Biggest Guy in Class: How to Rebuild a Monolith

Hey @tinkertailortanker, just went on a quick read through your log, good stuff man.

While I’m not nearly as experienced as the two gentlemen you tagged, I may have another option for you. During the last transformation challenge I ran Paul Carter’s guaranteed muscle mass (with a couple of tweaks due to not having access to dbs and machines). I ran it for about 2 1/2 months, and lost some fat while staying at the same bodyweight, and I hit a few PRs.

If you find a hard program that you can recover from, while eating at maintenance, you can achieve both goals.

The thing that I liked about GMM is that I made it so I can compensate the weights if I’m having a bad day, or a good day. On the main movement he has you work up to 85% 1RM, and then do volume after, which he calls an overwarmup set. I used the overwarmups as a gauge as to what the rest of the day was going to look like weights-wise. I treated it as a heavyish single… not an all out max but something that was challenging for one rep.

So, in a nutshell, another option would be eating at maint, doing a program that you can push hard when you feel good, or back off when you don’t. The caveat is that you really have to be honest with yourself and really push, not just half ass it.

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@T3hPwnisher @carlbm @boilerman thank you all, I really appreciate the guidance. When I have some free time tonight, I’ll sit down and have a good look at everything you guys have recommended, and figure out a solid plan. I have a lot of reading and thinking to do! Will report back here then.

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Once again, we begin with a workout. Since I’m going to be starting a new program very soon, I decided to just cock about instead of doing an actual workout… ended up with a PR.

61x1 (PR, by 1kg but still a PR. A grind to get up though.)
62x0 (nope)
30x8 (wide grip)
20x10 (wide grip)

Tabata front squats, 4 mins.


Now, about my forthcoming cut…

@T3hPwnisher @carlbm @boilerman I reckon I like the sound of 5/3/1. I think I’ll save Guaranteed Muscle Mass for a later mass phase, and also I don’t have all the necessary equipment, so I’d rather do it 100% properly at a later date if I run it.

My only objection to 5/3/1 is that you have to start really light and progress really slowly. That might be too much for my fragile teenage male ego to handle, but I think Jim Wendler knows what he’s talking about.

Is there anything 5/3/1 isn’t good for? Bulking, cutting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, advanced guys, intermediate guys, beginners, off-season athletes, on-season athletes… I think it’s about time I run this and saw what all the fuss is about.

After this, I’m thinking Super Squats, maybe, and then back to some mass-gaining version of 5/3/1, but I’ll decide for certain when I finish this cut.

So 5/3/1 it is. But which 5/3/1 am I meant to do? There’s about a bazillion different versions haha.

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Start here. Its the simplest version.

He does know what he’s talking about.

Something to consider - your ego should not just be tied to “1 rep max” tie it to your 5 rep max. And that is what 531 is trying to do. Every 4 weeks - on the +1 week you try and set a new 5 rep max. Because if you can’t move the +1 weight for 5 reps - you stay on that 4 week cycle.

I took this approach. The proceeding workouts were prep for the +1 week and made great progress.

This template took my dead lift from a 150kgx5 to 170x10 in months.


531 is always a great choice man! Do you have any of the books?

I’ve only run a couple of the 531 templates, and am doing one right now. PR sets are great as @carlbm mentioned.

I still find myself wondering why the weights are “light” on paper, but it makes sense. Submax work really allows you to push those PR sets like crazy and hit rep PRs week to week. If you write out a year of 531, you’ll see that your TM can go up near 100lb for lower body and 50lb for upper… that’s not even your 1RM… that is working weight!! Kind of crazy to think about.

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It’s because 5/3/1 is a programming system, rather than a specific program. It’s adaptable to goals. It’s one of the best approaches to base building out there for that reason.

For weight gain, I’d go 5/3/1 BBB Beefcake or 5/3/1 Building the Monolith. You could run both too: I’d start with Beefcake, deload, then BtM. That’ll be 12 intense weeks of training and eating.


Listen to this dude. Knows what he is talking about.

I ran 5/3/1 several times and it works PERFECTLY if you follow it as designed. Its an extremely easy-to-follow program and will deliver, hands down.

Wendler has been through the trenches and knows his shit.

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I have a dubiously sourced PDF version of some sort, but I’m looking to buy an actual copy. If I’m not mistaken I believe 5/3/1 2nd edition is the one to start with?

That’s thoroughly impressive. Clearly this thing works, haha!

