Batcheldor-style cycles for fat loss


How would you structure a Batcheldor-style cycle for fat loss? For example, when would you cut calories, increase calories, etc. with ON/OFF weeks

Current structure for 21 weeks of training is as follows:

3 ON, 2 OFF, 3 ON, 2 OFF, 3 ON, 2 OFF, 6 MAINTENANCE

training is as follows:
5-8 reps ON weeks (more sets) plus occasional triples
1-3 reps OFF WEEKS for main lifts (one set to failure for assistance) (fewer sets)

So my questions are:

  1. Would you modify this training? Keep it mostly the same? I am a 1A.
  2. How would you time calorie manipulation in conjunction with ON/OFF weeks?
  3. Would you change the structure of ON/OFF weeks? For example, 5 ON/3 OFF (I just made that up so illustrate my question)

As always, Coach, I appreciate your assistance.
