-Fat bar shoulder press
(not sure how much the bar weighs)
worked up to a 25kg each side so roughly:
70kg(155 lbs?) x 5 for 3 sets
-Dumbell shoulder press
25kg(55 lbs?) dumbells x 8 for 3 sets
-lat raises and bent over raises supersetted
some x some
-Dumbell Shrugs
45kg(100 lbs?) x 12 for 3 sets
Training could of been better, it was cold and my left shoulder was sore as sh*t when I was pressing, just sore from benching a few days ago I think/hope.
Long time since I updated, I was sick for a while but now i’m back on track with training.
some points:
-Got a kick to the head playing rugby last week, felt like shit for a couple of days.
-The stupid shit you see in college gyms will never cease to amaze me.
-The squat rack at college is so shit, I can’t place the bar at the right height, this lead to me squatting in a smith machine, this felt horrible and will never be done again.
A friend of mine came into town we decided to do back, I rarely get to see him since we go to different colleges. It’s annoying he’s a great training partner. We decided to change things up today so this isn’t a typical back day.
-Pull ups
3 sets of 6
-Dumbell rows
30kg x 12
35kg x 12
40kg x 12
-Seated row
stack x warm up
40kg + stack x 10
60kg + stack x 10
40kg + stack x 10
-Lat pulldown
some x I dunno
100kg x 20
100kg x 20
we decided to just do something that would burn our lungs and and make a F-ing A back pump.
Haha im so bad at keeping this log. Lets try again.
Weighing ~200lbs
Got to work chest in my home gym yesterday
warm up.
Bar x 20
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5
175 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 5
220 lbs x 3
230 lbs x 3
(decided i’d leave it till next week until I moved up the weight anymore)
200 lbs x 8
135 lbs x 25
135 lbs x 6
155 lbs x 6
175 lbs x 5
BW x 8
BW 30lbs x 8
BW 55lbs x 8 (PR here, all kinds of awesome)
did some pull ups at the end cause i wanted to
good session.
getting bloods taken tomorrow so no training till tuesday
bar x enough
135 lbs x 8
155 lbs x 5
175 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 5
220 lbs x 5
242 lbs x 3
265 lbs x 3
285 lbs x 2
315 lbs x 2
( i decided here i wanted to deadlift, haven’t deadlifted with a good bar, belt and chalk in so long)
135 x 5
220 x 5
285 x 3
315 x 3
350 x 2
405 x 3 (WTF i have no idea where this came from, all kinds of awesome)
i was so spent after this i didnt go near 455lbs, i thought i was just do a single with 435
435 x 1
Leg Press
5pps x 10 for 3 sets
60 seconds x 3
such an awesome day. i passed out for 2 hours after this, should of been doing some study. ah well.
bar x lots
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5
175 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 3
220 lbs x 2
230 lbs x 2
242 lbs x 1
255 lbs x 1 PR(This wasn’t as hard as I thought it would of been, happy out)
220 lbs x 4
Incline bench
(I was pretty tired so I kept these light)
110 x 12
135 x 10
155 x 8
110 x 18
BW x 8
BW 25lbs x 6
BW 25lbs x 8
(tri’s and delts were fried before these)
Meadows kickbacks
worked up to 20 lbs x 8, really liked these.
Happy with the bench PR I have more in me though, 260lbs next week for a single.
Had football training, plenty of sprints, hamstrings are still sore.
bar x lots
135 lbs x 5
155 lbs x 5
175 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 3
220 lbs x 2
230 lbs x 2
242 lbs x 1
255 lbs x 2 PR
220 lbs x 6 Rep PR
(wanted to do some tricep work)
tri pressdowns
ascending sets x 5
Meadows kickbacks
some x some
skull crushers
this is a bad exercise for me,bleh
Wanted to deadlift but there was no chalk and the squat racks were full when i wanted to do some front squats instead.
training is a bit odd at the moment.
Hit these with a friend from the team.
BB press
massive blur
lots of reps x short breaks
cable laterals
some x some
rear delt cable
some x some
upright rows
did some stretching then got a shake. dunzo.
I want to get in some front squatting and some upper back work in before the week is out but study is messing up training as of late.
Need to pull it together next week. F’ing exams for the next month </3 going to mess shit up more