wonderful. Then the term “black hole” would become “wonderful hole” and “black crayon” would become “wonderful crayon”. " wonderful_person’s Blog
Wow - dumb, but predictable in a world where we have characters desperate to find racism everywhere they look. James Taranto had this to say:
[i]This odd story from the Dallas Morning News caught our eye:
County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.
Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.
Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."
We had never heard of a “white hole,” so we wondered if Price knew something we didn’t. And it turns out, according to this Web page at Cornell, there is such a thing as a white hole, but only in theory:
A white hole is something which probably cannot exist in the real universe. A white hole will turn up in your mathematics if you explore the space-time around a black hole without including the star which made the black hole (ie. there is absolutely no matter in the solution). Once you add any matter to the space-time, the part which included a white hole disappears. . . .
A white hole is pretty much like an “anti-black hole.” A black hole is a place where matter can be lost from the universe. A white hole is a place where (if it could exist with any matter in it–which it can’t) matter would pop out into the universe.
In other words, black holes suck. This of course was Mayfield’s point: The central collections office is a “black hole” because paperwork goes in and disappears. It would be a “white hole” if instead it spewed papers out.
So how could Price have gotten this so wrong? Maybe it’s not his fault. Maybe the Texas Legislature is just niggardly when it comes to funding science education.[/i]
Note his reference to the “niggardly” flap from a few years ago when a public official used the word and someone damned him as a “racist”.
niggardly - 1. Grudging and petty in giving or spending. 2. Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip.
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs �?? partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington
I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.
Booker T Washington
Whats really sad is that in the eyes of alot of black people (I say black because I’m not an AFRICAN-AMERICAN because I’m not from Africa, I was born in Wash. D.C.) I’m considered to be a “sellout” because I dont follow the status quo.
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs �?? partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington
[quote]jawara wrote:
(I say black because I’m not an AFRICAN-AMERICAN because I’m not from Africa, I was born in Wash. D.C.)[/quote]
I know you mean well, but this kind of statement also makes life difficult for everyone.
I can’t count the number of times I have heard “don’t say African American, I wasn’t born in Africa,” right before or after hearing someone else say “don’t say black! Your shirt is black, I’m brown!” or something similar.
I don’t think you meant it this way, but it is another way of controlling the vocabulary and keeping outsiders on the defensive.
Worse, it looks legitimate because it seems to show that the person raising the objection has considered the term more critically than the person using it, despite the fact that the term was chosen precisely because it is conventional and generally accepted, and therefore should be neutral enough not to cause offense.
[quote]jawara wrote:
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs �?? partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington[/quote]
A good example of this are those who call for reperations for slavery. This idea is poison to the black community because it isn’t ever going to happen. Taunting people with that gives them a false hope that someone is going to come along and rescue them from their difficulties.
What is really called for is a leader to come along and say “Fuck em, the crackers put us into this mess but they sure as hell aren’t going to get us out. We have to do this ourselves”.
Here is a fact. Amongst immigrant groups who come to the United States every year, the group with the highest percentage of college graduates is Africans. This same trend isn’t repeated amongst Americans.
There are segments of the African American community where being educated and able to hold a conversation using correct grammer is seen as being a traitor to their race. I have a girlfriend who used to get spit on and beat up everyday till she dropped out of school because she “talked like she be white”.
Putting an end to looking upon displays intellect as a betrayal of their race would do way more for the community than reperations ever would. Besides the lower ones level of education the lower of an ability they have to manage money.
Look at Mike Tyson he earned over a hundred million dollars but now he’s broke. That money was wasted on a Mike Tyson just like reperations would be. A Cornel West on the other hand could have done a huge amount of good for a lot of people with that kind of money. The hood is full of Mike Tyson wannabe’s but not too many DR. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON wannabe’s.
So I feel you Jawara, I’ve seen it myself.
[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
"Maybe we can replace the word black with wonderful. Then the term “black hole” would become “wonderful hole” and “black crayon” would become “wonderful crayon”. " wonderful_person’s Blog
Why don’t we/they just quite refering to them/themselves as black? That would solve all these types of things. We/they could call them/themselves brown, or dark brown, or tinted. Then we could just change one thing instead of everthing else that contains the word black. Or maybe we could just put ‘good’ or ‘fantastic’ in front of black when we refer to black people. So it would be “hey…who’s the fantasticblack guy that was in the movie we saw last night?”
[quote]Sifu wrote:
A good example of this are those who call for reperations for slavery. This idea is poison to the black community because it isn’t ever going to happen. Taunting people with that gives them a false hope that someone is going to come along and rescue them from their difficulties.
As an Irish man I would like to see this happen. That means that my people and the chinese will right behind them for some cash. The mexicans will probably be ahead of us though. We took a shitload of their country. Ah shit, we probably have to pay the germans for shit treaty we allowed after WWII. Who else, the Japanese probaby.
