[quote]DLboy wrote:
Shrugs didn’t do a thing for me. If anything, the only type of shrug worth doing is a power shrug. From my understanding, traps are mostly composed of fast twitch fibers, and as a result need EXPLOSIVENESS and heavy weights to grow.
Once I started doing cleans from the floor, dumbbell snatch, and all of the good oly stuff, my traps exploded in the first month. Don’t forget deadlifts and farmers walk, too.[/quote]
Hmm Shrugs have always worked for me. Shurg and Deadlift is all I do for em!
Dumbbell snatch is a nice way to incorporate explosive pulling for your traps, and given that you have to complete the lift, I think it is superior to other simplified O-lift variations. I second bent laterals and behind the back shrugs as well. Also, don’t forget overhead shrugs and facepulls.
[quote]MarcAnthony wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Upright rows suck.
Whats wrong with them? Just asking because I havent done them in a long time and was thinking about adding them back into my program.
I’ve heard that they cause some shoulder impingement, but that if you use a wider grip and only bring the bar up as far as your sternum that you’d be ok.
Again, I have no idea, I’ve never studied this stuff.
I have some left shoulder issues, and I do upright rows occasionally. I also use pristine form (wide grip, only up to the sternum, no momentum). I’ve read different things on the upright row, and believe that if done correctly, and sparingly, the risk is minimal.
I don’t do upright rows and agree, they are wank. I don’t do shrugs, for me they are one of those exercises that I can’t get into a groove with. I do know a guy who uses a standing calf machine to do them. He stands on the floor and lowers the top shoulder rest to low and shrugs.
[quote]Mr. Push Ups wrote:
You can have monster traps in 2 weeks.
Do this:
not pussy weight either. real weight. more than you can hold in your hands. use straps if you want traps, you should be able to do at least 225 if your a wuss, and 405+ if your not.
woohoo, i just hit my first set’s at 495, on the bar. i usually hit 500-650, on the hammer strength. i never really used the bar. i love it now. besides it feels great to hit all those 45’s. i know there are people who can hit more(duh), i am just happy and wanted to share that. woohoo. peace
[quote]mazilla wrote:
woohoo, i just hit my first set’s at 495, on the bar. i usually hit 500-650, on the hammer strength. i never really used the bar. i love it now. besides it feels great to hit all those 45’s. i know there are people who can hit more(duh), i am just happy and wanted to share that. woohoo. peace
I don’t do shrugs anymore and work the upper portion of the traps. I built them up so big doing shrugs before that they were way out of proportion. I did a ton of shrugs awhile back. Almost daily. I havn’t done one in 5 years and they’re still sitting up there.
I can remeber the first time i clanked 4 45’s on each end and tried to shrug it. I almost ripped my arms off. But it sure felt good. I was in a pussy Balley’s gym too with a bunch of guys doing machine curls. They all looked at me like a was nutz. I only weighed about 150lbs back then. I was making all kinda noise too with the 45’s banging against each other; not to mention i was also yelling pretty loud. I had a weak grip too. I had to use straps.
Just picture some skinny 150lb kid doing that in a gym with like “Richard Simmons Deal a Mealers all over it.” It was kinda funny.
Anyways, nice job. I’m just a skinny runt at 177 and could never do what you’re gonna be able to do but have fun with that exercise. It was one of my favorites. I did it on the end of the power rack, i dont think I would have been ever been able to deadlift that weight up. I had a hard time lifting it off of the power rack. I think the most I ever had on there was 455 and got only a few reps out of it.
If my skinny ass can do that with a horrible grip. You bigger guys should have no problem doing tons of weight.
Anybody in here ever shrug up some crazy ass weight?
I don’t know about traps, but shoulders are easy. Go to home depot, and buy a 16 pound sledge, and 5 sacks of quickcrete. mix up the quickcrete, and then pour it into a huge pile in your yard. Take the sledge, and hit the giant boulder you now have. Only stop when you have a blister on each of your fingers. And only stop at that point to wrap your hand in gauze. Or you could hit a tire. Or you could do shoulder presses.
[quote]BarneyFife wrote:
I don’t know about traps, but shoulders are easy. Go to home depot, and buy a 16 pound sledge, and 5 sacks of quickcrete. mix up the quickcrete, and then pour it into a huge pile in your yard. Take the sledge, and hit the giant boulder you now have. Only stop when you have a blister on each of your fingers. And only stop at that point to wrap your hand in gauze. Or you could hit a tire. Or you could do shoulder presses.[/quote]
i got alot of quickcrete in my garage. I will actaully try that. good idea. i remember chopping up tree stumps outta the ground gave my shoulders a good workout. cool ideas. I’m gonna wear safety goggles just incase that concrete goes flying in my face. My neighbors are gonna get a kick outta this one.
I have a wood stove so needless to say, I do a lot of axe and sledge swinging. I have a 14 pound sledge head welded onto a peice of solid iron bar, it is around 35 pounds. I like it, a lot.