OK so I ditched the 20g needles for some 23g finally. I have larger arms and wondered if anyone has had success with biceps injection? Would I see any kind of size increase in arms vs a VG injection, quad or delt?
Fun for awhile, but then you get tired of sticking needles in your bicep.
[quote]dean12345 wrote:
Fun for awhile, but then you get tired of sticking needles in your bicep.[/quote]
Dean you were you the one that posted on one of my
threads saying how much you liked pinning your tri’s?
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.
[quote]2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.[/quote]
And another thing you might want to remember is that, when hitting biceps, you should definitely rotate sites on the bicep itself, ie:one end of head, the other end, then the other head same way. Otherwise as it does increase to some degree, you may easily “deform” or change the appearance of your bicep in a not so cool way possibly.
Something to think about there matey.
Ive been using my biceps as a location during the stasis and taper of my pct. However these are using insulin syringes and a fairly low volume.
I personally wouldnt want to use anything bigger than a 27GA pin.
I feel like like arms aren’t growing in proportion to the rest of my body, especially my outer bicep head. For the last 3 weeks of my cycle I’m going to start pinning my bi’s and tri’s with 25g, see what happens.
[quote]2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.[/quote]
There really shouldn’t be a debate on this. There is no way injecting an estered steroid directly into the muscle will cause localized growth in that muscle. You might get some from test no-ester, but I doubt it.
The only “growth” you get from injecting in a muscle is swelling from injecting a foreign substance into your body.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.
There really shouldn’t be a debate on this. There is no way injecting an estered steroid directly into the muscle will cause localized growth in that muscle. You might get some from test no-ester, but I doubt it.
The only “growth” you get from injecting in a muscle is swelling from injecting a foreign substance into your body. [/quote]
I disagree to a point Rain.
There must be some small amount of extra stretching of the fascia surrounding the muscle tissue, and when that happens it lends itself to less resistance to the muscle cell growth. This could/should lend itself to increased muscle growth, I would think. I could be wrong of course.
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
rainjack wrote:
2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.
There really shouldn’t be a debate on this. There is no way injecting an estered steroid directly into the muscle will cause localized growth in that muscle. You might get some from test no-ester, but I doubt it.
The only “growth” you get from injecting in a muscle is swelling from injecting a foreign substance into your body.
I disagree to a point Rain.
There must be some small amount of extra stretching of the fascia surrounding the muscle tissue, and when that happens it lends itself to less resistance to the muscle cell growth. This could/should lend itself to increased muscle growth, I would think. I could be wrong of course.
Unless you are injecting ungodly amounts into the same site - I don’t think there is much facscial stretching. Were that the case, my ass would be the size of New Jersey. and my quads would be 35"
This is an old wives’ tale. But I will change my mind if someone can produce some evidence that supports local growth.
WTF??? are u retarded enough to think spot injections actually make u “grow” WTF?? if that were true my ass would be the size of oprahs, why the fukk u want big biceps anyway ?? FORGETABOUT AND SQUAT OR DEAD
[quote]rainjack wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
rainjack wrote:
2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.
There really shouldn’t be a debate on this. There is no way injecting an estered steroid directly into the muscle will cause localized growth in that muscle. You might get some from test no-ester, but I doubt it.
The only “growth” you get from injecting in a muscle is swelling from injecting a foreign substance into your body.
I disagree to a point Rain.
There must be some small amount of extra stretching of the fascia surrounding the muscle tissue, and when that happens it lends itself to less resistance to the muscle cell growth. This could/should lend itself to increased muscle growth, I would think. I could be wrong of course.
Unless you are injecting ungodly amounts into the same site - I don’t think there is much facscial stretching. Were that the case, my ass would be the size of New Jersey. and my quads would be 35"
This is an old wives’ tale. But I will change my mind if someone can produce some evidence that supports local growth.
Well I see your point, but I don’t see how there couldn’t be some minor extra fascial stretching if not from the volume of the oil itself, especially in a smaller muscle like biceps. Now I’m not trying to say this would be permanent, but during the cycle it certainly seems feasible to me. I don’t have the experience you do, so I will take what you said to be accurate, but won’t rule out the scenario I just gave as being possible.
[quote]MONSTERMATT wrote:
WTF??? are u retarded enough to think spot injections actually make u “grow” WTF?? if that were true my ass would be the size of oprahs, why the fukk u want big biceps anyway ?? FORGETABOUT AND SQUAT OR DEAD[/quote]
I hope you’re not talking to me like that.
I’m not sold on the premise, but besides the op, there are still a substantial amount of guys who do believe and utilize this technique still. I am standing by my belief that there is indeed some small amount of growth that wouldn’t necessarily be there if the injection were somewhere else, especially in the smaller muscle groups where the oil volume to muscle fiber volume is substantially greater than an area such as quads or glutes.
This post by you is just restating what Rainjack said previous to your post. Unfortunately you didn’t make any point worth paying attention to.
