This is a legit website from Italian coffin makers that combines scantily clad models posing with the product.
Welcome to bizzaro world!
Wrong on SEVERAL levels…
MicroSlash - “Hoping not to see one of these for quite a while now that I’m not strung out on heroine…”
Funniest is that they sell calendars and T-shirt. Do they have a promotion like “buy a coffin, and get free t-shirt for your departed loved ones” ?
In some cultures, the calendar idea may not seem too weird. I worked for a Hospice as the bereavement coordinator after I graduated college and went to one patient funeral way back in the woods, in a small African-American Baptist Church. During the part of the service where you walk by the coffin to view the deceased the funeral directors were handing out their new calendar for the next year. No one thought it was odd at all.
Wow, that is freaking wild! My dad use to own a cemetery & I’ve never seen anything like that! Very different.
Anyone here form Peoria, Ill???
Springdale cemetery? Huh?
hahahaha thats fucking hilarious
Wow, that is freaking wild! My dad use to own a cemetery & I’ve never seen anything like that! Very different.[/quote]
That’s just different culture, my friend. The chinese would even have a big dinner/gathering after the whole ordeal, which to thank people who help out in the funeral and to cheer up and leave all the grieve behind.
This calendar thingy doesn’t sound too weird to me after growing up with what I mentioned.
Geek boy