Huh, didn’t know this. I might have to drop it down in that case, I don’t want to stall any earlier than I have to. Although it’s possible I might have gotten fewer reps than normal because I had to do slow eccentrics that day - had to be quiet that workout lol. That being said I don’t know if that fact alone is enough to drop my performance significantly below normal levels. If it is, then I’ll just be sure to do the reps at normal speed next time - otherwise I’ll drop my TM to 85% of 1RM and see how it goes.
Definitely. Such a great way to get in some extra pulling volume, and you can super easily drop set by moving your feet in.
Don’t panic or make any changes now. IF you don’t get all 5 reps in two weeks - then its not like you wasted the month. You are still running a good programme. Its just a tad too heavy. So yeah finish the month and then go for the 1+
Something to consider:
On the 3rd week you do 5 reps at 75% and 3 at 85%. So you should be fresher for 95% set.
Also - I always say start too light with 531. People worry that the weights are too low to make progress. They wont be. Just work that + set all out and it is self policing. The intensity will be there. No one ever said - “Wow - that max set of 13 dead lifts was easy”
Ok, I’ve got two workouts to report, but also some thoughts and ideas that I want to mention regarding how I’m going so far, which I will probably add later.
First workout to report on.
Warmup: 20kgx8
Set 1: 35x5 (5 @65%)
Set 2: 40.5x5 (5 @75%)
Set 3: 46x6 (5+ @85%). Yep, another slightly low rep count.
FSL sets: 35x5x5 (5x5 FSL @65%)
Warmup: 20kgx15, 40x5
Set 1: 56x5 (5 @65%)
Set 2: 64.5x5 (5 @75%)
Set 3: 73x7 (5+ @85%). Another lower rep count than would be ideal.
FSL sets: 56x5x5 (5x5 FSL @65%)
Note - some suspicious sensations in my right hand during the squats, like a sort of pins and needles/tingling thing. Think it’s a nerve thing, it’s happened before but yeah. Gotta figure something out there I think. Also, I swear my quads were asleep, I only felt the squats in the glutes. Really irritating. I have some ideas on that though so I’ll have a think and report back.
Have also slightly injured my shoulder, don’t know how. Yeah it’s been an unlucky few days haha. As I mentioned, I have a few thoughts, some of which I’ve mentioned in my workout reports for this week, that I need to collate together and report on properly. I’ll do that as soon as I have the chance.
I have carpel tunnel. I get numb hands in squats. I have to be carful how much phone time I allow myself and how I type. If I’m mindful of this (just going slower and being more supported) and to goes away.
I should probably explain that the last week or so has been very quiet here on the log because I’ve been super busy with exams. The rest of the year probably won’t look any better to be honest, it’s gonna be a hard grind probably till the end of November. So my apologies in advance if I don’t post as often as usual. On the bright side, I’ll have way more time after that haha.
To save time, I’ll post pictures of my paper log for the last few workouts (four to report this time). See below. And apologies in advance for the illegibility lol.
Rep numbers on a little on the low side on the PR set once again. I may well have to lower the training max a little. I’ll write some thoughts on that and other things after I’m done with the workout reports.
My dip rep numbers seem to be decreasing. That may be down to the fact that I’m doing them with better technique and more control. At least I hope that’s why. Also, I need to get my chin up count up. I plan to experiment with doing some more ‘grease the groove‘ type work throughout the day.
Some additional points: I’ve edited my assistance work slightly to simplify things, so I’m now doing the same set of exercises every single workout. Included in that is some proper, direct arm work, because I really need to bring up my arms. Also I like arm work. In addition, I’m planning to start adding some weighted walks as cardio on off days - sports have been cancelled again because of covid, so I need some conditioning work. But I will need to improvise a weighted vest.
As far as the cut is going, things are looking not too shabby. Waist is down almost an inch or so, and weight has decreased by about two pounds or thereabouts. Perhaps mostly water and bloat etc., but clearly I’m not getting fatter. Also, I’ve started tracking my protein intake. With the addition of a whey supplement, I’m aiming for 1 gram per pound - more if I can, but it’s a little tricky given that I have to eat what food I’m given. Still I’m able to get close to that figure pretty much most days. So on the whole, it’s going well.
Warmup 60kgx5
Set 1: 88.5x5 (5 @75%)
Set 2: 100.5x3 (3 @85%)
Set 3: 112x5 (1+ @95%) (might have miscounted but pretty sure this was 5)
FSL: 88.5x5x5 (5x5 FSL @75%)
Superset - dips 7, 6, 5 with chins 5, 4, 3
Superset - decline pushups with inverted rows (2 rounds)
Pullovers, 2 sets
Superset - BB curls and BB PJR pullovers, with weighted situps
I’ve lately been becoming tempted by some shiny training stuff online… check out this 4-week biceps blast by Coach Thib at the start of this article Thib's Quick Tricks. Half an inch on the arms in 4 weeks? Man, I could do with some of that. Curls for the girls, right? And half an inch on the arms would take me well within striking distance of the 16-inch mark too! Tempting indeed. But I get the feeling someone’s going to tell me to snap out of my reverie and leave it, and keep my head down and work at what I’ve got. Still, what do you guys think?
My golden rule is (especially for smaller guys) is there is no need to do direct bicep work until you can do 10 pull ups. Its not hard and fast. for example - I’m a bigger guy (106kg) and a bit taller (183cm). So you can knock a 3-4 reps off that. But if you’re looking for good arm size - get a good at pull ups. Doing pull ups every work out as you are WILL add some arm size.
Once you can do 10 pull ups - then start the direct arm work.
Also how tall are you? Or more accurately - how long are your arms? If you have short arms you need less direct arm work.