I am 33 years old and have been, though on and off, and more off lately as I finish my Masters Degree in order to serve active duty in the military, which is my hopeful career goal (a little late for a career?), a dedicated and consistent weight lifter since I was about 15 when I trained at a gym in San Diego with competitor Kirk Aguon, who taught me a lot and was an excellent trainer and role model for a young kid like me.
I got off to a bad start in life, and even had/have to battle some felony convictions that have since been reduced to misdemeanors and expunged. Sorry, I digress…
I started lifting at about 15 years old as stated. I got into powerlifting for a while but preferred strength over size and pulled back from that, especially now that I am a Navy and have to deal with the joint injuries from powerlifting too much, from breakdancing, and just overall partying too much and living too fast for my age… again, I digress.
I am 33 with many years of experience of weight lifting, though admittedly as I have been working hard in this master’s degree program enough that I have gone up to about 18% body fat and suffered some strength atrophy, although, interestingly enough, and happily for me, my actual muscle size does not atrophy much; I tend to still possess the appearance of power in my body even when turning pages in books and keyboarding out papers (technically it’s not called typing anymore, right?).
Now, at the same time, that “appearance of power” is nothing amazing - I’m not trying to step out of my place here, I have nothing on many of y’all here, which is one of the reasons I am respectfully and hopefully seeking out y’all’s guidance and direction.
I wanted to give that background to alleviate any concerns that I’m jumping into something too fast. I have never done a cycle before of anything other than OTC (such as Epistance, Activate Extreme, and some other products that seemed to work very well like Halodrol, X-Factor by Molecular Nutrition, some good creatine, etc.), but last year I across some quality Andriol and cycled that with my OTCs mentioned above and used some OTC PCT. I did have some decent results doing that. But other than the Andriol, everything was OTC.
So now I’m at a point where I want to pursue something more effective. Here’s my stats and then my cycle ideas (not complete, was hoping for some help from you all here, please), and what I am mainly looking for.
33 years old
Relatively muscular/athletic (my profile pic isn’t the most revealing, but it may help) body type
17% body fat =(
I want to run an Equipoise cycle because I have been led to believe in my reading and discussion that EQ is a great choice to promotes strength gains rather than necessarily size gains, that it increases endurance with the increase in red blood cell activity and the promotion of oxygenating the body, and that, while speculative, there is the possibility that it may perhaps assist in soft tissue strengthening or repair. I know, that latter probably isn’t true, but there’s hope, and a possible placebo for me! =)
But given it is an EQ cycle, I also understand I would need to be run for about 16 weeks according to most folks. Thus, my thoughts on this cycle so far is:
Weeks 1-16 Sustamed 250 Balkan Pharmaceuticals, 1ml injections 3/week, thus 750mgs/week total
Weeks 1-16 Equipoise 200 SP Laboratories, 1 ml injections 3/week, thus 600 mgs/week total
At this point I am dealing with a few different thoughts and would really appreciate some guidance and/or correction from you on here. I’m considering:
taking D-Bol for the first 4-6 weeks at 35-50mgs/day given some comments I’ve read on some forums on the benefits a “cyclist” =) has in taking D-Bol with the slower acting EQ for more immediate results in his cycle.
Taking either some Proviron or Turanabol with the cycle because they are both said to interact very well with Testosterone, are relatively safe in terms of liver toxicity which I would be battling if D-Bol is used (again, please, these are just ideas, I’m not saying I’ll do all of these in one cycle, just thoughts on what I could potentially do in the hopes of getting some guidance and direction), and offer some assistance in either binding with SHBG or at least reducing estrogen build up, though I certainly would not leave out the Arimidex.
I certainly don’t need to add anything more in terms of the hormones themselves as that’s already a pretty legit cycle, I think, but at this point I would like to get an idea from the experts here, based on my statistics and history and the dosages I’ve suggested as well as the dosage replies I receive from y’all, about how much Arimidex I should be taking with this cycle per week, or whether something other than Arimidex should be used?
My final question, and honestly thank you sincerely to anyone who is taking this seriously and still reading, willing to help me out, concerns, obviously, the PCT. I am thinking of using HCG since it seems to have a better reputation than just Nolvadex, though this is where I’m at a loss given that most cycles I see and most people I read use Nolvadex.
Thus, my questions would be, given the cycles and what I’ll be taking, what PCT(s) should I use? Is HCG more preferable than Nolva? Also, in a 16 week cycle, should I being my PCT a few weeks early, such as Week 14, then continue on until week 18, 19, 20? How much should I take?
You guys on this forum are frickin awesome, I signed up recently and have loved the kind of info and answers I have been finding here. Absolutely legit, I’m glad I signed up. Please, help a newer friend to the forum as best you can with the awesome experience and knowledge y’all have built up.
One more thing… I am doing this same cycle with a friend of mine, who will do the same dosages, same time, exact same cycle length and quantity and that comes with the exact same questions I am asking (I want to help him out with any answers I can get for his stats as well). He, too, has a solid lifting history for over ten years and has even been more consistent than I have lately. He’s 6’2, 225, 14% body fat, 28 years old. If you could please assist with the answering of these questions for both of us as this is both of our first cycle I/we would be very very grateful to you guys! Thank you, y’all, honestly; it’s great to know that one can come before such experienced and equipped hard working folk and get assistance with something that is cleary very important to us men.
Have a great week, brothers.