Best Biotest Supplements

I have yet to take any. I would like to know if anyone has and if so which ones work the best?

As of right now I’m cutting down and the only thing I did was change my diet and started taking fish oil pills.

I have lost a bunch of flab, sad bulking diet gone wrong. I lost about 15 lbs. Was around 215 now around 200.

I don’t plan on taking anything to assist in the reduction of fat but when I get to where I feel I’m lean enough to try taking things to gain lean muscle mass are what products on this site are the best for lean muscle mass gaining?


There are quite a few good ones, but I’d have to go with Surge if just recommending one product.

To be honest, the ‘best’ product for you depends on your specific needs, so you’d have to give more info to get better feedback.

[quote]HK24719 wrote:
There are quite a few good ones, but I’d have to go with Surge if just recommending one product.

To be honest, the ‘best’ product for you depends on your specific needs, so you’d have to give more info to get better feedback.[/quote]

Ok well I’m 5’8 about 200 lbs now. Down from 215 like I said a bulking diet gone wrong too much fat. I’m not sure what my weight will be when I plan on gaining. I don’t care either.

I want to be very lean and then slowly pack on muscle. I know how to diet wise but I want an extra oomph. I don’t need any energy drinks or anything that gives me a boost because when I’m in the gym I’m extremely intense and give a 100% effort.

My goals are to eventually get into bodybuilding. But seriously not the small thin bodybuilders but very large. I know that will take a long time and to do it correctly without gaining fat that will take a very long time but I’m only 23 I have many years of great training ahead of me.

I know I could do it with correct diet and possibly whey protein or other similiar shakes lol I’m not even sure what I want better then normal results. Thats about it using only legal methods as of now.

If you need anymore information let me know

Oh as of now im 4 days on a week with three days off. Hitting calves twice weekly hitting them really hard on day four. Doing a 8 week calf intensive training program to promote more calf growth.

I plan on doing something similiar for every bodypart that I think is lacking. My legs blew up on a 3x5 6 week strength training program so I know applying different methods and training routines makes a difference.


I doubt you’ll feel results from it, but it’s a staple in my stack.

It increases leptin to help you drop fat.
It increases insulin sensitivity to help you gain muscle.
It does some crazy stuff that I’m not sure of on the science to prevent ageing, and has a host of other ‘general health’ benefits.
It reduces inflammation which helps you recover quicker and make better strength gains.

Cutting, bulking, living, and lifting. Everything you can do with iron, fish oil (and Flameout in particular) helps.