Baked Beans ok for Keto Diets?

hey all pretty simple question is the good old aussie favourite of baked beans ok for a keto diet?

are beans which contain 17 grams of carbs per serving ok to have? they do contain a lot of fibre and high in protein.

are beans in general good to have?

If you are dead set on doing a keto diet then baked beans, or any beans for that matter, are not allowed.

However having said that, being in ketosis has shit to do with losing fat. you can GAIN fat on a ketogenic diet if you consume more calories than you expend (this is because dietary fat can be stored without an increase in insulin). The only time cutting carbs that harshly is really necessary is at the end of a contest prep diet (in which calories are so ridiculously low that there is no room for carbs)or to set up glycogen supercompensation such as on a cyclical ketogenic diet like the Anabolic Diet, BodyOpus, or The Ultimate Diet 2.0

IMHO a better approach would be to follow a more moderate diet in which fat and protein are roughly equal (40/30/30 ratio). that way, assuming you are in a caloric deficit, you can lose fat AND eat your baked beans (or whatever)

[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
If you are dead set on doing a keto diet then baked beans, or any beans for that matter, are not allowed.

However having said that, being in ketosis has shit to do with losing fat. you can GAIN fat on a ketogenic diet if you consume more calories than you expend (this is because dietary fat can be stored without an increase in insulin). The only time cutting carbs that harshly is really necessary is at the end of a contest prep diet (in which calories are so ridiculously low that there is no room for carbs)or to set up glycogen supercompensation such as on a cyclical ketogenic diet like the Anabolic Diet, BodyOpus, or The Ultimate Diet 2.0

IMHO a better approach would be to follow a more moderate diet in which fat and protein are roughly equal (40/30/30 ratio). that way, assuming you are in a caloric deficit, you can lose fat AND eat your baked beans (or whatever)[/quote]

For cutting, I contend that keto is the best way. No baked beans.

Those that contend that there is a “One Best Way ™” need to be a little less dogmatic.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
JMoUCF87 wrote:
If you are dead set on doing a keto diet then baked beans, or any beans for that matter, are not allowed.

However having said that, being in ketosis has shit to do with losing fat. you can GAIN fat on a ketogenic diet if you consume more calories than you expend (this is because dietary fat can be stored without an increase in insulin). The only time cutting carbs that harshly is really necessary is at the end of a contest prep diet (in which calories are so ridiculously low that there is no room for carbs)or to set up glycogen supercompensation such as on a cyclical ketogenic diet like the Anabolic Diet, BodyOpus, or The Ultimate Diet 2.0

IMHO a better approach would be to follow a more moderate diet in which fat and protein are roughly equal (40/30/30 ratio). that way, assuming you are in a caloric deficit, you can lose fat AND eat your baked beans (or whatever)

For cutting, I contend that keto is the best way. No baked beans.[/quote]

dood! don’t be offering all kinds of advice on cutting when your 5’10" 150lbs!

I know you get pissed when people bring up your stats, but this isn’t something you can chime in on. You weigh less than my 16 year old brother who is your height. He is also just as lean as my avatar.

Point is, we don’t need a bunch of people running around spouting off stuff that they can’t back up.

Not completely laying flame to you man, its just frustrating to see.


[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
Those that contend that there is a “One Best Way ™” need to be a little less dogmatic.[/quote]

Those who think a single offhand forum post implies dogma need to lighten up.

im just trying to bring the proverbial pendulum back to center in this forum. there are far to many people who think that the more extreme for restrictive a diet is, and make no mistake a keto diet is an extreme approach, the better it will work. what many do not take into account is that a diet must fit an individual psychologically as well as physiologically.

When someone declares one dietary approach is “The Best”, that statement completely fails to take into account the psychological aspect of dieting.

The best diet is the one that you can stick with. Obviously, if the OP wants to eat baked beans but can’t due to his diet, then maybe he should think about changing his diet so that he CAN eat baked beans.

[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
im just trying to bring the proverbial pendulum back to center in this forum. there are far to many people who think that the more extreme for restrictive a diet is, and make no mistake a keto diet is an extreme approach, the better it will work. what many do not take into account is that a diet must fit an individual psychologically as well as physiologically.

When someone declares one dietary approach is “The Best”, that statement completely fails to take into account the psychological aspect of dieting.