Sounds great. Hopefully that’ll put a bit of mass on me.

100%. I’ve been reading his “Blood and Chalk” articles here on T-Nation and I’m very impressed with his philosophy.

Also, one more question for you guys before I have everything I need - which assistance work plug-in is best for my cut? BBB and BtM are obviously for a mass building phase and I’ll get buried if I try it while dieting, right? So do I do the Triumvirate as outlined in that T-Nation article? Or is there another one I should do?

Triumvirate or 5x5 First Set Last w/50 reps of push, 50 reps of pull and 50 reps single leg/core per day.

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I appreciate all the guidance man.

I’ve decided to run FSL, since I don’t have any machines or proper DBs, so I’d be hard-pressed to do the Triumvirate properly. And I like the look of FSL.

From what I understand, the workout should look like this:

Day 1: Squat

Day 2: Bench

Day 3: OFF

Day 4: Deadlift

Day 5: OFF

Day 6: Press

Day 7: OFF


Week 1 –

Set 1: 65% x 5

Set 2: 75% x 5

Set 3: 85% x 5+

FSL: 5x5 @ 65%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 2 –

Set 1: 70% x 3

Set 2: 80% x 3

Set 3: 90% x 3+

FSL: 5x5 @ 70%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 3 –

Set 1: 75% x 5

Set 2: 85% x 3

Set 3: 95% x 1+

FSL: 5x5 @ 75%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 4 (deload) –

Set 1: 40% x 5

Set 2: 50% x 5

Set 3: 60% x 5

FSL: 5x5 @ 40%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Add 5 lbs (2.5kg) to Training Max for bench press and OHP, add 10lbs (5 kg) to Training Max for squat and deadlift. Recalculate percentages based off new Training Max.
Repeat process until you look like Arnold.

50 push/50 pull/50 abs setup:

Squat day:
Push - dips, feet elevated pushups
Pull - chins, curls
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Bench day:
Push - dips, skullcrusher
Pull - chins, barbell row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Deadlift day:
Push - dips, feet elevated pushups
Pull - chins, inverted row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Press day:
Push - dips, skullcrusher
Pull - chins, inverted row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Clarifications: I believe I am correct in assuming that the FSL 5x5 sets are just hitting the prescribed reps, not going to failure or pushing for a rep max, while “+” sets are PR sets, pushed as far as possible? And I assume the exact breakdown of the push/pull/abs doesn’t matter too much as long as I just do something for each category?

Hopefully everything is in order, and it’s not a complete mess!

You no longer need to deload every 4th week unless you’re feeling really beat up. Jim has most folks train 2 cycles in a row before deloading (or, these days, using the 7th week protocol from Forever, which is just a bunch of different approaches to a deload).

You have the correct interpretation of the FSL sets and the PR sets. Same with the assistance work.

The specific schedule of the lifts isn’t too important. I tend to run all 4 days together just due to my life’s demands. But how you have it laid out will work.

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Brilliant. So run 3 week cycle, increase training max, run another 3 week cycle, deload, and then increase TM again and start over.

I’ll do a proper write up and do all the calculations later today in preparation for starting next week. Thanks again for all your help!

I can’t reply to whether or not this is 531 as laid out in the book. As I don’t have the book. I only use the free info Jim posts online. And FSL is not something I’ve seen online. I could read up on it - but that’s not gonna happen.

However the programme looks good. I’d keep an eye on you work out intensity if you are in a calorie deficit. Depending on how much fluff you have and how how much of a cut you are in - those could be long work outs. If find your self REALLY struggling to recover you might need to dial it in a bit.
But other than that - look great.

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Set up looks good, make sure to go relatively easy on the 50 reps of assistance if you are running FSL and the + AMRAP sets

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Thanks @carlbm and @hugh_gilly! Yep will definitely keep a very close eye on recovery, and I’ll be careful not to burn myself out with the assistance fluff.

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We are all set to begin. My thanks to everyone who’s helped me over the last few days, it’s really been useful.

I’ve reordered the training days to better fit my schedule, and enable me to start from Monday and get straight into a full training cycle.

The program: 5/3/1 5x5 FSL w/ 50 reps push, 50 reps pull, 50 reps abs.

Day 1: Deadlift

Day 2: OFF

Day 3: Press

Day 4: OFF

Day 5: Squat

Day 6: Bench

Day 7: OFF


Current Training Maxes:
Squat 1RM 95.5 kg, TM 86 kg
Bench 1RM 70kg, TM 63 kg
Deadlift 1RM 131kg, TM 118 kg
OHP 1RM 60kg, TM 54 kg.

