With the increase in government powers from the Patriot act to the latest government overreach into health care when is enough enough? I am not well versed in politics or even the historical right to revolution and quite frankly would like to learn more about this topic.
What do those with more knowledge on this subject have to say about a possible 2nd revolution and do the people truly have the right to do so as our forefathers believed they did?
secondly are there any good books/speeches on the subject both for and against this topic anyone can would recommend?
My take thus far on the subject is that there will come a time, maybe it has already passed maybe it hasn’t, that reversing or “setting the ship right” so to speak will pass and a reboot of our system will be necessary. I also believe it is not only our right as Americans rebel if necessary, but our responsibility to do so for the good of the people.
Wait till the inflation really begins hits and the tax brackets don’t reset to the correct amount. Wait till the poorer of the tax payers start paying more and more. That is when you will see the rebellion, but it won’t be a violent rebellion we don’t really need those anymore, but it will be a rebellion at the voting booth.
You will see your revolution come November 2010 and 2012. People like Rand Paul and Peter Schiff are the future, you see what we are calling for is term limits. Once that happens most of this nonsense will end.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
With the increase in government powers from the Patriot act to the latest government overreach into health care when is enough enough? I am not well versed in politics or even the historical right to revolution and quite frankly would like to learn more about this topic.
What do those with more knowledge on this subject have to say about a possible 2nd revolution and do the people truly have the right to do so as our forefathers believed they did?
secondly are there any good books/speeches on the subject both for and against this topic anyone can would recommend?
My take thus far on the subject is that there will come a time, maybe it has already passed maybe it hasn’t, that reversing or “setting the ship right” so to speak will pass and a reboot of our system will be necessary. I also believe it is not only our right as Americans rebel if necessary, but our responsibility to do so for the good of the people.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
With the increase in government powers from the Patriot act to the latest government overreach into health care when is enough enough? I am not well versed in politics or even the historical right to revolution and quite frankly would like to learn more about this topic.
What do those with more knowledge on this subject have to say about a possible 2nd revolution and do the people truly have the right to do so as our forefathers believed they did?
secondly are there any good books/speeches on the subject both for and against this topic anyone can would recommend?
My take thus far on the subject is that there will come a time, maybe it has already passed maybe it hasn’t, that reversing or “setting the ship right” so to speak will pass and a reboot of our system will be necessary. I also believe it is not only our right as Americans rebel if necessary, but our responsibility to do so for the good of the people.
Enough will be enough in November. The people will speak at the ballot box. It will balance it out again.
While I think your spirit is healthy, we are not there yet.
We have a new administration, and all we should do is fight the political agendas we dont agree with public speech, to publish information on the topic, and then speak at the ballot box.
The supreme court will protect our rights. When we are at a big decision that overturns our rights further then there is cause for more alarm to even suggest a new revolution outside the political rules would occur.
The Patriot act, along with now telling us how to dispurse our hard earned funds mandated by government is a tough pill to swallow.
In each case the intention is good, but the outcome is usually less than desireable.
Read this forum, and every outlet you can to determine what you will frequent.
If you check these out, you will see who wants to discuss the trivial vs who shows how the government is out of control. I just gave you a 50/50 fair research review to determine this. The media has become another branch of our society that once criticized the establisment with relentless pursuit. That spirit is extremently muffled now. Choose wisely, and we can discuss further.
Now is not a time to take up arms. This will work itself out as long as we have folks like you wanting to learn more and willing to vote and discuss the issues with their friends and wake up the giant blob in the USA who now takes for granted the concepts this country was founded.
America’s not going to rebel. America is far too comfortable for a violent insurrection. Half it’s population doesn’t pay taxes, what do they care what the rates are? The John Galt half are largely too unconcerned to pick up and travel to another country, even to scope out business opportunities. The parties’ layout in Washington may switch to become more red, but it’s never going to be sufficiently red to change the constitution along party lines.
