I am 32 years old…6’2 210…pretty decent shape, I have been working out for about 10 years…I did a cycle of halovar last year, and I got a good result. I put on a few pounds and I got pretty hard…I was wondering if there is another better one out there, I am ready to do another cycle of pro-hormone?
If you want something better use real AAS
Anavar or winstrol. those are the safest and generally the mildest of real steroids. usually reserved for women; bridging or drug pigs…
[quote]muscle_meathead wrote:
Anavar or winstrol. those are the safest and generally the mildest of real steroids. usually reserved for women; bridging or drug pigs…[/quote]
Anyone advising women to use winstrol is a fool and doesnt know what he’s doing.
Testosterone, primobolan and boldenone are also much safer to use than var or winstrol.
Maybe post less often?
Fuck you bones. First, I am aware of the potential androgenizing effects on women of winstrol. Secondly, this guy is not a woman. I WOULD NOT advise any woman to ever use winstrol; historically speaking though numerous woman have used it, and have been advised by bonehead men to use it.
So, thanks for clearing up the potential for misuse of my previous posts in this thread.
[quote]muscle_meathead wrote:
Fuck you bones. First, I am aware of the potential androgenizing effects on women of winstrol. Secondly, this guy is not a woman. I WOULD NOT advise any woman to ever use winstrol; historically speaking though numerous woman have used it, and have been advised by bonehead men to use it.
So, thanks for clearing up the potential for misuse of my previous posts in this thread.[/quote]
“Fuck you” ? Is that all you came up with? Really? Im used to unprovoked hostility but I appreciate when some thought goes into it.
You harped on the small part of my post pertaining to your irrelevant point about women for a reason I dont know. So that’s cool I guess. I didnt say that YOU were a fool because you made it pretty clear that it wasn’t your personal advice. Lord knows how insecure you must be to take that comment persoanlly. Still not sure why you included it though, even more so if youre going to say that you dont even support it.
My point was that winstrol and var are NOT the safest steroids to use. Most mild in terms of gains? Sure, why not.
Is it obvious yet that my original post in this was a bit ‘flippant?’
I have not been on here for months; and I must say I have missed it.
I could have given OP a simple ‘bro answer’ and just said ‘Quit being a pussy and just use some test’ but I wanted to substitute another almost-equally-lame response. Seems like I did…
Missed ya tnation
OP, the tantalizing traits of ‘pro-hormones’ as well as the fact that they are legal does not cancel out some simple facts:
Real steroids were designed and tested for various reasons with various modes of actions and effects.
Do your own fucking research.
[quote]muscle_meathead wrote:
Is it obvious yet that my original post in this was a bit ‘flippant?’
Not sure why you quoted flippant either. I mean it IS obvious that youre backtracking, hard. But I’m a little bored so whatever, knock yourself out.
This post started out to be quite interesting , but it took a left turn somewhere ( not concerned either ), but what does concern me is BBB’s comment on being watered down possibly estrogen issues, I to have this problem, I would like to understand a little more about drying out, anyone with experience with this , please share.
He could get a simple blood test for his estradiol levels, TT, FT, TSH etc…
His E2 may be in perfect levels, he just holds more BF% naturally. I say this because we had a beta-tester named “Sam” that had a similar “doughy” physique.
Sure enough his pre-cycle estradiol levels were 20.8 and when he lost 5% BF his number was 11.4% — Yet he still appeared doughy. (19% BF to 14% BF)
Both estradiol measurements were in “normal range.”
This guys question kind of sucks…" a better one out there" ---- sure there are more powerful ones that are more toxic…there are safer ones that wont “insta blow” you up…