Now, we came over here on our own. America didn’t steal any of our land (I waiting on reperations from Britain) and we weren’t slaves persay, but there were plenty of “no irish” signs in New York when we came over. They (not anyone alive today, just they) treated us miserably while we built the railroads. Now, I’ve only seen these signs in black and white photographs or in movies, and I don’t think anyone that put them up is still around, but I should still get something. I think $50 would probalby bring my self respect back.
I haven’t figured this all out yet but if the Brits pays the us, then we can pay the blacks, the chinese, the irish, and the mexicans. Fuck the germans, they are just going to have pay the Jews and half of Europe. Fuck the indians they already have casinos. I am still trying to figure out how we can arrange payment from romans to the christians, from the muslims to the Jews, persians, paegans, and Christians. Maybe the Christians, Jews, and Muslims can pay on behalf of God to the gays (decendants of the sodomites). The bible said they all died, butt (joke) I’m not so sure.
All we need the are the blacks to get it started.
[quote]dhickey wrote:
Sifu wrote:
A good example of this are those who call for reperations for slavery. This idea is poison to the black community because it isn’t ever going to happen. Taunting people with that gives them a false hope that someone is going to come along and rescue them from their difficulties.
As an Irish man I would like to see this happen. That means that my people and the chinese will right behind them for some cash. The mexicans will probably be ahead of us though. We took a shitload of their country. Ah shit, we probably have to pay the germans for shit treaty we allowed after WWII. Who else, the Japanese probaby.
Now, we came over here on our own. America didn’t steal any of our land (I waiting on reperations from Britain) and we weren’t slaves persay, but there were plenty of “no irish” signs in New York when we came over. They (not anyone alive today, just they) treated us miserably while we built the railroads. Now, I’ve only seen these signs in black and white photographs or in movies, and I don’t think anyone that put them up is still around, but I should still get something. I think $50 would probalby bring my self respect back.
I haven’t figured this all out yet but if the Brits pays the us, then we can pay the blacks, the chinese, the irish, and the mexicans. Fuck the germans, they are just going to have pay the Jews and half of Europe. Fuck the indians they already have casinos. I am still trying to figure out how we can arrange payment from romans to the christians, from the muslims to the Jews, persians, paegans, and Christians. Maybe the Christians, Jews, and Muslims can pay on behalf of God to the gays (decendants of the sodomites). The bible said they all died, butt (joke) I’m not so sure.
All we need the are the blacks to get it started.[/quote]
That one got a chuckle out of me.
[quote]Sifu wrote:
jawara wrote:
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs �?? partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington
A good example of this are those who call for reperations for slavery. This idea is poison to the black community because it isn’t ever going to happen. Taunting people with that gives them a false hope that someone is going to come along and rescue them from their difficulties.
What is really called for is a leader to come along and say “Fuck em, the crackers put us into this mess but they sure as hell aren’t going to get us out. We have to do this ourselves”.
Here is a fact. Amongst immigrant groups who come to the United States every year, the group with the highest percentage of college graduates is Africans. This same trend isn’t repeated amongst Americans.
There are segments of the African American community where being educated and able to hold a conversation using correct grammer is seen as being a traitor to their race. I have a girlfriend who used to get spit on and beat up everyday till she dropped out of school because she “talked like she be white”.
Putting an end to looking upon displays intellect as a betrayal of their race would do way more for the community than reperations ever would. Besides the lower ones level of education the lower of an ability they have to manage money.
Look at Mike Tyson he earned over a hundred million dollars but now he’s broke. That money was wasted on a Mike Tyson just like reperations would be. A Cornel West on the other hand could have done a huge amount of good for a lot of people with that kind of money. The hood is full of Mike Tyson wannabe’s but not too many DR. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON wannabe’s.
So I feel you Jawara, I’ve seen it myself.[/quote]
You are so right.Ghetto Blacks always gave shit about “bein white” because I dont speak in ebonics. I look at it like this I have a good job, a paid off mini van, and a mutual fund thats doing great. I’ve never been to jail, and dont have any kids outside of wedlock.What alos really gets me is the dirty looks I get from black women because my wife is white, but when I was single I was a “sellout”. Oh and I got where I am on my own.
[quote]jawara wrote:
You are so right.Ghetto Blacks always gave shit about “bein white” because I dont speak in ebonics. I look at it like this I have a good job, a paid off mini van, and a mutual fund thats doing great. I’ve never been to jail, and dont have any kids outside of wedlock.What alos really gets me is the dirty looks I get from black women because my wife is white, but when I was single I was a “sellout”. Oh and I got where I am on my own.[/quote]
Great B. T. Washington quote! You might want to read “Winning the Race” by John McWhorter (he’s black). He writes about the history of the black ghetto and essentially shows that what we consider to be its standard ills are a product of the 1960’s and 1970’s and are now essentially subsidized in Federal programs. A very interesting and thoughtful read.
