New to this whole thing so pardon any misuse of words/terminology, but I had some questions about a cycle I’m considering starting.
I will be running Test 400 (1 cc a week), Kigtropin HGH (4 IUs split up daily), and orally taking d-bol tabs (25 mg twice a day).
Here’s the situation: I’m an athlete that is looking to gain lean mass but have am in a bit of a hurry to do so. That is why I am considering this cycle, which seems rather light in my mind but I really don’t know much about juice. Anyways, I am 280 lbs right now but am looking to get as much good weight on in the span of 3-5 months. Ideally, I would love to get up to 310 lbs.
Here’s the problem: Being an athlete in my situation, I must submit to a steroid drug test (also measures test levels) that comes by usually once a year (hoping towards summer around july) and selects 10% of our team. The person is notified a day before the test (test is in the early morning). During this supervised drug test, they make you lift your shirt up and stand directly to the side to get a nice good look at your business down below… That being said, there is obviously a risk in running this cycle and a whizzinator isn’t an option. I have read up a little on this concern, but wanted to get some more opinions on it.
Worst case scenario in my mind is I get selected to pee while still dirty. In this case, I was thinking a reverse catheterization might be able to work. I know I know, it’s extreme and maybe idiotic… but pain and germs aside, I was wondering if this was a good/plausible idea? Obviously I would be injecting clean urine from a friend, just prior to the test. I’m guessing after this was done, I would have about 30 minutes at the most before I would be able to pee. That leads to my last question. How long would clean urine remain clean in my bladder?
Also, I am open to any other suggestions/ideas for this.