I just read John Berardi’s ebook on his experiments with IF’s and all the different protocols he tried. I personally love experimenting with different diets and I was looking into IF as a way to maintain my body compostion at the end of my cut but im curious to know what protocols every one here has tried and which ones have worked for everyone. thanks
[quote]BRINK429 wrote:
I just read John Berardi’s ebook on his experiments with IF’s and all the different protocols he tried. I personally love experimenting with different diets and I was looking into IF as a way to maintain my body compostion at the end of my cut but im curious to know what protocols every one here has tried and which ones have worked for everyone. thanks[/quote]
I just do the lean gains approach. Fast for 16 hours, eat for 8. Keep it low carb on low-intensity/off-days, higher carb on heavy lifting days. Right now, I’m actually keeping it low carb throughout the whole thing since I’m focused solely on losing fat. Even while doing that I’ve lost NO strength after 3 weeks, I’m down 10 lbs, and I’ve lost 4.5% bodyfat.
I’m running a pretty hardcore fat-burner as of last week, but as long as you make sure to have plenty of BCAA’s while fasting, you should be all set. It’s really not hard or complicated at all. I don’t get any cravings at this point and I was heavily addicted to carbs like it was heroine.
IF is king.
^ what he said, IF is king. 16/8 : fasted/fed. I’m not INSANELY strict, as i’ll give 1 hour lee-way in either direction. 15/9 or 17/7.
i’d say what is more interesting than the timing of IF, for i feel 16/8 is proven best & most bearable, is experimenting with macro levels. I used to respond terribly to carbs. I’d get fluffy, full of water, and feel bloated. that has completely changed. I can pack down 200-300carbs and still look lean, and feel great. However, these benefits are seen after one has been following the protocol for quite sometime, from what I’ve read and seen.
Lots of ways to do it. No best way necessarily. Its just another tool for calorie control. For instance atm Im doing IF leangains style + the odd 24 hour fast as well (usually every 2nd week or so atm) I also stagger the length of the leangains fast going longer on off days and shorter of training days. Seems to be working very well without making me feel like Im dieting severely.
^^not just calorie control. There’s a hormonal component as well; specifically minimizing insulin and increasing the period of growth hormone secretion.
I use a synthesis of all fasting methods, but if I had to pick just one I would probably recommend 16/8.
[quote]John Romaniello wrote:
^^not just calorie control. There’s a hormonal component as well; specifically minimizing insulin and increasing the period of growth hormone secretion.
I use a synthesis of all fasting methods, but if I had to pick just one I would probably recommend 16/8.[/quote]
Yeah I agree, just simplfying my response. Definately very powerful for people with insulin issues. I know I can eat more carbs this way than previously and still maintain or get leaner.
I think leangains 16/8 is the easiest and best “template” to start with. But the occassional full 24hr fast can be really beneficial for fat loss. You can often notice quite a change from a full 24hr fast. Yeah some of that is probably water retention but whatever! d-;
A large grin appears on my face when a guy as large and proven as J.R. is a proponent of IF’ing.
Ha! Well, thanks for that.
I’m not above changing my ideas, certainly =) Research is research. IF isn’t the only way that works, but it’s pretty simple and I like it a lot. Written quite a lot about it on my blog.
I know that! read both 101 & 201.
[quote]eightohfive wrote:
I know that! read both 101 & 201.[/quote]
Oh, well that’s your problem right there =)
Thanks for reading!
I’ve been IF for the best part of 9 months now. It suits me and that’s why it has become more lifestyle than goal driven.
I initially went Warrior Diet (WD), although I have tweaked that more recently based on Chad Waterbury’s take on the WD. This entails water and coffee through the day; workout and then food at night. Foods are always clean (it’s not an excuse to binge!). Most days I have whey on waking. I also have a few whey shakes throughout the day 2-3 times a week - making the plan a bit like the Pulse Feed.
I have my own peri-WO nutrition, which is largely BCAAs, other aminos, whey, creatine, electrolytes. Personally I have scrapped complex/starch carbs most of the time and rely predominantly on P+F, although I do get a good few grams of carbs through veg, fruit, nuts like cashews, etc.
Since coming back from a shoulder injury last month, I have dropped 10lbs using this method. Training is basic - I have a pair of 20kg kettlebells, chin bar, swiss ball in my small flat! This has also shown me what can be achieved with limited circumstances when time, space, resources, etc, are at a premium!
Well I ran out of I3G and can’t afford it for awhile, so I started doing IF lately, largely by accident. I simply am too lazy to cook breakfast sometimes, don’t look forward to eating it when I wake up, and am not even that hungry. I generally will take a pulse of MAG-10 as soon as I wake up, then hit the gym ~3 hours later. The insulin stuff it does is cool, but I also like it because I am way more alert for my workout. And hunger isn’t a big deal either… I start to get hungry right before my workout, but by the time I am warming up and downing 300ml of SWF/MAG-10/Anaconda, my hunger is gone and my focus is up. Then I just pound food when I get home.
I should note that I don’t pay attention to the 16/8 hours thing… It’s probably closer to 14/10 but I’m just guessing.
also… heads over to John’s blog
I also enjoy the modified warrior approach. I think IA’s ebook on it is great, as well as Michael Keck’s article on elite.
I had great success on Leangains. Simple and effective.
I was Thinking of using the 16/8 protocol. But what do your macros look like during your feeds?
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
Well I ran out of I3G and can’t afford it for awhile, so I started doing IF lately, largely by accident. I simply am too lazy to cook breakfast sometimes, don’t look forward to eating it when I wake up, and am not even that hungry. I generally will take a pulse of MAG-10 as soon as I wake up, then hit the gym ~3 hours later. The insulin stuff it does is cool, but I also like it because I am way more alert for my workout. And hunger isn’t a big deal either… I start to get hungry right before my workout, but by the time I am warming up and downing 300ml of SWF/MAG-10/Anaconda, my hunger is gone and my focus is up. Then I just pound food when I get home.
I should note that I don’t pay attention to the 16/8 hours thing… It’s probably closer to 14/10 but I’m just guessing.
also… heads over to John’s blog[/quote]
I do the same thing. 10g of CH in the morning. I just don’t really enjoy breakfast or cooking it. Don’t get me wrong, I would love a good omelette, but no way am I waking up early before class to make one myself lol.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
I also enjoy the modified warrior approach. I think IA’s ebook on it is great, as well as Michael Keck’s article on elite.[/quote]
Keck has a great log, definitely.
[quote]BRINK429 wrote:
I was Thinking of using the 16/8 protocol. But what do your macros look like during your feeds?[/quote]
I don’t really count macros or calories. Just eat 'til I’m full.