Ben Bruno's College Training

Has anyone ever tried this or something similar (i.e. pull/push/legs 3x/week)? I’ve been intrigued by it for a long time but the frequency seems so low.

I think I gained like 40lbs or more while training each bodypart once a week. I see frequency as more of a personal preference when it comes to overall physique development. And unless you’re actually doing more volume with added frequency, I doubt there will be much difference.

I’ve only done normal brosplits at this frequency. You will find similar ones in Kingbeef’s thread. The only real program I’ve ever done was Thib’s OVT(1st phase only).

Back day was replaced with :

I just don’t have a lot of experience with low volume stuff and the push day, for instance, seems like something you could easily do twice a week.

Bench Press
60kg x 10, 80kg x 8, 100kg x 6-8(stop 2-3 reps before failure), 110kg x max, 80kg x max

Incline Dumbbells
70lbs x 10, 75lbs x 10, 80lbs x 8-10(failure), 85lbs x max

Low Incline Flyes
4-5 sets of 12 using 40lbs, stop once can’t get 10 reps

I would do something like this. If you count the volume in terms of sets to failure or close, I was actually doing LESS than what that program recommends lol.

Yeah, just do it for 6 weeks and see how you respond. How else do you learn what is the best approach for you?

Good point.

Should be fine, if anything should be pretty fresh and so can really push for at least one set/rep PR each workout

[quote]nighthawkz wrote:

Has anyone ever tried this or something similar (i.e. pull/push/legs 3x/week)? I’ve been intrigued by it for a long time but the frequency seems so low.[/quote]
Day 1 is deadlifts and stuff (a.k.a. back day)
Day 2 is bench and stuff (a.k.a. chest and shoulders)
Day 3 is squat and stuff (a.k.a. leg day)
Day 4 could be accessory work or “detail work” or “arm day”

That’s actually a pretty classic approach. The thing with low frequency work is that you usually need to go balls out when you do train. This program in particular doesn’t recommend things like forced reps or beyond failure training, but still, you should be pushing the intensity of every rep you do get to do 100%. Tim Henriques had this good write-up comparing the pros/cons of high and low frequency training: High Frequency vs. Low Frequency

Also, don’t overlook that Bruno suggested 2-3 conditioning workouts to complement the lifting, so it’s not like you’re only doing those few workouts each week. Depending on your goal, it could definitely be worth giving a shot.

Again, depending on your current goal, that might be the perfect reason to go ahead and try it out.

Thank you for the Henriques article. I’ve almost exclusively done full body workouts or upper/lower splits so far, so you’re right - this might be the best thing to do for that very reason. As they say “the best program is the one you’re not doing”. I’ve recently worked on plenty of heavy-ish triples and my joints would probably welcome more rest.

Alright, this is mainly for thew purpose of writing donw what I actually do right now.

Monday: pull day

  • as outlined, except for the fact that I’m toying with ROM progression on the deadlift right now. I also do gasp a few curls after being done with everything else.

Tuesday: off

Wednesday: push day

  • as outlined, currently doing inclines, dips, face pulls, and pallof presses. A few laps on the concept2 rower as this is the only gym workout that leaves me with something in the tank.

Thursday: off

Friday: leg day

  • safety bar squats are the main movement right now. split squats for additional volume, GHRs and farmers walks (my gym has proper handles).

Saturday: conditioning

  • 400m sprints and 100 pressups total. The pressups are a concession to the fact that my pressing is incredibly weak and I hate it. Back in the day (being a skinny 23-year old) I would do 80 pressups in one set before breakfast. I’d like to get some of this back.

I’m actually on week 2 of this training routine and I think its great. But I also work full time and have 2 kids so I don’t have all the time in the world to dedicate to training and recovering. If you do it right and use the right intensity its plenty of volume. My last leg workout was this: worked up to a 1RM squat, then did a cluster set of 8 reps (2 reps at a time) with 50lbs less. Then I supersetted goblet squats with bb RDL’s for 4x10. Ran out of time to do an ab exercise. My legs are STILL sore and it was on Monday when I did that workout.

[quote]StevenF wrote:
My last leg workout was this: worked up to a 1RM squat, then did a cluster set of 8 reps (2 reps at a time) with 50lbs less. Then I supersetted goblet squats with bb RDL’s for 4x10. Ran out of time to do an ab exercise. My legs are STILL sore and it was on Monday when I did that workout. [/quote]

So… Not the program at all?

I like the look of this program. Give us an update in a couple months if you would. Fucking curls.

[quote]nighthawkz wrote:

[quote]StevenF wrote:
My last leg workout was this: worked up to a 1RM squat, then did a cluster set of 8 reps (2 reps at a time) with 50lbs less. Then I supersetted goblet squats with bb RDL’s for 4x10. Ran out of time to do an ab exercise. My legs are STILL sore and it was on Monday when I did that workout. [/quote]

So… Not the program at all?[/quote]

How is that not the program at all? I decided to do goblet squats instead of a single leg movement and didn’t have time for abs. Accessory work is accessory work and I busted my ass on the main movement and was done in 40 minutes.

[quote]StevenF wrote:

[quote]nighthawkz wrote:

[quote]StevenF wrote:
My last leg workout was this: worked up to a 1RM squat, then did a cluster set of 8 reps (2 reps at a time) with 50lbs less. Then I supersetted goblet squats with bb RDL’s for 4x10. Ran out of time to do an ab exercise. My legs are STILL sore and it was on Monday when I did that workout. [/quote]

So… Not the program at all?[/quote]

How is that not the program at all? I decided to do goblet squats instead of a single leg movement and didn’t have time for abs. Accessory work is accessory work and I busted my ass on the main movement and was done in 40 minutes. [/quote]

Sorry, I was tired. I’d say you set up the squat quite differently which threw me off but yeah, the general flow of exercises is very similar.