In case anyone is interested, I’ve been reading Arthur Jones’s Nautilus Bulletins, as I recently got a copy in the mail. I was curious if anyone has tried this routine or what Dr. Darden thinks of it now, some 50 years later!
Yes and I have and I really liked it. They are basics exercises that A.J. liked. They are still true today.
I would move #5 regular grip chinning to the #1 position.
Many times when I watched AJ train, he would begin with chins and overhead presses.
That’s very cool, thank you! Did he like to do chins and Dips weighted or unweighted?
“Meat & Potatoes” HIT. Did that, or very similar, for years. IF you are aging and/or don’t always get enough sleep, may I suggest changing out 2 exercises per workout for single-joint exercises with more isolation, and thus less systemic inroading.
Leg Ext for Squat, Chest Flyes for Dips, Shrugs for Deadlifts, etc.
IF doing ALL HIT exercises, my sweet spot seemed to be around 7 exercises per workout, with only 3 of them being heavy compound movements.
P.S. I’d not do Squats and DLs in the same workout for any extended period of time. Better off rotating those!!
AJ did chins both weighted and unweighted. Dips were only with his body weight.
Any reason he didn’t add weight to the dips? Usually one is stronger on dips than chins.
As per Bulletin #1, anyone ever use Jones’s 10/8/6 ( add 10% to the descending rep sets plus 3 minutes res) routine ?
Jones had a shoulder that had been damaged by a lion attack in Africa.
That’s a pretty good reason. I hate when that happens. Lol. What an amazing life.
Wow. That is the best excuse I’ve ever heard. Lol
Now that you mention that it’s all coming back when I was visiting Nautilus in the 70s and Jones sicd one of his alligators on me and it bit my rotor cuff hense my trouble with chins! Ha ha!