Week 1 –

Set 1: 65% x 5

Set 2: 75% x 5

Set 3: 85% x 5+

FSL: 5x5 @ 65%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 2 –

Set 1: 70% x 3

Set 2: 80% x 3

Set 3: 90% x 3+

FSL: 5x5 @ 70%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 3 –

Set 1: 75% x 5

Set 2: 85% x 3

Set 3: 95% x 1+

FSL: 5x5 @ 75%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Add 5 lbs (2.5kg) to Training Max for bench press and OHP, add 10lbs (5 kg) to Training Max for squat and deadlift. Recalculate percentages based off new Training Max.

Week 4 –

Set 1: 65% x 5

Set 2: 75% x 5

Set 3: 85% x 5+

FSL: 5x5 @ 65%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 5 –

Set 1: 70% x 3

Set 2: 80% x 3

Set 3: 90% x 3+

FSL: 5x5 @ 70%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 6 –

Set 1: 75% x 5

Set 2: 85% x 3

Set 3: 95% x 1+

FSL: 5x5 @ 75%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Week 7 (deload) –

Set 1: 40% x 5

Set 2: 50% x 5

Set 3: 60% x 5

FSL: 5x5 @ 40%

50 reps push
50 reps pull
50 reps abs

Add 5 lbs (2.5kg) to Training Max for bench press and OHP, add 10lbs (5 kg) to Training Max for squat and deadlift. Recalculate percentages based off new Training Max. Repeat until huge.

50 push/50 pull/50 abs setup:

Squat day:
Push - dips, feet elevated pushups
Pull - chins, curls
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Bench day:
Push - dips, skullcrusher
Pull - chins, barbell row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Deadlift day:
Push - dips, feet elevated pushups
Pull - chins, inverted row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Press day:
Push - dips, skullcrusher
Pull - chins, inverted row
Abs - weighted decline sit-ups and hanging leg raises

Diet will be adjusted as we go, depending on progress. I am trying to get some whey protein, which will allow me to try hit 200g protein a day - this, I know, will be crucial if I want to keep my muscle and strength. Sleep will also be a serious priority. I’m determined to recover as well as I possibly can.

We’ll keep going and cutting down until we reach either a 34 inch waist or 179 lbs, whichever comes first, and then we shall reassess.

Let’s get cracking.

Edit: damn I forgot to add my pullovers. Can’t be missing out on those haha. I’ll fit them in at the end of the workout.


First workout of the new program. Deadlift day. I’ll post the workout first, then share some brief thoughts.

Week 1

Deadlift (TM 118 kg)
Warmup: 60kgx5
Set 1: 76.5x5 (5 @65%)
Set 2: 88x5 (5 @75%)
Set 3: 100.5x7 (5+ @85%)
FSL sets: 76.5x5x5 (5x5 FSL @65%)

Superset - dips 8, 6, 6 with chins 6, 3, 3
Superset - decline pushups with inverted rows. Kept alternating between these two exercises until I hit about 50 reps for the push and pull categories. Probably won’t keep track of these two smaller exercises, since I do them mainly to just get in the volume and the burn etc. etc. Dips and chins on the other hand might be worth keeping tabs on to progress whenever possible.

Pullovers, 2 sets. You know I love a pullover haha.

Ab work - just did various decline situps supersetted with hanging leg raises for two or so rounds, trying to get up to that 50 rep target.

Some quick thoughts:

  • I know I’m not a strong guy by any stretch of the imagination, but I was still surprised how light the starting weights were - but I suppose that’s why the program works!
  • 5x5 @65% deadlifts was harder than I thought it would be haha. Definitely was sceptical on paper, but it’s a good challenge. I do dislike rep and volume work on the deadlift though to be honest, but then again my repping ability on most exercises is pretty laughable.

I’ll keep reporting my experiences with the new program as I go along and get settled in.

I’d say if you are getting 7 reps on your 5+ day in your first cycle you could probably benefit from dropping your TM a bit to give you plenty of room to progress. I’ve seen it recommended that you use something you can get 3-5 good reps with as your TM.


The man has a good point. The programme is written so that your 1+ weight should be achievable for 5 reps. If its not - then you’re TM is too high.

If 7 reps was your absolute max at 85% then at 95% you’re looking at 3/4 reps.

I love these. So under rated.