[quote]tremad12 wrote:
What rep ranges have you found your legs grow best with. More specifically what rep ranges have you found to be most effective for growth of your quads, and what rep ranges have worked the best for growth of your hamstrings.
I’m talking rep ranges for compund lifts mostly like squats and front squats and deads, but feel free to throw in ranges youve used for more isolation type work. Also what rep ranges have you found work best for the gastoc and soleus, I can’t remember which one works better with higher reps. Thanks. [/quote]
I have had great results with 3 sets of back squats, 12RMx20, 10RMx16 8RMx12 Breathing sets. Real hard, but great results in quads.
I have seen the best results in my vastum medialis (Teardrop) since raising my heels and going ATG.
Recently i have gone to 10x10 with my 8RM… we’ll see how it goes.
DL I like to do either 135lbs for sets of 15-20 for a whole body tie-in effect. Core taining etc… but i love to go max effort on DL… regularly. 31/2 plates a side is good for me for a couple reps.
My quads are growing nicely, and i intend to get them upto a large, round shape that will complete me more. But i am struggling with Hammies. I have done Romanian DL for years, and gone high (20) rep and low (6) rep, (one can handle a lot of weight on that move!) but still… they dont “explode”. I love to do lots of legcurls and i am in the process of finding the correct place where i could do some GHR’s. My hams ahve grown though and i must admit, mostly from the lying(angled)leg curl! (sorry compound crew…)
As for calves i have seen my greatest growth from sets of 100 BW raises years ago, and today i do 4 sets of 3 DC style rest/pause technique… so,
160lbs x 20+10+6=36reps (with 10 secs in between Rest/pause.
180lbs x 10+5+3=18reps ( " " )
160lbs x 15+8+4=27reps ( " " )
this allows me to do high reps which ALWAYS works for me with calves, and also high weight too.
Soleus i am not working a the moment due to a small tear, also i have big big calves and i want to concentrate on the gastroc rather than the soleus, but simply 3-4 sets of 12-25 with decent weight works well for my soleus.
I have great calves and i attribute it to 3 things,
1/ Trainin them from 14 yrs old.
2/ Training them with high high reps till i cannot stand on them.
3/ Stretching the muscle vigorously during and after work.
Excerpt taken from: “Joes Encyclopedia of Modern Day Bodybuilding”