Work has been crazy, I work in carpentry and our online business is taking a huge jump. Changing our primary sale website to one with about 10x the traffic of the previous. To make that deal, we made an agreement to shorten a 2 week lead time for custom product down to 6 days. Very doable with a couple of tweaks, but the transition period of finishing all orders with a 2 week lead time and starting those with a 6 day lead time requires man hours. Going camping for 5ish days starting this evening, including testing out two new paddle boards. Will be nice to decompress after a few 14+ hour work days primarily spent manufacturing.
High bar back squat, cloth belt
315 for 20 singles, between 10-45 seconds rest between
Power snatch from hang
âKirkâ high pulls
Pretty much a normal high pull but de- emphasizing the hips and focusing more on the pull like an upright row. Felt kind of like a Kirk shrug with extra ROM
10 banded squats, 10 banded good mornings
10 rounds, no rest
Trunk work
5Ă20 cable row
5x20 face pull
5x10 rear delt fly
Even closer grip bench, middle finger on smooth
10 paused cable rows between each set
Banded neutral grip bench
Bar & red band x 10
100 & red band x 10
100 & black band x10
100 & black band x10
50 & purple band x10
70 & purple band Ă10
70 & purple band Ă18
Rear delts have been sore with my arms hanging at my sides. I had been looking through my past programming and realized how totally ive been neglecting horizontal pulling of any kind, outside of the occasional face pull. Been dealing with some neck and upper back pain, and I canât reach my graston tools up there on myself. Figured some better proportioned training could help. Also, have a 100 lb medicine ball on the way. Gotta love Titan Fitness and their free shipping.
Push press
12 rows with 44 lb Kb between each set
Banded landmine press
+25 & red band x12
+25 & black band Ă12
+35 & black band x12 x 2
+25 & black bandĂ12
Medicine ball toss over shoulder
100 lbsx5x5
Lunges holding medicine ball
100 x 16 x 3
Straight leg situps, you guessed it, with medicine ball
100 x 10 x 5
SSB box squat, 2 box and 25 lb plate height
225 x 10 x 5
Close grip bench
10 seated cable rows between each set
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
Bar x 10
Add knockoff slingshot, pause at bottom and top
Bunch of single arm tricep work and band pull aparts
Non traditional lifting, but I threatened power bombs on my 270+ lb bjj drilling partner about 30ish times. Pick up from guard, setting him down nicely. My everything is sore, gym is 85 or so °F and classes left me very dehydrated and tired. Walked in the door, took a 2 minute shower and went straight to bed. Woke up, still pretty sore. My meathead brain takes over when I roll with people larger than me.
Hotel Gym, very reasonably equipped. Only real limitations were no chalk and no AC (I sweat too much for no chalk or straps, bar was floating on puddles in my hand).
Giant set of
Strict press:ramping weight
Db Row:50 lbs x 12 per arm
Dips: bw x 8
KB reverse curl: 20 lbs x 10
Everything after the strict press stayed the same, done after each set of press. Just lifting press for convenience. Went up in 5-10 lb increments to get in a lot of volume
65 x 5
75 x 5
80 Ă 5
85 Ă 5
90 Ă 5
95 x 5
100 x 5
105 x 5
110 x 5
115 x 5
120 x 5
125 x 5
130 x 5
135 x 5
140 x 5
145 x 5
150 x 3
155 x 3 x 3
KB snatch, starting from floor and switching arms each rep
25 lbs x 100
Ab wheel SS/ cable rotation
X8/Ă12, increasing weight until hard to lower slowly
Another potentially very dangerous car accident, in no harm to me. This makes two in 3 years.
Front right tire went flat going 80-85 on the freeway, and as the rim hit the pavement, the wheel sheared off the lugs and I ended up riding my frame for a few hundred yards. Somehow didnât roll, slide any weird directions, and didnât hit any other vehicles. Best part, walked half a mile of freeway on either side in both directions, no sign of the wheel. Iâm assuming âJesus take the wheelâ, was taken literally as penance for not having a more severe accident.
Glad youâre safe manâŠalsoâŠ
âBlue Tacoma, California
Rays of gold are shining on ya
Wheels rolling on an old Toyotaâ
Crazy enough, after sliding along the frame for a few hundred yards, sheâs up and running after 7 hours in an Oâreillys parking lot.
Still never found that wheel thoughâŠ
Bought two 60 lb kettlebells, found a great price. Right around $85 with 3 day shipping for both. Quality control seems a little lacking though. One is matte finish with a little texture to the grip, other is high gloss and very slick. Canât complain too much at the price point, but unboxing was a bit surprising.
Jesus christ. Good youâre safe! What a dilemma.
Sure you werenât going 88? Your wheel could be in another time.
What year is your Tacoma? What bumper do your have? I recently got 2019 TRD.
I have an 08 TRD Sport. Gen 3 mounts might be a little different. I found mine on eBay, not a brand but a small business fabricator. That thing has taken 6 deer with the only damage to the pickup itself is/was the grill insert being chipped. Also handled skidding on the ground a bit without much of a mark. Iâve been very, very impressed so far. Big upgrade from the factory bumper I may have dented in hitting a sandbar at 40 mph trying to keep up with my buddies in jeeps.
As you can tell by my stupidity, misfortunes, and otherwise general struggles with vehicles, I like to buy old and run into the ground
Outside of my little trip to the guest gym, a little jump training and a couple of odd lifts balanced out any semblance of training for the last week. Working on planning out a bit of a conditioning/volume based training block for the next 12-16 weeks, might peak a bit at/near the end and tests where lifts are when conditioning is more a focus than 1RM percentage.
That was the big one. Regardless of any other issues, usually scenerios with speeds that high and a wheel leaving the vehicle entirely donât end with sliding in a perfectly straight line without injury to the shoulder of the freeway.
Have started off the past couple days with Airdyne work, primarily done only with the upper handles. A 1 minute sprint, 2 minutes moderate pace is much more miserable than I thought it would be.
Thatâs a pretty wild accident dude, sweet that it went as well as it could have.