Assange is free

No they are not! Morals are measured against the truth. Whoever may be closer to the truth has the best version of morals.(Hey look you still don’t know what you are talking about.)b Because slavery lasted for as long as it did and was considered right and okay did that make it so or was it always wrong?

So 12 years of losing your freedoms on some laws that were written to protect the selfish and truly immoral was breaking the law? So, if a law was passed that permitted murder, would that be okay because the law said so?

Yes. Laws are laws. Breaking one whether you agree with it or not is still illegal.

Keep digging the hole fool. Everyone else can wrap their head around moral relativity. And it was explained repeatedly to you.

Laws and morality are not equivalent things. Not that hard to get your smooth brain around.

The truth according to who? The Christians? Muslims? Jews? Buddhists? Astrophysicists? The Ancient Greeks? All believe in a different “truth”.

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This sounds good when you say it.
And then someone asks: "Who determines the “truth?”

I believe that is a true statement here in the USA.

As long as the woman didn’t try to vote in those days, she was “right” with the law.

We may as well give up. His brain is too smooth to comprehend.

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It is the cheapest entertainment that I know.

He gets all mad… and swears… That is pure entertainment.

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strong text[quote=“cyclonengineer, post:62, topic:287997”]
Keep digging the hole fool. Everyone else can wrap their head around moral relativity. And it was explained repeatedly to you.

And keep dodging the obvious answer to avoid admitting you are/were wrong. Slavery is always wrong no matter what groups of people think it’s right. It is Notrelative. Can YOU wrap your head around that statement?

Let me answer you in your own words. Laws are laws. Breaking one whether you agree with it or not is still illegal. So if a law were passed that permitted murder it would be okay, because the law said so?

God. Not man.

So the law was correct-not allowing women to vote.

Because your ideology doesn’t hold up to questioning?

Who or what determines what God has determined as truth?

Not at all what I said.

You only believe this because you were brought up in a time and place where this is the case. You would not hold the same position born in another place, time or culture. In fact you may be arguing the opposite in that case and would believe your position to be the morally superior one. You would have no clue that you might be wrong. Clearly relative because it is always measured against some set of standards. But this has all already been explained to you.

Your idea of questioning and critical thought is highly suspect.

And that right there is the relativity of your morality. It’s measured against a supreme being you believe to exist.

Yes. Our ancestors knew better.

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Murder is a legal term. A law cannot permit something that is illegal. If murder were legal, it wouldn’t be murder. In other words, there could be no such thing as legal murder.

God allowed slavery and what you would call murder. He also had some zany ideas when it came to women.

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I know you didn’t come to this conclusion just now.

But is it ok though? To make fun of the handicapped?

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And I thought he was a professor of economics at the University of Phoenix.

Considering this is the foundation of “truth” in your view of morality, you owe it to yourself to decide how God communicates the definition of truth for every moral dilemma.

Don’t forget multiple times condoned and committed genocide.

Which, if morality is absolute and genocide is absolutely not moral, means God is immoral. Should one worship an immoral god?

God allows for free will.

Or if it was allowed w/o punishment, then what?