Here ya go, pick one:
Q. What do you see as the greatest problem facing the world today?
Q. What is your opinion on the nature, constancy, and relevancy of time?
Q. Should the government, by power of a law passed by a referendum of the people, be allowed to sterilize those who have proven themselves to be exceptionally stupid, but not criminal, so they may not contribute to the contamination of the gene pool?
Q. Are you a good tipper and what do you think about the whole tipping issue?
Q. Why do most people end up living mediocre, “regular” lives?
Q. Who, out of any person, would do the best job of dictator with total control of the world, and please give a real response.
Q. Do you feel human beings are inherently selfish?
Q. Do you think that a great goal in life is to leave the world a better place than it was when you arrived?
Q. Are organic foods any more healthful than ordinary foods?
Q. So do you think George Bush is really an idiot, or incredibly smart and just plays an idiot on TV?
Q. Can you give an easy solution for all the Middle East problems, including but not limited to ethnic issues, religious issues, corruption issues, oil issues, nuclear issues, and last but not least, the poor history of this region in the soccer world cup?
Q. Your thoughts on genetically modified food/animals/people??
Q. Your opinion on evolution vs. punctuated evolution vs. Intelligent Design vs. Creationism
Q. What is the title/who is the author of the last three books you’ve read, and what is your opinion about those books?
Q. Do you agree that omnivores should be at their most healthy when they eat a mixed diet including both meat and vegetables?
Q. Telepathy?
Q. Assisted suicide
Q. Do you think people can be ‘born gay’, or is it developmental?
Q. Does a human life have a significant innate worth, or is that worth instead largely determined by what that human accomplishes, experiences, and how the human treats and burdens others?
Q. Favorite TV shows?
Q. Most futuristic thing you wish would be invented now?
Q. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Q. Do you think, if left alone and unmolested, that Islam will become a religion of peace and usher in a new age of enlightenment and brotherly love?
Q. Do you believe that writing daily affirmations actually works?
Q. Are we the only “intelligent” humanoid species in the universe?
Q. Are those real?