Increases in both hypertrophy and strength are well recognized for BFR training of arms and legs, but I have recently seen some evidence that BFR training has also benefitted shoulders. Anybody have any experience with this? If so what protocol do you use?
You use the exact same protocols as for lower limb, but only 40-60% limb occlusion pressure instead of 60-80%
Where do you wrap for shoulders?
Top of the bicep/tricep
BFR not only works below the cuff (e,g biceps, triceps and forearms) but above the cuff, so can still affect the delts in particular
I’m sure you’re both correct, but my brain is having trouble wrapping (absolutely intended pun) itself around the wrap not having to be between the heart and the intended body part. I can’t stop bleeding in my shoulder with a tourniquet around my biceps. I guess the idea is the metabolites pool up to the shoulder?
I’d like to hear more too. I’ve been blowing bubbles in chocolate milk and pinching off the straw to create a vacuum all day, and I still haven’t figured it out.
A Google search results in several clinical studies using BFR for rehabilitation, but are limited for increases in strength and hypertrophy, however application might be promising. Also my Physical Therapist uses it for rehab and claims very favorable results. Nothing to lose, so I’m giving it a trial as an adjunct, not a substitute for shoulder training.
BFR was developed for rehab for the purpose of muscular Hypertrophy in old and frail so the use of heavy loads was not necessary. So the rehabilitation studies you mentioned are Hypertrophy focused
Mine too, but if they say it works I’ll go with it