Benanything's Training Log


Squat 60kgs x5
Squat 70kgs x5
Squat 90kgs x3
Squat 100kgs x3
Squat 110kgs x5
Squat 130kgs x5
Bench 40kgs x5
Bench 45kgs x5
Bench 52.5kgs x4
Bench 62.5kgs x5
Bench 72.5kgs x5
Bench 80kgs x3

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
Top set of bench should’ve been for 5 reps. Did 3 cause I wasn’t really feeling quite sure. All other sets other than top set of bench were paused. Squats were pretty… They just felt uncomfortable. I’m not too sure of my squat depth for the top set though.


Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 65kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 82.5kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 100kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 115kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 132.5kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 147.5kgs x3

Deadlift 115kgs x5x5
Abs Machine 5x20

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
The back off deadlifts with abs machine were hella taxing.

I get the impression you’ve got a much better handle on your approach to training now. It’s good to see. Looks like you’ve figured out how to work hard without breaking yourself every session.


Thanks Mark! I figured its about time I get my shit together, after officially turning 18 a week ago and all.


Clean and Power Jerk
warmed up a bit
60kgs x6x2
70kgs x2
80kgs x1 (wanted 2 but hey, shit happens)

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
I’ll be adding this to my weekly training schedule. I’ll just try adding 2.5kgs every week and see how far I can take it.

Currently my training schedule is something along the lines of…

Sunday - Deadlift
Monday - Clean and Jerk / Strongman stuff if I feel alright
Tuesday - Press
Wednesday - Snatch / Strongman stuff if I feel alright
Thursday - Squat
Friday - Bench

This might seem like a lot of days in the gym but hey, never know till you try. I am an absolute beginner at the clean&jerk and snatch so I’m just trying to see how much linear progression I can squeeze out of it.


Press 25kgs x5
Press 32.5kgs x5
Press 40kgs x3
Press 45kgs x3
Press 52.5kgs x3
Press 60kgs x2
Did some random back work, nothing noteworthy

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
Wanted to get 60kgs for 3. My press seems to fluctuate quite a fair bit. OR MAYBE, it’s cause I was doing my jerks from yesterday. Regardless, it’s about getting stronger at the end of the day.

Oh and I forgot to add it into my previous post but I might be going for a push pull meet on the 31st of January. Nothing confirmed as of right now so I won’t get too much into it for now.


warmed up a bit
30kgs x6x2
40kgs x2x2

I’m not fond of the new format of the forums but oh well, I’ll just get used to it eventually. Way harder for me to view my older posts though. All them YouTube links be no longer embed.


Squat 60kgs x5
Squat 75kgs x5
Squat 90kgs x3
Squat 105kgs x3
Squat 120kgs x3
Squat 140kgs x1
Squat 150kgs x3
Squat 105kgs x5x5

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
Was supposed to do 135kgs for 3 but I figured since I’ve a push pull meet at the end of the month, might as well just try my luck with this. Depth is somewhat questionable. Back off 5x5 set done with high bar.


Bench 35kgs x5
Bench 45kgs x5
Bench 55kgs x3
Bench 62.5kgs x3
Bench 72.5kgs x3
Bench 82.5kgs x3
Bench 62.5kgs x3x5

Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 65kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 82.5kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 100kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 122.5kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 140kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 155kgs x1
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 167.5kgs x1
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 180kgs x0

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
Wasn’t planning on doing deadlifts today but oh well. Paused all bench reps.


Bench 20kgs x5
Bench 40kgs x5
Bench 50kgs x3
Bench 60kgs x3
Bench 70kgs x1
Bench 80kgs x1
Bench 85kgs x1
Bench 90kgs x0


Press 25kgs x5
Press 32.5kgs x5
Press 40kgs x3
Press 57.5kgs x1 (misloaded the bar)
Press 47.5kgs x5
Press 55kgs x3
Press 62.5kgs x0


Squat 60kgs x5
Squat 75kgs x5
Squat 90kgs x3
Squat 112.5kgs x5
Squat 127.5kgs x3
Squat 142.5kgs x1

My Thoughts, Reflections, Personal Feedback:
Squats were hella weird today. Did them in just my converses. Reps were relatively slow but I would attribute this to the 150kgs x3 from last week. Still got them done though.


Most unproductive workout ever. Was done with a flu and I couldn’t stop sneezing.

Bench 40kgs x5
Bench 60kgs x5
Bench 70kgs x3
Bench 80kgs x1
Bench 90kgs x0

Left the gym, went home, got some sleep.


Didn’t think this was gonna be log worthy. Decided to do some push ups/band pull aparts and I ended up having possibly one of the best upper body pumps I’ve ever had. Chest, Tris, Shoulders, Back.

