Best Fighting Movies

I tried to do a search for this topic and it hasn’t seem to come up. What are some of your favourite combat sport movies?

I recently watched Raging Bull and although the boxing scenes weren’t amazing, I really got a feeling I was watching something genuine, an insight into a fighter’s mind.

Also, The Smashing Machine: Life and Times of Mark Kerr was seriously good. Highly recommended to all you guys out there, it shows how fighting can fuck with you and your family, and how your family can fuck with your fighting.

Some of the old Jackie Chan stuff is crazy, with fight sequences that are close to 10 minutes long.

There’s the standard 300 type fare, but it holds a dim candle to this clip:

Ong Bak.

Tony Jaa is fairly good :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends what you’re going for, realism, cool ‘tricks’, insight into a fighters mind, whatever…

  • Any scene with Jackie Chan & Benny “the Jet” Urquidez.

  • Pretty much the entire movie “The Protector”

I wish they’d do a Bas Rutten Biography/Documentary lol

Rocky. Only the first one, because the rest are about as realistic as Star Wars.

Any of the Die Hards, because they were all fairly realistic.

Snatch had some of the coolest boxing scenes ever.

And finally…


Say what you want, but there’s streetfighting gold in there.


[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Rocky. Only the first one, because the rest are about as realistic as Star Wars.

Any of the Die Hards, because they were all fairly realistic.

Snatch had some of the coolest boxing scenes ever.

And finally…


Say what you want, but there’s streetfighting gold in there.[/quote]

When is bringing down a helicopter with a car realistic :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Im gonna have to second ong bak too.

[quote]Andyyboy wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Rocky. Only the first one, because the rest are about as realistic as Star Wars.

Any of the Die Hards, because they were all fairly realistic.

Snatch had some of the coolest boxing scenes ever.

And finally…


Say what you want, but there’s streetfighting gold in there.

When is bringing down a helicopter with a car realistic :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Im gonna have to second ong bak too.[/quote]

Hahha. Well. I meant the fight scenes.

Then i can agree with you :slight_smile:

I have to add some of the jason statham movies too, love his fighting.

I wouldn’t qualify Lethal Weapon as a “fight movie” …but the last fight scene always gets props from me…even finished with a triangle choke.

Fist of Legend(last fight scene):

I agree about Lethal Weapon. Cool fight.

“They Live” rocked.

Cinderella man is good

[quote]No-Gi wrote:
Cinderella man is good[/quote]

I was going to say, as far as boxing movies go that was top notch.

Look for a movie called Chok Dee. It is a movie by Dida Diafat (famous French Thai boxer) and is pretty good. Also I liked the Thai movie Muay Chaiya, it’s about the mafia side of Muay Thai in the 80’s.

Tony Jaa,check him out.
Warrior King and Ong-Bak.
Incredible fight scenes.

[quote]JonnyTMT wrote:
Look for a movie called Chok Dee. It is a movie by Dida Diafat (famous French Thai boxer) and is pretty good. Also I liked the Thai movie Muay Chaiya, it’s about the mafia side of Muay Thai in the 80’s.[/quote]

Saw Chok Dee, that was some inspirational shit

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
Depends what you’re going for, realism, cool ‘tricks’, insight into a fighters mind, whatever…

  • Any scene with Jackie Chan & Benny “the Jet” Urquidez.

  • Pretty much the entire movie “The Protector”

I wish they’d do a Bas Rutten Biography/Documentary lol[/quote]

I take it you haven’t seen “Potent the Movie” Xen?


[quote]g star 24 7 wrote:
Tony Jaa,check him out.
Warrior King and Ong-Bak.
Incredible fight scenes.[/quote]

and The protector. Best fighting movies period.

Jackie Chan’s Legend of the Drunken Master

And also, I second whoever said any fight movie that has both Jackie Chan and Benny Urquidez.

And yeah, let’s add Ong Bak and the Protector. Those are top notch.

Chok Dee was a movie I really enjoyed. Forgot about that one. Beautiful Boxer is… interesting as well. Not so great on the fighting elements, but good Muay Thai story based on a real fighter.

Couple of good scenes in Jet Li’s Kiss of the Dragon as well.