What does the Testosterone readership think about those huge bodybuilder types that wear speedos/posing trunks at the beach? Are they T-men or just a bunch of flamers? I just came back from Miami Beach and the men were actually wearing less than the women! What do the T-vixens think about these guys?
Here is my real gut reaction - Gross is my first reaction, then, I’m not looking because he obviously wants me to and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, and finally, he’s gay, a male stripper,or he’s European. Also, sometimes I’m thinking “why would he wear that when he’s got nothing to show?”-oh well, maybe it’s shrinkage.
The muscles are enough guys, leave something to the imagination.Bodybuilders are already suspect for narcissism anyway. P.S. I feel the same way about women. T.C’s wife had it right,we all need to dress with a little more class. I can tell you that for me, and alot of women I know, a sharp dressed man is a big turn-on. Many black men seem to know this. What Hunks!
First impression - gag - even if he’s well built and good looking. that goes for women too, when I see someone in a bikini that is smaller than most postage stamps, the first thing i think is “who are you trying to impress?”
second look - it’s like staring at a traffic accident, you know you shouldn’t look, but you can’t help it. Granted, this eyeful is much more appealing, but I agree with A Girl, they are doing it for attention and I don’t want to feed into that…but I can’t help it!
final impression - I have yet to meet one of these people who are at all secure about themselves. They are dressed like that to hear “WOW, you’re so HUGE!!!” honestly, part of me feels bad that they need to do that…but on the other hand, sometimes it’s nice to see…
p.s. A Girl brings up a good point, speedos are the norm in Europe, even for older/heavier men. So it could be a ‘cultural thing’
I have a question somewhat related to this. How do you feel about bodyhair on men? I’m a hairy guy. And since I was 18, I’ve been shaving my armpits, and I trim my chest, stomach, arms, and legs. Sometimes I shave my body completely, but not too often. So do you ladies prefer a smooth, hairless body? Or maybe a neatly trimmed body? Or a naturally grown body? I’m curious because sometimes I like being completely shaven, but other times I think it looks funny, and it’s a real pain in the ass to do, especially as hairy as I am. That’s why I’d rather just keep it trimmed short. But what do women REALLY prefer?
As a European (specifically British) bodybuilder in my forties I feel I should take exception to at least two of the remarks below. But maybe you’re right - about the cultural thing. I won’t develop this theme further because I don’t think that a transatlantic exchange of insults is interesting to anybody.
IMO bodybuilders are at least in part exhibitionists and frankly I'm all for it. If you've got it, flaunt it I always heard (and I don't just mean the women, in case you wondered). I don't expect people with our sort of interests to be body-phobic. I think that TC's point the other week was a little different - there's a time and a place was what I read into what he wrote , and I agree. Using bare flesh to sell product at a symposium is reprehensible, but the question was about beach wear being worn in context. Just my two pence worth.
Nate…you hairball you…join the crowd!! I would love to hear the ladies replies. I keep the chest hair…but nair the heck out of the back and shoulders…I find it disgusting!! As soon as I get about 2 grand of I don’t care money gonna get the stuff lasered off because I heard it was permanant. My experience tho…most ladies like the chest hair. Cuts away at the definition…but hey…if they like it, I keep it! Later!
Phil J-hope it wasn’t me that insulted you. I simply mean’t that those kind of trunks are the style in Europe so one of the things I would wonder is if the guy is European. Its not to my taste, but neither is alot of American Styles or lack thereof.
Phil - sorry if I offended, I lived in France and Holland and my t-man is Greek. Both of us have observed the tendances towards speedo’s on the beaches there. Perhaps we go to the wrong ones…(or are in countries full of people with bad taste! grin) The most frightening thing I have ever seen on a beach - I was in Holland, and this really hairy older man was walking towards us. He had a big gut and we could barely see his bathing suit, as he passed we realized it was a ‘speedo’ thong suit…i’ll never get the image out of my head!!! note to self - go to british beaches!
Phil - sorry if I offended. I lived in France and Holland and my t-man is Greek. Both of us have observed the tendances towards speedo’s on the beaches there. Perhaps we went to the wrong beaches…(or were in countries full of people with bad taste! grin) The most frightening thing I have ever seen on a beach - I was in Holland, and this really hairy older man was walking towards us. He had a big gut and we could barely see his bathing suit, as he passed we realized it was a ‘speedo’ thong suit…i’ll never get the image out of my head!!! note to self - go to british beaches!
