I started a training log about 4 years ago to try and inspire me to get back into working out. Then life with a baby and work got in the way, and I got to used to being lazy. I finally decided enough was enough with all the aches and pains that come with being too fat.
When i started my original training log I had gained 30 Lbs during the first few months of my wifes pregnancy, after I failed to do anything about it and let my first log crash and burn. I continued to pack on weight through the pregnancy and quarantine, then we had our son. I tried to go back to the gym after he was born, but it was hard to fit it in in the early morning before work after waking up at least once during the night to feed him. So I completely gave up trying for a long time.
I decided to get back after my goals after weighing myself and I was up to around 265 at 5’7. My knees and back were constantly in pain and I was sick of it. So I restarted my gym membership in December of 2023 and I’ve been consistent ever since.
Stats when I started.
Age: 32
Height: 5’7
Weight: 265
Waist: 46 inches
Current stats.
Age: 33
Height: 5’7
Weight: 180
Waist: 34 inches
I feel pretty good about my progress so far, I don’t exactly know what I hope to achieve in the long run. I have no intention of stopping any time soon.
Short term goals: 165 Lbs. I’ll reassess once I get to it and decide based on how I look and feel whether or not to continue to cut or increase my calories a little and start a slow controlled bulk.
Current training consists of your average push pull split.
Mondays- Chest and triceps
Tuesdays- Back and biceps
Wednesdays- Legs and shoulders
Thursday- Chest and triceps
Friday- Back and biceps
Saturday- Legs and shoulders
I lift for an hour and a half, followed by 30 minutes of cardio every day.
Current diet:
I make sure I stay under 1770 calories a day for now. I don’t track all of my macros I just try and hit around 130 grams of protein a day.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read.