[quote]tw1st wrote:
dean12345 wrote:
Fun for awhile, but then you get tired of sticking needles in your bicep.
Dean you were you the one that posted on one of my
threads saying how much you liked pinning your tri’s?[/quote]
You are correct sir
[quote]rainjack wrote:
2thepain wrote:
There is an ongoing debate as to if injecting a muscle actually helps it grow. The majority seem to think yes, a little but not that much. However I have injected biceps using 27g before and I got tired of that in a matter of weeks. Have fun with your 23g.
There really shouldn’t be a debate on this. There is no way injecting an estered steroid directly into the muscle will cause localized growth in that muscle. You might get some from test no-ester, but I doubt it.
The only “growth” you get from injecting in a muscle is swelling from injecting a foreign substance into your body. [/quote]
But they arent talking about the drug itself causing localised growth jack, at least i hope not, even i know that.
It is more a small SEO effect i believe, there is a possibility for that to work, as while the steroid does get metabolised quicker than a SEO, it may be enough to stretch the facia a little, as always just as 50 years ago, we will try ANYTHING to get another 1/2 inch on any particular muscle group!
[quote]MONSTERMATT wrote:
WTF??? are u retarded enough to think spot injections actually make u “grow” WTF?? if that were true my ass would be the size of oprahs, why the fukk u want big biceps anyway ?? FORGETABOUT AND SQUAT OR DEAD[/quote]
“Why do you want big biceps anyway?”
err… dunno? mebe isz bekoz he iz a bodibuilda??
Fucking loser. grow some manners.
[quote]MONSTERMATT wrote:
WTF??? are u retarded enough to think spot injections actually make u “grow” WTF?? if that were true my ass would be the size of oprahs, why the fukk u want big biceps anyway ?? FORGETABOUT AND SQUAT OR DEAD[/quote]
Many do believe that by injecting substantial amounts of oil into the muscle the fascia is stretch to a certain point which allows for a small amount of additional muscle growth. When I say small, I mean small. Nobody is claiming that any 1 steroid will give this effect, and the effect is barely noticeable at best. However in a past debate many people claim that their most injected muscle group is often their best.
I will try to find this post for anyone who is interested.
Here is the past thread I mentioned in my previous post. It deals with the muscle fascia stretching possibilities associated with AAS injections.
Guys I gotta chime in here, and it may be purely coincidental. As a First Cycler I have noticed the following…
First 8 weeks I injected 900mg TEST Enanthate into quads only…
It is VERY obvious when looking at my beofre and after pics that my quads have grown leaps and bounds over other muscle groups. Now I do have a pretty mean squat/deads and overall legs regiment but it’s no more than I do for say arms…
Arms have shown the least amount of growth and have been slow to grow at all.
Could be genetics??? But certainly made me re-evaluate…
I have since switched to glute injections and haven’t noticed a huge increase in my glutes, but being that there is more fat there I would think the oil is dispersed differently, and maybe this wouldn’t have the same effect as the Quad shots.
I don’t think I can bring myself to Inj into the bicep that just looks to be a painful spot to shoot. My arms are skin stretched super tight over 16 1/4" biceps that I know are small in proportion to my 6’ 4" frame but I just couldn’t do it.
If my ass starts getting huge, which honestly even from the quad shots it did grow a lot! I’ll let you know.
I think it just could all be from teh fact that I love squats???
[quote]2thepain wrote:
Here is the past thread I mentioned in my previous post. It deals with the muscle fascia stretching possibilities associated with AAS injections.
Thanks 2the,
This is what I’m saying.
Many have done this and there seems to be mixed results. Some say will hit delts and biceps, post cycle the biceps will return to normal size, but the delts remain at the above average size from the site injections. For some it’s calves, and so on.
Now what about IGF-1??
This compound indeed when used properly, ie: immediately post workout on those specific muscles, seems quite adept at growing more muscle cells in that specific area. Drawback is obviously you will get some amount of systemic effect also, but if the dosage is “lean” and the pinning is immediate in localized muscle worked area, then it seems to be quite successful doesn’t it?
I think perhaps Rainjack is right, and perhaps what I was saying is right. All I’m saying is that with AAS, the effect seems to be for the most part temporary, with the occasional bodybuilder claiming permanent in a tiny amount.
For all I know if it’s not the oil/muscle volume discretion, maybe it’s just local inflammation, lol…
Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys. It’s an interesting debate, I tend to agree that it’s not that significant, save with IGF-1 and other peptides.
From the threads by Bushy, 2the, and others I can’t remember at the moment, GH, slin, are definitely synergistic, and IGF-1 seems to be synergistic with both too. The body looks like the first combo really just gets turned into IGF-1, which does the leg work. Or maybe I’m missing something. Anyway I’m all over the place now…lol.
Final thought, IGF-1 seems to be the best candidate for slower, but more permanent localized muscle growth, and with proper lower end dosing and cycling, the “gut” can be controlled.