Push Ups 20,10,10,10
Reactive Slingshot Push Ups 20,15,15
Band Pull Aparts Close Grip 20,10,10,10
Band Pull Aparts Wide Grip 20,15,15

Didn’t track rest time but I’m pretty sure they were all <1min, if I were to estimate, probably around 30-40secs. Took 15 mins to finish this quick “workout”. Who’d think that some push ups before taking a shower could feel this good. Hell, even my traps are popping for some odd reason.


Conventional Sumo Deadlift 70kgs x5
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 80kgs x5
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 95kgs x3
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 112.5kgs x5
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 130kgs x5
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 147.5kgs x5
Conventional Sumo Deadlift 160kgs x1


Slingshot Push Ups 50
Band Pull Aparts 100

147.5kgs x5



Squat 60kgs x5
Squat 70kgs x5
Squat 85kgs x3
Squat 100kgs x5
Squat 115kgs x5
Squat 130kgs x5
Reverse Band Squat 145kgs x1
Reverse Band Squat 150kgs x1
Reverse Band Squat 160kgs x1
Reverse Band Squat 170kgs x0


Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 60kgs x5
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 100kgs x3
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 140kgs x1
Conventional Deadlift 140kgs x1
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 160kgs x1
Quasi Conventional Sumo Deadlift 170kgs x1


Bench 40kgs x5
Bench 60kgs x3
Bench 80kgs x2x2


Bench 40kgs x20,20,10
Bench 50kgs x10
Close Grip Bench 70kgs x5,5,5,3


Alrighty there, this may or may not actually make it onto my training log but it doesn’t really matter now, does it? It’s just some of mah thoughts going through my head. Some of them lifting related, some of them not. Let’s see, just read through some older forum posts bout Alpha, whom I would consider one of several people I look up to over here on T-Nation and it really got me thinking about training and my general outlook at life ( Alpha, How Do You Train? & Alpha's Work - #73 by Alpha RANT #1, if anyone wants to check them out).

Let’s see so why did it bother me, well, today (20/1/2016), I benched for a couple more sets more than usual cause… Well, just cause. I just felt like I haven’t been actually doing much work for the bench(my list favourite lift). This got me to thinking, this is a MAJOR MALFUNCTION for me. Not just in terms of training but in terms of just my outlook on life in general. I tend to half ass most of the things I’m not fond of doing to be frank. I’ll just start off with the life part first. I’m a student. My “job” is to study. That being said, my results are extremely mediocre. I would attribute this to me hating my course of study but we both know that’s an excuse. It might make it harder but it ain’t impossible. Oh dang, I just thought of a video ( Cowards Talk About What They'll Never Do - YouTube ). I’ve been all talk and no action. I always tell myself, I’ll study/work/etc harder the next time and well, I’m often saying the exact same thing a couple of months later. Let’s see, what do I usually do. I’ll be fucking up. I’ll be like, you know what. Come the 1st of the next month, I’m gonna get my shit together. Obviously, it NEVER works out. I’ve been 18 for 22 days, not much has been done. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. Granted, I could argue that most people probably don’t get life figured out until a way later point in their life but still. I don’t want to be most people. Oh and start listening to myself more. I’d lie if I said I don’t have them typical teenager drama shit, I should be avoiding them but hey, I ain’t too smart. Walking across a half built bridge and expecting to make it across, that’s me alright. I ought to change that. Now that I’m mostly done with ranting about my life and all that pansy shit…

LETS GET ON WITH TALKING ABOUT TRAINING. Training has been… passable for the past couple of months. I would like to use Alpha’s post ( Alpha, How Do You Train? - #7 by Alpha ) from 6 years ago as a reference point to how I wish to train. I’ll still be sticking to 531, possibly for the rest of the year. However, I will not be finishing the 27 week 531 BBB cycle I orignially intended on. I’ve been on it for 10 weeks, skipped 2 deload weeks so I would be at week 12/27. Part of me really wants to stick to it and finish what I started. The other part of me however… I don’t want to be stubborn, I’ll do what I feel is best for me as per the situation. I have no need of the 2nd half of the 27 weeks, they’re mainly 5x3 and 5x1. So basically, I plan to stick to 531 and well… Work my ass off. Actually put effort into my back off sets. I’ve been half assing them for quite a while. Actually work on my GPP, not just say that I will. Said I’ll work on running and I’ve yet to run at all since the start of 2016. I’ve been full of shit. I’m going to be less full of shit. One step at a time and hopefully, I make it somewhere.


Wasn’t supposed to train today but I just felt like doing something.
Bench 35kgs x10
Bench 55kgs x7
Close Grip Bench 75kgs x2x3
Close Grip Bench 80kgs x1
Close Grip Bench 90kgs x0 (bench fucked up half way up, could’ve gotten it)
Deficit Deadlift 150kgs x1 (just felt like pulling that weight lying around)

Did some band pull aparts between the sets.

Training has been somewhat jacked up since joining the push pull meet on the 31st. Will proceed to train according to the program from February onwards.