The best diet is the one that you can stick with. Obviously, if the OP wants to eat baked beans but can’t due to his diet, then maybe he should think about changing his diet so that he CAN eat baked beans.[/quote]

If he can’t give up beans for a six-week cut, he shouldn’t be bodybuilding. I hear what you’re saying, and certainly some people won’t do well on a keto diet, but it is an incredibly effective way to cut fat quickly. I think it is the best, for numerous reasons I’m sure you already know. I’m doing it right now. Extreme approaches become less extreme when small periods of time are concerned. I wouldn’t do keto year-round, by any means. That would be unneccesarily uncomfortable.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
JMoUCF87 wrote:
im just trying to bring the proverbial pendulum back to center in this forum. there are far to many people who think that the more extreme for restrictive a diet is, and make no mistake a keto diet is an extreme approach, the better it will work. what many do not take into account is that a diet must fit an individual psychologically as well as physiologically.

When someone declares one dietary approach is “The Best”, that statement completely fails to take into account the psychological aspect of dieting.

The best diet is the one that you can stick with. Obviously, if the OP wants to eat baked beans but can’t due to his diet, then maybe he should think about changing his diet so that he CAN eat baked beans.

If he can’t give up beans for a six-week cut, he shouldn’t be bodybuilding. I hear what you’re saying, and certainly some people won’t do well on a keto diet, but it is an incredibly effective way to cut fat quickly. I think it is the best, for numerous reasons I’m sure you already know. I’m doing it right now. Extreme approaches become less extreme when small periods of time are concerned. I wouldn’t do keto year-round, by any means. That would be unneccesarily uncomfortable.[/quote]

keto diets are also the best way to have a post-diet rebound, they are also a good way to mess with your body’s insulin sensitivity and slow the metabolism down.

imo it’s all about a good carb cycle, which is a type of keto diet, but most people associate keto diets with “no carbs at all they are the devil” when this is stupid.

Most people don’t need to be going that low to no carb unless they are trying to get to low bf% levels like a competitive bodybuilder. Most people don’t diet to get that lean (I’m talking striated glutes here).

now Vicomte…why in the hell are you doing a keto diet at your stats?!


[quote]Vicomte wrote:
If he can’t give up beans for a six-week cut, he shouldn’t be bodybuilding. I hear what you’re saying, and certainly some people won’t do well on a keto diet, but it is an incredibly effective way to cut fat quickly. I think it is the best, for numerous reasons I’m sure you already know. I’m doing it right now. Extreme approaches become less extreme when small periods of time are concerned. I wouldn’t do keto year-round, by any means. That would be unneccesarily uncomfortable.[/quote]

lol i’ve given up a lot more, I’m trying to get down to 8-10%bf for summer in aus and also I’m sick of being a fatty.

I know carbs were my issue when it came to my previous body composition issues, since the 30/6 I’ve lost around 10kg. I’m now the leanest I’ve ever been however I still have a long way to go.

I know this is asking a lot but can someone please post some foods etc. that I can eat just in case I’m missing anything as I have been sticking pretty much to meat, cheese, green vegetables, pork rinds, protein shakes and bars, eggs, fish. And while this seems to be a bit of variety at times it does seem incredibly limited

[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
imo it’s all about a good carb cycle, which is a type of keto diet, but most people associate keto diets with “no carbs at all they are the devil” when this is stupid.

Most people don’t need to be going that low to no carb unless they are trying to get to low bf% levels like a competitive bodybuilder. Most people don’t diet to get that lean (I’m talking striated glutes here).

agreed with your first paragraph, however I’ve had two schedule days where I have had a refeed. In an article I read here it says that people with my level of bf didnt really need a carb up.

It was the easier approach for me to take

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
Dirty Gerdy wrote:
imo it’s all about a good carb cycle, which is a type of keto diet, but most people associate keto diets with “no carbs at all they are the devil” when this is stupid.

Most people don’t need to be going that low to no carb unless they are trying to get to low bf% levels like a competitive bodybuilder. Most people don’t diet to get that lean (I’m talking striated glutes here).

agreed with your first paragraph, however I’ve had two schedule days where I have had a refeed. In an article I read here it says that people with my level of bf didnt really need a carb up.

It was the easier approach for me to take[/quote]

I personally think a refeed day is crucial. Everybody is different tho, and if you are seeing good results then by all means stick with it. I just know most keto diets without carbs plateu and your stuck with a smaller you that still looks soft.

Instead I’d say it’s all about the transformation of one’s physique over time where you become a metabolic furnace. Imo keto diets are not the way to get there. For the seriously obese maybe. For anybody under 20%bf I don’t think so.


[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
jtg987 wrote:
Dirty Gerdy wrote:
imo it’s all about a good carb cycle, which is a type of keto diet, but most people associate keto diets with “no carbs at all they are the devil” when this is stupid.

Most people don’t need to be going that low to no carb unless they are trying to get to low bf% levels like a competitive bodybuilder. Most people don’t diet to get that lean (I’m talking striated glutes here).

agreed with your first paragraph, however I’ve had two schedule days where I have had a refeed. In an article I read here it says that people with my level of bf didnt really need a carb up.

