Biros' Road to Leanness



Chest day let’s get it

Flat dbs
40s x 10
40s x 10
85s x 8
110s x 12
120s x 9. After the 8th one I knew I was getting stuck in the whole. Good set there though.
120s x 6 fighting magnets on these for sure

Incline dbs
65s x 8 for motion
95s x 6
85s x 10
One more set
85s x 8
Good sets and reps here.

Db pull overs
75 x 10
90 x 10

Tried set of 130 peck deck but it fuckin wrecks my shoulder

Mid cable flys
60 x 12
60 x 12

Low cable flys
27.5 x 12
27.5 x 9

Finishing with cardio. Hit some abs inbetween my sets. Good workout today. Got rid of the weekend cob webs.


Hittin the legs today. Starting different though, with a cpl accessory movements before squats. Will
Come back after to hit for a few more heavier sets.

Leg ext
100 x 15
100 x 12
160 x 12

Leg curls
130 x12
130 x 10
130 x 5

135 x 9
135 x 6
225 x 4
275 x 2
315 x 8
I will say my knees feel MUCH better. They don’t feel like they’re getting crushed.
335 x 6 these felt strong
365 x 3 good reps. Shit always just compresses my lower back.
Drop to 225 for failure set
225 x 10

Leg press 3-4x of 10-12
5 pps x 12
6 pps x 9 gunna drop a plate. These are rough on the knees right now. I sound like a broken record when I do legs.
5 pps x 12

Leg press 3x10-12
160 x 12
175 x 12
Idk if it was the pasta I ate last night or if it’s the eaas I’ve drank this working but, feeling good.
190 x 7

Leg ext
160 x 12
175 x 12
190 x 10

Cardio. PHEW.


Back and bis day. Switching up the order of things. Gunna start with a cpl sets of light lat pull downs just to get warm, then to pull ups.

105 x 18
105 x 12

Pull ups
Wide x 8
Wide x 5
Narrow x 6 1/2
Narrow x 5

Bent over rows
135 x 8
225 x 6
275 x 8
275 x 8
Good row sets here. Feeling great today.

Bent over rows
55s x 10
85s x 7
65s x 11

Hammer curls
30s x 12
40s x 9
40s x 7

Concentration curls
35s x 9 def tweaked my left shoulder during something today.
Switching to super set preacher curl machine and peck deck rear delt flys

70 x 14
85 x 10
85 x 9

70 x 15
100 x 12
100 x 10

Finishing with some cardio. Wow what a badass workout today. Feeing great. Got decently good sleep last night, cold shower this morning at the end of my regular shower, and the EAAs made for a good one today.


Was out of town for the day yesterday so didn’t get in. Feeling fresh today so gunna hit some good dead lifts

Warm up on leg curl machine. Few light sets with squeeze and pauses

135 x 8
135 x 8
225 x 6
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
Top sets
455 x 5 I had good momentum and then I stopped to regather. Shouldn’t have, def had 1 more maybe 2 fuck.
455 x 5 ok ok.
One more set
405 x 3

135 x 6
225 x 3
315 x 7 fuck these are tough. Just straps no belt.
315 x 6 or 7 1/2
315 x 7 1/2

Leg curls
130 x 12
130 x 10 few reps of higher weight but it was ass form too heavy atm
130 x 13

Pull ups
7, 5, 5

Finishing with some cardio on the bike. Really good day today in the gym.


National tit day. Starting with incline

Incline db press
40s x 12
40s x 12
65s x 6
95s x 8

Switching to flat. This shit kills my shoulder when I’m putting it up. Fml

Flat dbs
85s x 10
120s x 9 slowed right down at 7 and pumped out 2 more real good set
120s x 8
Drop to 110s for 1 more good set
110s x 8

Mid cable flys
60 x 12
60 x 12
50 x 10

Peck deck flys
115 x10
115 x 8 really focusing o. The squeeze at the top. Can’t stretch at the bottom like I like to though.
115 x 12 good pump going right now.

Low cable flys
22.5 x 10
27.5 x 7 drop to 22.5 x 5
22.5 x 10

Gunna finish with cardio and then a few sets of push ups. Got some ab sets inbetween everything also. Good workout today. After playing golf on Saturday I can really feel my shoulder today.


