Best Choice for Bloodwork?

Hi all,

New user here that’s interested in getting bloodwork to measure my T levels. 30 years old experiencing symptoms similar to low-t; brain fog, fatigue even though I get 8 hours of sleep each night, skinny fat with a relatively clean diet, difficulty putting on muscle while working out 3 times per week. I had my levels tested about 4-5 years ago (25 years old) and was on the lower end back then, I believe around 390 ng/dL, however I don’t remember the full results.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a testing company to go with, and which test I should specifically select. I’ve read many people advocate for Private MD Labs, but these are posts from years ago so I’m not sure which test to choose exactly. I want to make sure that I’m getting bloodwork done to measure the most important metrics, but don’t want to overpay by selecting a test that might not be as applicable to my needs.

This has been something that has been in the back of my mind for a few years, but I am starting to seriously consider it if my levels turn out to be much lower than they were just four years ago.

Thanks in advance!

I use Discount Labs. You need to test for more than just Total T, you need the Free T, SHBG and estrogen. The LH and FSH will tell you whether it’s a pituitary problem or a problem with the testicles.

Prolactin secreting tumors on the pituitary gland can suppress testosterone as well.

I use Discounted Labs also, they’ve always been great for me.

I would make your first blood test especially comprehensive because things will move around after you start HRT and it’s probably good to know what your baseline was for as many health markers and hormones as possible.

Basics are typically Total T, Free T, E2, SHBG, lipids, CMP, CBC, PSA. Also LH and FSH.

I would add DHT, IGF-1, Progesterone, Prolactin and DHEA-S (the “S” is important) to that list, as well as a complete Thyroid panel (TSH, FT3, FT4, reverse T3, antibodies).

Make sure you get the right assays for all those tests (LC/MS for Total T, equilibrium dialysis for Free T, ultra-sensitive for Estradiol), but those guys usually put in their packages the best assays for the relevant tests, so you won’t have to worry about that if you use them.

If you can afford it I would recommed an EKG, calcium score and ultrasound of your heart as well as your arteries. You want a baseline for the health of your heart/arteries and also the size of your heart to track potential cardiac remodeling over the years.

This might seem like overkill but you might thank yourself down the line for having taken the time to gather all this data, so if you can afford it I think it’s really a no brainer

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