It was the easier approach for me to take

I personally think a refeed day is crucial. Everybody is different tho, and if you are seeing good results then by all means stick with it. I just know most keto diets without carbs plateu and your stuck with a smaller you that still looks soft.

Instead I’d say it’s all about the transformation of one’s physique over time where you become a metabolic furnace. Imo keto diets are not the way to get there. For the seriously obese maybe. For anybody under 20%bf I don’t think so.


could i ask wat approach u prefer then in greater detail?

give this article a read. In my experience and from what I’ve seen with others it won’t drop weight as fas as a no-carb diet, but this is a diet you can follow all the time if you’d like. Many bodybuilder I know use this or something similar to it and have good results .vs. going completely no carb.


[quote]Vicomte wrote:
I think it is the best, for numerous reasons I’m sure you already know. I’m doing it right now. [/quote]

What exactly are you trying to cut?

To the OP, congrats on your 10kg’s so far, and good luck with your goals. I got on the “tired of being a fat ass” train myself a year ago, and have used a moderated carb diet to great results.

I go low carb year round, but without going to ketosis, and in fact I feel like I get better results over the long term this way than I did when I tried a strict keto diet years ago. Just a second opinion, but I think it’s a viable diet strategy.

I keep my carbs sub 100grams a day when I’m training heavy, and sub 50grams a day when I’m taking a light week or whatever, with almost all of my carbs in either case coming from fruits and vegetables. I don’t put any restrictions on which fruits and veggies to eat, but try to get at least 2 servings of veg to every one of fruit, with most of my fruits coming from berries or high fiber fruits and most of veggies from non starchy sources.

No one ever seems to get this around here. One can be 150 lbs. and still have too much fat. I am cutting a bit more before working on adding muscle. I am not a bodybuilder. I have no interest in a three year bulk followed by a cut. I know enough about keto diets, from experience, to comment on them. I wouldn’t do one without a carb-up day, like every else recommends.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
I am cutting a bit more before working on adding muscle. I am not a bodybuilder. I have no interest in a three year bulk followed by a cut.


What are you here for then? I do not knock stats as I am not a lean mean beast yet but at 5’10" 150 lbs… how could that possibly be too much fat and require “cutting”???

And OP, try to find baked beans with no sugar added… I dare ya.

But no, it won’t be a “keto” diet if you’re consistently hitting above 50g of carbs a day.

And to truly see if you’re in ketosis, you must piss on keto sticks.

Back when I was doing Atkins like 8 years ago, and actually cared about whether or not I was in ketosis, it required 5 solid days of between 20 and 50g of carbs just to enter it. One carb up kicked me out. Then 3 days to get back in. Slowly but surely it requires less days to get back into ketosis.

Why not just do “low carb” instead of keto, then yeah, you can allow beans. But to get properly fat adapted rapidly, no store bought canned baked beans will get you there.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
No one ever seems to get this around here. One can be 150 lbs. and still have too much fat. I am cutting a bit more before working on adding muscle. I am not a bodybuilder.

I have no interest in a three year bulk followed by a cut. I know enough about keto diets, from experience, to comment on them. I wouldn’t do one without a carb-up day, like every else recommends.


You don’t have too much fat, you have too little muscle. Please stop giving dietary advice. You cannot speak from experience.

[quote]atg410 wrote:
Vicomte wrote:
No one ever seems to get this around here. One can be 150 lbs. and still have too much fat. I am cutting a bit more before working on adding muscle. I am not a bodybuilder. I have no interest in a three year bulk followed by a cut.

I know enough about keto diets, from experience, to comment on them. I wouldn’t do one without a carb-up day, like every else recommends.

You don’t have too much fat, you have too little muscle. Please stop giving dietary advice. You cannot speak from experience.[/quote]

Thats what I was trying to say earlier…

If you were 4’10" at 150lbs then I might be able to justify it. At 5’10" with a cut you will look anaorexic. I mean even skinnier then some abercrombie boy. lol I certainly hope thats not what your going for…


[quote]atg410 wrote:
Vicomte wrote:
No one ever seems to get this around here. One can be 150 lbs. and still have too much fat. I am cutting a bit more before working on adding muscle. I am not a bodybuilder.

I have no interest in a three year bulk followed by a cut. I know enough about keto diets, from experience, to comment on them. I wouldn’t do one without a carb-up day, like every else recommends.

You don’t have too much fat, you have too little muscle. Please stop giving dietary advice. You cannot speak from experience.[/quote]

I won’t be.