One abbreviated anecdote. I got maimed at one point. Yip., maimed by severe osteoarthritis of the hip. For several years I was handicapped. Eventually I ended up get an experimental bit of surgery and did recover (I ended up on the national news, had articles done in the New York Times, etc., so this is actually quite an interesting story in its own right.) The point though is that as an adult, I found myself suddenly in the middle of identity politics and a slew of other issues. This opened my eyes to how pernicious all of that is and how dehumanizing it is. It became very clear to me how completely bigoted such a system is in that it systematically assumes inferiority. I had worked for quite a bit making a life for myself and that was ignored or dismissed.
A comment also about reparations. People who promote them really don’t understand what would happen if they were adopted: It would mean that slavery has a price tag and the whites would consider the whole deal done. Expect to see all affirmative action repealed as well as a removal of such things from the law books as hate crimes. If conservatives ever start hopping on the reparations bandwagon (and you’ll need them to pass it), it is definitely time to abandon it.
FWIW all I really care about with people is whether their mommy raised them right, viz., if they are kind, sympathetic and interested in the world around them. Everything else (race, religion, sexual orientation etc., etc., ad nauseam ad infinitum) is really just cocktail party chit-chat.
Full of shit as usual,
– jj
[quote]jj-dude wrote:
A comment also about reparations. People who promote them really don’t understand what would happen if they were adopted: It would mean that slavery has a price tag and the whites would consider the whole deal done. Expect to see all affirmative action repealed as well as a removal of such things from the law books as hate crimes. If conservatives ever start hopping on the reparations bandwagon (and you’ll need them to pass it), it is definitely time to abandon it. [/quote]
Hey, I’d kick in a hundred bucks if I never had to hear about the issue again. Otherwise, what would be the point of “reparations?”
But we all know it wouldn’t work that way, because affirmative action is not a form of reparations, it is supposed to correct existing deficiencies in the system (institutional racism as well as individual).
[quote]nephorm wrote:
Hey, I’d kick in a hundred bucks if I never had to hear about the issue again. Otherwise, what would be the point of “reparations?”
But we all know it wouldn’t work that way, because affirmative action is not a form of reparations, it is supposed to correct existing deficiencies in the system (institutional racism as well as individual). [/quote]
Ah, but the proposals I’ve heard run into tens of thousands of dollars per person. How will you feel to pay $25k over the next 3 years for reparations and be told that all those newly rich black kids still need massive financial aid and special admission standards to go to college? Nobody will sign off on reparations under those conditions.
FWIW (correct me if I’m wrong), roughly 1 in 6 blacks lives at the poverty level, so around 85% of blacks are middle class or above. The percentage of blacks on welfare is higher than that of other groups, but in actual figures, the number of whites dwarfs them.
– jj
This John Wiley price lives just around the corner from my house and I can tell you for a fact. He knows what he does is wrong, but he feels it brings much needed attention to the black community.
It bugs the beejeezees out of me, Jawara hit right on the head.
[quote]jre67t wrote:
This John Wiley price lives just around the corner from my house and I can tell you for a fact. He knows what he does is wrong, but he feels it brings much needed attention to the black community.
It bugs the beejeezees out of me, Jawara hit right on the head.[/quote]
It is the wrong kind of attention.
No question black people have gotten the shit end of the stick for hundreds of years but when some idiot complains about something like this it makes me wonder if all the real problems have been fixed so he has to pull crap like this instead of highlighting real issues.
The vulture media doesn’t help either.
[quote]Sifu wrote:
There are segments of the African American community where being educated and able to hold a conversation using correct grammer is seen as being a traitor to their race. I have a girlfriend who used to get spit on and beat up everyday till she dropped out of school because she “talked like she be white”.
Putting an end to looking upon displays intellect as a betrayal of their race would do way more for the community than reperations ever would. Besides the lower ones level of education the lower of an ability they have to manage money.
Building anti-intellectualism into a culture ensures that racism will endure. Since people like Jesse Jackson gain/keep power from white reaction to such, it is for this reason that Jesse wanted to ‘cut off Barack’s nuts’ —it threatens his power.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Building anti-intellectualism into a culture ensures that racism will endure. Since people like Jesse Jackson gain/keep power from white reaction to such, it is for this reason that Jesse wanted to ‘cut off Barack’s nuts’ —it threatens his power.
That’s JJ is quickly becoming a joke. Did anyone catch Conan’s sketch on this last night. Fucking hilarious.
Even Rev. Al is cooling his approach a bit. Just a bit though. He probably still hates Jews.
Who would be responsible for reparations? Surely not a people from a country that wasn’t even around yet. Would they bill Arabs and other African tribes as well? What about indentured Caucasian servants?
Chase them down because they should get a piece of the pie, too. Spain and Portugal were huge players in slavery too and should not go uninvited to the reparations party.
Slavery was and still is a horrible thing. But what is the way to handle it from now on?