'Raising the Dead' Coffee Grounds?

Hey guys, a loooong time back I remember some thread about how much coffee everyone consumed, or whether or not light/dark roast made a difference. Something like that. But there was a link to some online retailer that imported coffee from around the world, and one of the bags of grounds had a pic of a zombie bolting out of the grave with a cup of coffee.

Anybody remember who posted the link?

I realize this is a long shot, but I really want to know this to get it as a gag gift for a good friends upcoming birthday (she’s one of those that slams 2-3 pots a day).

I remember the thread but couldn’t find it either. This might be a good alternative if you can’t find the zombie stuff.

To the op…that actually works? Asking people for random threads like that?

Let me try.:

Hey guys, there was a thread about 5 years ago or more where some other posters and myself posted a ton of those motivational posters only with pictures of boobs and such with our own “motivational” sayings. Does anyone have a link to that thread?

I’m assuming you’ve rejected Deadman’s Reach, already?

Oh, and if she is slamming 2 - 3 pots a day, slipping her some Whitestrips on the down low would probably be appreciated, as well.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
To the op…that actually works? Asking people for random threads like that?

Let me try.:

Hey guys, there was a thread about 5 years ago or more where some other posters and myself posted a ton of those motivational posters only with pictures of boobs and such with our own “motivational” sayings. Does anyone have a link to that thread?[/quote]

You are such a douchebag.

[quote]bdog527 wrote:
Professor X wrote:
To the op…that actually works? Asking people for random threads like that?

Let me try.:

Hey guys, there was a thread about 5 years ago or more where some other posters and myself posted a ton of those motivational posters only with pictures of boobs and such with our own “motivational” sayings. Does anyone have a link to that thread?

You are such a douchebag.


I was being serious you little imp.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I was being serious you little imp.

Not a T-Muscle thread, but awesome all the same.


You’re welcome.

Thanks Brant for that site, and anonym for that reference to dead mans reach. I might give either a try, and throw in some crest white strips for an extra laugh.

And X, it works man. I’m not sure if your being serious or not, but I appreciate the civility that the regulars on this site have shown me so far, whether or not it’s in regards to preparing for meets, gear, life in general, or an injury.

Btw those geek shit threads you got going on are awesome. If v.4 doesn’t come out I may take it up on myself to start it up!

This thread maybe:

I think you might be talking about the brand ‘just coffee’:

http://justcoffee.coop/node/7123 - reanimator blend

They recently had new blend at the local co-op w/ the name "raising the dead’ or “raise the dead”, though i don’t see it on their website (might have been seasonal for Halloween). It’s slightly less dark than the reanimator blend, but not much. i really like the reanimator blend a lot. super strong coffee and always cool to have a zombie for your logo.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
To the op…that actually works? Asking people for random threads like that?

Let me try.:

Hey guys, there was a thread about 5 years ago or more where some other posters and myself posted a ton of those motivational posters only with pictures of boobs and such with our own “motivational” sayings. Does anyone have a link to that thread?[/quote]


:S maybe this one… dont know