Smashin some legs today. Gunna get a few light sets of leg ext and leg curls In to start then Hittin squats

70 x 12
85 x 12
85 x 10

70 x 12
85 x 12

135 x 10
135 x 8
225 x 6
275 x 1
315 x 8
335 x 6
365 x 2 fuck this was heavy. I got 3 last week. Gunna do one more set. Need to get at least 1 more rep somewhere
365 x 1
Drop to 225 for a failure set x 8

Leg press trying to beat each set by at least 1 rep from lat week
5 pps x 13
6 pps x 10
6 pps x 3.

Leg ext
130 x 15
170 x 15
190 x 15 todays gunna suck

130 x 12
Really focusing on slow eccentrics with squeeze at the top
160 x 12

Finishing with 10-15 on the bike. Legs hurt


Feeling a little sore. Gunna hit back and bis today.

Warm up on lat pull downs
105 x 15
120 x 12

Pull ups
Narrow x 10 let’s go. Best set so far
Narrow x 10 wow ok.
Narrow x 9 or 10

Chest support rows
55s x 10
85s x 8 or 9
85s x 7

Bent over rows
135 x 12
225 x 8
225 x 10
275 x 6

Hammer curls
30s x 10
40s x 9
40s x 8

Rope curls
60 x 12
80 x 10 decent reps
70 x

Peck deck rear delt flys
70 x -5
100 x 10

Finishing with cardio.


Let’s go dead lift day. Took a lot to get down here today but after a little motivation video I’m ready to go and fired up

Warm up on leg curls
70 x a lot
85 x 12

135 x 10
135 x 8
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
455 x 6 let’s go one more than last week
455 x 3
Drop to 405 x 8
405 x 3 that’s it. Fuck

135 x 6
225 x 5
Gunna finish with cardio. I’m happy with what I got done for deadlifts today though.


Friday I woke up sick with some stomache bug. Killed me all weekend. Feeling better today so happy to be back. Hitting chest today

Flat dbs
40s x 12
40s x 12
85s x 8
120s x 10 good reps, one more than last week on it too.
120s x 7 went for 8th but died. Good reps here. Beat last weeks by 1 each set. Finishing with one more.
120s x 5 that last one was a magnet

Peck deck flys
115 x 10 I can’t go full ROM on the stretch so I get a good 1-2 second squeeze at the top
130 x 8
130 x 8

Low cable flys
22.5 x 12 really focusing on the mind muscle connection
27.5 x 9
24 x 13


Db pull overs
80 x 10-12 I lost track
90 x 11
95 x 6

Couple sets of light incline dbs for some good rep
65 x 8 really slow going down and same going up
65 x 8

20 mins of cardio on bike, abs


Feeling great. Gunna hit some dead’s and hammy work

Warming up with a cpl sets of light leg curls and ext to get blood moving

135 x 10
135 x 6
225 x 5
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
Top sets
455 x think it was 6
455 x 5 good reps here. Gunna drop to 405 for a final. Beat last sessions reps though
405 x 6 good reps
One last set
315 x 5

135 x 6
225 x 3

Leg curls
130 x 13
145 x 8

15 mins cardio. These deadlifts suck the life out of me. Got some good reps in today.


Gunna hit some shoulders today. Starting with some db shoulder press, will hit some abs and cardio at the end too. Feeling great today

Db shoulder press
35s x 13
40s x 10
55s x 10 not gunna go super heavy on these they hurt the shoulder pretty bad
55s x 10 working real slow going down and back up. Makes a difference for sure

Front raises
25s x 10 real slow with hold at the top
30s x 10
30s x 12

Db shoulder shrugs and side raises super
95s x 13
95s x 14
95s x 13 grip gives out good squeezes though

Side raises
25s x 12
30s x 12
30s x 10 or 11

Face pulls
70 x 15
100 x 14
100 x 15

Finishing with cardio on the bike. Got some good abs in. Good workout today.

Thursday. Gunna have to be a quick session today. Might get some fast legs In. Couple sets of leg ext and leg curls to warm up then to squats

135 x 8
135 x 8
225 x 5 my form feels off. Gunna get a cpl more of this
225 x 3 much better.
275 x 1
Gunna do top sets of 315 for reps
315 x 8 good strong reps
315 x 5

Leg press
4 pps x 17
5 pps x 12
5 pps x 10
5 pps x 8

Leg ext
130 x 15
160 x 13
160 x 8

Calf raises inbetween
100 x 15
100 x 13

Good leg day. I only had about 45 mins so I moved quick. Feel real good though

My body’s feelin it today!! Let’s get it

Friday back and bis, starting with back

Lat pull downs light to get movin
105 x 12
105 x 12

Bent over rows
135 x 10 really slow and controlled
135 x 8
225 x 10
225 x 10
275 x 6

Pull ups
Narrow grip x 6
Wide grip x 6
Narrow x 5

Peck deck rear delts
100 x 12
115 x 10
115 x 10


Rope curls
60 x 13
80 x 12
80 x 12

Preacher curls
85 x 8
70 x 10
85 x 8

Starting abs inbetween bicep sets

Db curls
25s x 12
30s x 10
35s x 10

Hammer curls
35s x 9
35s x 8
30s x 10

Finishing with some cardio on the bike. Good workout today for sure. Got a lot more done than I was expecting to.


