[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
detazathoth wrote:
zephead4747 wrote:
detazathoth wrote:
Urgh, Pantera was a terrible band
end yourself.
I like good metal, not whiny unmusical mainstream bullshit
you make me sad, real sad. Not to mention death/black metal are the equivalent of punk to the rock scene. Simply put I like the genres but there is a lack of musical talent in contrast to thrash and power metal. Not to mention that post reaks of being elitist because a band was SO FUCKING GREAT it revived the metal scene in the 90s. Which was dead from the rape Nirvana gave to just about every other music genre.[/quote]
So bands like Cynic who incorporate Jazz into their sound are like Punk? I am a metal elitist, I never denied that. Metal never died during the 90’s some of the best metal came out from 91’ to 93’, it’s only perceived that it died because it Glam was out of fashion in the mainstream.