Jefferson believed in a political reboot too. He got elected. Turns out it was marketing.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
With the increase in government powers from the Patriot act to the latest government overreach into health care when is enough enough? I am not well versed in politics or even the historical right to revolution and quite frankly would like to learn more about this topic.
What do those with more knowledge on this subject have to say about a possible 2nd revolution and do the people truly have the right to do so as our forefathers believed they did?
secondly are there any good books/speeches on the subject both for and against this topic anyone can would recommend?
My take thus far on the subject is that there will come a time, maybe it has already passed maybe it hasn’t, that reversing or “setting the ship right” so to speak will pass and a reboot of our system will be necessary. I also believe it is not only our right as Americans rebel if necessary, but our responsibility to do so for the good of the people.
revolution no, people have become soft. an insurgency is much more likely. imagine, a small group of dedicated men. throwing back the leftist infestation with fire and iron.
Communist Manifesto is a good place to start, and then find some political scientists that dissect it in all its glories and most importantly, its failures.
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Don’t look for any revolution coming any time soon bud. [/quote]
I don’t believe a revolution is coming soon either. I truly believe we would fight another civil war long before another revolution. I am just looking for opinions on the matter.
[quote]John S. wrote:
Wait till the inflation really begins hits and the tax brackets don’t reset to the correct amount. Wait till the poorer of the tax payers start paying more and more. That is when you will see the rebellion, but it won’t be a violent rebellion we don’t really need those anymore, but it will be a rebellion at the voting booth.
You will see your revolution come November 2010 and 2012. People like Rand Paul and Peter Schiff are the future, you see what we are calling for is term limits. Once that happens most of this nonsense will end.[/quote]
A rebellion at the voters box sounds good in theory, but is the 2 party system we have really the answer? With this whole health care debacle I have really made a conscious effort to watch more of the news, local and national, and the more I watch the more I see how nothing will really change as long as we have a 2 party system.
Republicans vs Democrats is like Red Sox vs Yankee there are die hard fans that no matter what will defend their team to the death and do everything in their power to cause the other team problems.
What is the solution to party issues? more parties? No parties at all?
I agree it is not time yet and it may never be. I do see a growing divide in the country and truly believe a “civil” war of sort will be fought long before a revolution. I’m mean we are talking about treason here, but at the same time the greatest patriots in American history were treasonous.
What if the Supreme court doesn’t strike down this health care bill? Do we really truth that a Republican held Congress will do as they say and repeal this bill, granted they take the presidency as well.
What about the patriot act? I believe it has recently been extended no? Will this go on forever?
What about, and this maybe cause a stir, but is America to big geographically. People are so different in the northeast compared to the south, and the south is much different then the Midwest, and so forth and so on. Can a federal government really address all the issues of a very diverse nation or does the fed need to simple back off and allow the states to take more initiative and appease their residents?
Man, I’m mad as hell! Taxes are too high! Government is too big and too intrusive in my life! Those clowns in Congress don’t listen to the people! The banks are holding this country hostage!
I can’t take it anymore! That does it! I’m getting off my couch, going outside and I’m going too… Oh wait! The game’s on! Honey! Get me a beer!
America’s not going to rebel. America is far too comfortable for a violent insurrection. [/quote]
This is the fact of the matter right here. And not only are Americans, by and large, too comfortable, they are also far too lazy. Remember, revolts, even non-violent ones, require energy expenditure.
Also, one should look at some the responses from this thread. “People will revolt at the voting booth”. Sorry, but this is a misguided train of the thought. Voting for another asshole in a suit and tie isn’t going to solve anything. The libertarians here have already said it, but it bears repeating. Don’t support politicians, support ideas and principles.
ultimately, this idiot should be impeached.
republicans will fail to take advantage of an opportunity
to distance themselves and prove themselves worthy to represent the people.
once they get elected this fall and prove once again it’s politics as usual,
then the insurrection will occur