Back Squat Sticking Point

Box squats will definitely help.

I’ve blasted through my sticking point (a little lower than yours) by adding box jumps and split jerks as a warmup.

[quote]Raw Power wrote:

As for me, I place the bar lower which is more powerlifting style than Olympic style. The knees don’t go past the shins on the downward movement and stay that way even when I’m bottomed out. That’s where it ends for me on the powerlifting style because I squat narrow stance and go deep.

What do you consider a narrow stance? Picture?

HEALTH FIRST DUDE! most important advice,then patience and perseverance.

Good technique and programs all the other bros are giving you, be patient and persevere and look after your knees and back BEFORE they get hurt or injured.

I know a guy that is a world class strength athlete in his early 30s, he told me he had one minor injury , a pec pull, in his entire sports career, because he warmed up warmed down, always stretched, and did core exercises. food for thought.

Raw Power…

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will apply some of your ideas on my squat days. Very good information!

[quote]IronRaider wrote:
Raw Power…

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will apply some of your ideas on my squat days. Very good information![/quote]


You’re welcome! If I can be of any help just let me know.