Finally back in. Friday I tweaked the shit out of my back moving a washer machine. Literally hurt to walk for a couple days, followed by being sick for days and still feel like shit but thought maybe some sweat would make me feel better. Gunna do what I can today
25 mins on the bike. Gunna hit a little chest
Incline dbs
45s x 12
45s x 10
65s x 8
75s x 12
75s x 10
Db flys
100 x 15
130 x 10
145 x 8
Feel like death. Got a little something in at least
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Was super busy, but got some good cardio in yesterday with a 9 minute 5k. My discipline has been slackin lately so today we starting the 75hard.
Peck deck flys to warm up
85 x 12
85 x 15
85 x 10
100 x 8
Incline dbs
45s x 12
60s x 8
Top sets let’s get it
75s x 14
75s x 12 good reps so far, one more set
75s x 10
Flat dbs
75s x 10
75s x 13 good set here, one more
75s x 12
Low cable flys
17.5 x 17
20.5 x 12 or 13
19, want higher reps x 14
Mid cable flys
17.5 x 10
27.5 x 10
Close grip tri push downs
42.5 x 12
57.5 x 12
65 x 10
57.5 x 11 or 12
Got some cardio in on a short 2 mile run. Energy levels were low yesterday so did what I could. Been working a shit ton and just been tired but still got something in. Getting it today though
Shoulders with some other stuff is the plan. Starting with some DB stuff
Db shoulder press
35s x 15
front and sides x 5 each x 20s
35s x 8
Front and sides x 5 each x 20s
55s x 6
70s x 10
70s x 7
Front raises and side raises super set
25s x 15
30s x 8 drop to 25s x 7
30s x 9 drop to 25s x 5 more
20s x 15
25s x 9 drop to 20s x 8 more
25s x 9 20s x 4
Db shoulder presses with cpl light front raises sets
35s x 15
50s x 10
60s x 6
70s x 10
75s x 8 drop to 60s for x 6 more
Last top set
70s x 5 super heavy.
Fronts and sides supered (second sets)
25s x 12
20s x 10
30s x 12
30s x 13 or 14