Starting the week with some chest today. Feeling good after a decent weekend. Gotta get back to the higher rep ranges that I kinda of got away from. Working that today

Flat dbs
40s x 15
45s x 12
85s x 8
Wanna get to the 12-15 for the 110s today
110s x 12
110s x 12 1/2
110s x 9 1/2. Magnet got strong on the last one

Incline dbs
55s x 10 for motion
85s x 9
85s x 6 feel good til about halfway thru.
85s x 6 decent reps but I keep getting stuck in the whole on this one

Peck deck flys
115 x 14
130 x 10
130 x 10
One more set
130 x 11

Low cable flys
22.5 x 12
24 x 12
27.5 x 5 22.5 x 5

Hammer strength iso chest
2 pps x 11
2 pps x 10
2 pps x 10good pump to finish off. Getting 20 mins of cardio in on the bike. Good workout today.


Hitting dead’s today. Some hammy work, rdls etc

135 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 6
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
Top sets
455 x 5 went for 6 but only got it off the ground. Good set
455 x 5
One last set of this to beat last week. Once I hit that 5 I’m toast
455 x 1. Lol
Drop to 405 for a few
405 x 3

225 x 8
275 x 8

Leg curls
130 x 15
145 x 12
145 x 10
145 x

Db Goblets & abs
80 x 10
85 x 2

Cardio on bike. Hams are spent.

Wednesday. Won’t be in tomorrow since I gotta go out of town. Hitting a good back and bis day today. No headphones so start bizness today

Pull ups
Narrow x 8
Narrow x 7
Wide x 6 or 7
Narrow x 6
Wide x 4

Narrow grip t row
135 x 12
150 x 13
165 x 12
165 x 8

Lat pull downs gunna do rotate narrow and wide starting narrow
135 x 12 or 13
150 x 11
150 x 6

Hammer curls
30s x 12
35s x 10

Preacher curls
70 x 12
70 x 9
70 x 10

Cardio and AB’s. Decent workout. Def fatigued from yesterday. Got some good back stuff in though.

Thursday. Wasn’t gunna be in today since I was suppose to be out of town, but here I am. Hitting some shoulders and chest a little bit

Flat db press, really focused on slow controlled reps
35s x 12
55s x 11
85s x 10
110s x 11 good reps.
110s x 10

Front raises and abs
25s x 10
35s x 6 30s for 2 more

Db shrugs
95s x 12

Gunna hit cardio. Something is better than nothing today.


Legs! Let’s go. Some light warm up sets on leg curls and ext. every set I do today I’m shooting for at least 10 reps,

70 x 15
70 x 12
70 x 12

85 x 15
85 x 12

Squats, not gunna go super heavy but lot of reps today
135 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 12
275 x 3

In need to learn to take a rest day during week. It’s affecting my workouts where the quality of them just sucks. Mon-tues-wed are good and then Thursday and Friday are usually sluggish with no energy. Fuckin a

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Post #1000 today! Pretty crazy to have been this dedicated to logging. Years of workouts logged is pretty wild to see the ups and downs from the pat few years. Let’s get it with a chest day today

Monday hitting chest today and shoulders

Starting with some incline db, probably won’t go too high

Incline db press
40s x 12
45s x 12
85s x 12 these always feel fine, going to 95s fuckin kills my shoulder
95s x 6 shit jus kills in getting it up into position. 85s aren’t like that but those are. Gunna stick with those for one more
85s x 10

Flat dbs
85s x 9
95s x 9
95s x 8 these got tough pretty fast. Good reps tho for after doing inclines

Peck deck
115 x 10
115 x 10
130 x 8
One more, not satisfied with these sets
115 x 10

Low cable flys getting higher rep sets in here
22.5 x 14
22.5 x 14
24 x 8

Front raises
25s x 10
30s x 12
25s x 12

Finishing with some cardio on the bike. Good day today