I live in Maine, and there is a summer town here that is frequented by canadians on vacation ( this is not a canadian slam). It definately is a cultural thing because you will see 48 year old men 5’7 350 in nothing but flip flops and speedos. It really is some humorous shit, especially when you see that they just don’t give a fuck.
Nate Dogg, trimmed would be best IMHO, if a guy shaves for a reason ( swimming,a show, or cause athletic tape is torture)I can understand it, otherwise it seems a bit much. I don’t like lots of hair, but nubs are worse. I really don’t like hairy backs or ears or noses but that can be taken care of. If I like someone I would date them regardless.
Speedos on the beach? I don’t like it. I, like the other girls, make a point not to look so that the guy doesn’t think I’m impressed. If I were in Europe and every guy was dressed that way, I’d just accept it as culture.
As for the male shaving thing - I enjoy seeing a nicely built chest shaven and nicely built legs shaven. BUT - if you have no pecs and skinny legs, shaving will only make you look weirder (IMHO). I don't think hair looks bad on a man, only back hair is beyond my tolerance. My husband is half Macedonian so we go though quite a few Mach III razors. Some day we'll get the laser treatment for him so he can take short showers again :)
OK, I admit it, I wear speedos when I feel I can get away with it. I travel quite a bit in the Caribbean and Hawaii where there are a lot of foreigners, and speedos are not that out of place in many of the resort settings. Also, I am not the large muscular type, I am more the lean muscular type like the Men’s Health Magazine models, so I don’t look like I am crambed into this little suit. Anyway, what do you T-Vixens think about the slimmer muscular type of build in a speedo, rather than the big guys. Just wondering if even us more lean guys are more acceptable to you Vixens in the speedo, or do I really need to put them away. Then again, when in the Carribean or Hawaii, is it OK to do like the foreigners do?
Dave , why do you wear speedo’s ? Do YOU like them? if you do then I say wear em. If you are only doing it to impress the ladies, I guess you will get a mixed reaction. I could wear a thong and look good but I don’t. I don’t feel like myself, and don’t need the extra attention. I say do what you want to. That’s why I wear thong undies- because I like them, and so does my T-Man. But I don’t share it with the whole beach.
James,I don’t think speedo’s are any more popular up here in Canada then they are in the States… with the possible exception of guy’s from Quebec (no slam ment there either).
My wife wanted me to get one, but I’m sure it is only for the odd beach trip. We tend to prefer the natural beaches anyway… pretty strange that I feel more comfortable going totally nude than I would wearing a speedo.
Dave, A Girl has it. If YOU are comfortable in them it’s fine i guess. The thing is, people can usually tell when someone is doing something for the ‘shock value’ I’m sure you’ve seen it, the guy with the little suit who is puffing out his chest, holding his arms out and strutting around. He looks rediculous, just like the women who do the same. If you are comfortable then it will show in your body language and your suit won’t matter. A Girl I am totally with you on the thong issue! Dale, that is kinda odd…you’re more comfotable without clothes on than with a speedo? hmmmm…though i guess when everyone is naked it isn’t ‘weird’ whereas when some people are more covered than others you may feel like you ‘stand out’
Michelle, I only ment that I feel more comfortable on a nude beach than I would wearing a speedo on a clothed beach. I’m not the flashy type so I would feel like I’m showing off… even though I wouldn’t be showing everything… on a nude beach it’s just a feeling of exhileration … the warm sun…sand and the ocean… it’s like it’s the way things were meant to be… there are all types there short, tall, fit and unfit… the most incredible time was when about 6 people were playing bongo’s … a couple of girls were kind of dancing (more like gyrating)… only words to sum it up are primal. Quite incredible (as a side note… I’m not a hippy either).
Speedos on any guy who is not competitively swimming is just too much. Regular swim trunks are much sexier, in my opinion. They are much more “at ease”, for the wearer and the observer. That’s sexy. Speedos are just trying too hard.
Speedo & Canada??? Sorry James just because there is a border fashions do not change. As I agree there is a culture thing, there is a age thing as well. Go to any retirement community in FLA and you can’t swing a walker without out hitting a over weight, over tanned retiree in Speedo’s lastest fashion release. I don’t think these 60+ guys care what others think. Next time you are at Spring Break etc and you meet Canadians take note of the attire.