I am not special and will not be the last person that will be left with a sour taste in their mouth after leaving the local GP’s office… here is my personal experience with doctors surrounding PED’s.
My first interaction with a doctor was at the start of the year. I came to his office genuinely concerned about my libido… since my girlfriend at the time was concerned.
Straight away when I brought the topic of testosterone up he looked at my physique and scoffed at me. Implying that my underlying reason for coming in was revolved around TRT potentially and that a person at my age and physique would obviously not be insufficient in any means.
The part that really started to make me feel like these GP’s were a waste of time was later in the conversation when he was trying to convince me to stop lifting weights altogether and start swimming or cycling… unbelievable.
I left the office with no constructive help or recommendations.
The second scenario was only recently. For context - I have been extremely worried about my BP recently. I have my own cuff and have been taking readings morning & night, left & right arm etc… On average my systolic has been 150-155. Diastolic has been not as worrisome but more sporadic, between 60-90.
I read an article the other day stating that if you’re 20+ points over the normal range you’re twice as likely to have a heart attack / stroke. This is not something I am happy to be fucking around with. Not to mention left ventricular hypertrophy.
My second experience…
I spoke to another doctor regarding this issue. Explaining to him that my diet is clean, regular exercise, 4L water every day, 7 hours sleep every night and a very stressful job.
He then went on to tell me that 150/90 wasn’t much to be concerned about???
I then asked if I can be prescribed some telemisartane… which he said no… as it has too many side effects…
So let me get this straight. You are not going to prescribe me Telemisartane since it is going to potentially make me dizzy. The side effect of high BP is FUCKING DEATH. There won’t be any dizziness when I am 10ft under.
The most frustrating thing was all he said to me was that I needed to see a psychiatrist for my stress at work? Are you kidding me.
I am really trying to be proactive about my health and all in all I’m so disappointed. I know there is plenty of good medical practitioners out there, I just need to find one.
Apologies for the long rant. Cheers.