Best % of Milk for Bulking


I usually drink up to 1 Gallon of Milk each day, to give me over 2,000 liquid calories.

I am going for building muscle. Which kind of milk would be best for doing that?






if wanting to pack on weight whole



Whatever you like to drink the most. Whole has more calories but I’d prefer skim because that’s what I grew up on.

Half whole milk, half cream.

For bulking, whole milk: more calories!

ProfessorX agrees!

WHOLE! Its simple math!

Get RAW if at all possible.

Yeah, whole will provide those extra calories. Plus, it tastes better.

I heard the fat in milk help digest it, not sure how true that is, but I always seem to digest whole milk better then skim.

Whole tastes the best. Chicks dig guys who drink whole milk, I hear.

Skimmed milk.

Fits in best of all three with the P+C macronutrient combo - will allow you to drink a lot more of the stuff without the fat shooting up to much in a P+C meal.

Vitamin D whole milk.Its how i got over 200 lbs acouple years ago.215# now

I leave milk out until I really, really far into new poundage territory, just about to take a break, then I have 4 pints a day of organic, raw, whole milk. 10lb+ weight gain in 3 weeks easily. Not much fat if you’re training hard enough.

[quote]wsk wrote:
I leave milk out until I really, really far into new poundage territory, just about to take a break, then I have 4 pints a day of organic, raw, whole milk. 10lb+ weight gain in 3 weeks easily. Not much fat if you’re training hard enough.[/quote]

10+ pounds of weight gain in 3 weeks and you say it’s not much fat? Sorry to shit in your cornflakes but the majority of that weight gain is fat. If anyone could put on even 5 lbs of lean muscle in month, even two months, that would be amazing.

I’ll put my vote in for 2% just because no one has said that yet. Really it doesn’t matter. What you ingest needs to fit not only your caloric goals, but your macro goals as well. Ingesting 2000 liquid calories a day is pointless when you can eat actual food to get those calories.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
I’ll put my vote in for 2% just because no one has said that yet. Really it doesn’t matter. What you ingest needs to fit not only your caloric goals, but your macro goals as well. Ingesting 2000 liquid calories a day is pointless when you can eat actual food to get those calories.[/quote]

Pointless? I’ll have to disagree, milk’s awesome. Not to mention it’s a godsend to have such a cheap, calorie packed food source for a former skinny man like myself.

A gallon a day keeps the small away.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
tonyc wrote:
wsk wrote:
I leave milk out until I really, really far into new poundage territory, just about to take a break, then I have 4 pints a day of organic, raw, whole milk. 10lb+ weight gain in 3 weeks easily. Not much fat if you’re training hard enough.

10+ pounds of weight gain in 3 weeks and you say it’s not much fat? Sorry to shit in your cornflakes but the majority of that weight gain is fat. If anyone could put on even 5 lbs of lean muscle in month, even two months, that would be amazing.

Chemical assistance can do it.[/quote]

true, plus muscle gain is not linear people seem to forget, now I am sure I have never gained 10lbs of lean mass in a month. Probably not 5 for that matter, but I have went 1-2 months without gaining than put on 10bs in a month, which I am sure was not 100% lean.

I kept my diet the SAME throughout this and was drinking 2-4 pints of RAW whole milk a day

I would go skim. Whole fat milk is a bad mixture of fats and sugars. Stick with sugars and protein, it will be cleaner gains. Minimize fat gain.