I started out with a nice split. I changed it up once. That all lasted for a year and now I’m doing a 6 day a week full body work out.
Monday - lower body,core
tuesday - upper body
wednesday - rest
thursday - lower body,core
friday - upper body
saturday - lower body,core
sunday - upper body
Upper body - maximum of 5 reps and 5 sets of flat bench press, military press and weighted chin-ups followed by 3 sets of 8 reps of tricep kick-backs. Then I’m done my upper body. I feel I could be doing more with all the tricks and weight lifting techniques out there.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could give me the low down of the best things I could be adding on to my work out. I know of a lot of them, I just don’t know what I should be doing, what’s good and what fails.
Could you guys give me some more bang that I could get some more buck with? Thank you.
I think you should add more rest. 6 on, one off is pretty brutal on recovery. If you’re 5’11 140, rather than worry about programming and “tricks”, read articles by the authors here and follow one of the prescribed programs.
I guess I should update my profile. I’m 150 now and I got my height wrong I’m actually 5’7.
Anyway, I’ve been working out for a while now. I’ve used routines based on rest and a lot of rest worked well for me, I just decided to try out little rest and see how that worked out, I’ll be moving on to more rest again soon enough though.
I’d really like to know something that I can add though to give me, preferable strength and size would be nice. I was thinking of adding another excersize but doing partials and spread that whole excersize throughout the workout.
I read a lot of the articles on here, I just don’t have a gym membership so my resources are kind of limited.
I donno if your doing chinups or pullups but throwing a little back in there wouldnt hurt. Lat pulls are great and I personally love dumbell rows with one arm at a time. Also for size and strength the three key exercises without a doubt: bench, squat, and deadlifts
[quote]Stephie wrote:
I started out with a nice split. I changed it up once. That all lasted for a year and now I’m doing a 6 day a week full body work out.
Monday - lower body,core
tuesday - upper body
wednesday - rest
thursday - lower body,core
friday - upper body
saturday - lower body,core
sunday - upper body
Upper body - maximum of 5 reps and 5 sets of flat bench press, military press and weighted chin-ups followed by 3 sets of 8 reps of tricep kick-backs. Then I’m done my upper body. I feel I could be doing more with all the tricks and weight lifting techniques out there.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could give me the low down of the best things I could be adding on to my work out. I know of a lot of them, I just don’t know what I should be doing, what’s good and what fails.
Could you guys give me some more bang that I could get some more buck with? Thank you.[/quote]
So…why don’t you follow a 3-5 day split? Why upper/lower? What’s your lower body day look like?
You should consider adding rows to your upper body days. You need the horizontal pulling motion. And ditch the kickbacks; do something like rope pushdowns or skullcrushers or something. Other than that, I echo the sentiment of not enough rest. I can attest to the desire to try different methods out though, and I’ve been there as well. Just trying to save you some time.
If you’ve got a bench, barbell+weights and a chinup bar that’s all you really need. No squat rack = power clean the bar up and do front squats. Bent over rows have already been mentioned. If you’ve got dumbbells too throw in hammer curls on some of the upper body days along with french presses for the tris… kickbacks are pretty hard to progress so don’t worry about them for now.
Strength and size… the only cardio you are doing is sprinting HIIT or martial arts then. Any type of turtle work would be counter-productive for you ~
Keep in mind it can take people 5-10-15 years to learn how to connect to their muscle. Hell every year I make sure to spend at least 3 months focusing on that connection. Working on the contraction~ and feeling it from start to finish.
From what I understand from experience as a sprinter, 40 yard 100 yard 200 m and relay along with football etc and afterward research studies… Sprinting and exercises similar boost IGF-1.
Anything else is more cardiovascular and endurance based. Or… Just to be fit ~ see Crossfit for I CAN DO THIS [===========================] much in 2-3 minutes!!! CF defines the minuteman exclamation mark.