Finally got in to see the end and got a baseline Hormone panel worked up I haven�??t talked to you in a while you were helping me out with a TRT protocol.
Testosterone �??Total 285.0 280-800
Estradiol 65 20-75
SHBG 15.77 14.5-48.4
Free Testosterone 75.2 35-155
Total Testosterone 254 250-1100
% Free Test. 2.96 1.50-2.20
Stats: When I started out I was on 5 grams of Androgel�?�my Regular doctor bumped it up to 10g�??s day. I been on ten grams for like a year, figured out my regular doctor didn�??t know jack after reading all the stuff on the board I made an appointment to see and Endo, she run the blood tests. I go back to see her tomorrow.
My height and weight, I lost 54 pounds in the last 12 weeks.I�??m down from 488 to 433lbs. and its coming off in chunks(Im 6 foot 8) My goal is to be 320lbs by Sept. at 19% body fat. I know with out a doubt I will make my goal.
Obviously my test is at the very low end of normal (285)my Esradiol is why HIGH at 65. Id like to see my Test around 800-1000 and my E around 20.
I know I need to get on the Hcg�?�and an A-Dex instantly.The doctor said all that was a possibility, she just had to set it up so the insurance would cover it.The only hang up I see is shes kind of pushing me towards the �??patch�?? I told her no way, I wanted injections, then she said shes do the injections but that the once every two weeks would create the rollercoaster effect. I explained to her that I would like to self inject and she said shed we will cross that bridge when we get there and that if I did self inject Id have to have blood work done every two weeks? anyone every heard that, or is doing that on self injects?.
any thoughts on a protocol? or em I missing anything…
thanks for the help